Toronto G8&G20

Out of context: Reply #92

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  • LOKi0

    I was there too, and in Quebec 10 years ago. Quebec was different, there was way more open confrontation, but it was like a cat and mouse game (not that it was a game, it was brutal and ugly) between the cops and the demonstrators. We pushed, they shot at us, we backed away, then regrouped, and pushed back, etc. Despite the violence, it made sense, and in the end we actually managed to disrupt and deligitimize the FTAA talks. To the point that the agreement was never signed.

    Toronto has been a different story. The countless stories are much more horrific because it isn't even about conflict. The violence is a side issue to the intimidation, fear, control and criminilisation of people working for social change. I have a friend in jail now who was nabbed out of her bed at gunpoint at 4am on Saturday morning (before the demo)!!! The cops broke into the home at which she was staying and just grabbed her and her friends. at gunpoint.

    let me say that one more time. Cops broke into the home of a private citizen and kidnapped an innocent women at gunpoint and are now holding her in jail.

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