KILL IT of the day

Out of context: Reply #157

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  • scarabin0

    "There are many, many species of “parasitoid” wasp whose larvae develop in the bodies of other insects, particularly caterpillars, and there are many of these which can alter their host’s behavior, but Glyptapanteles may be one of the most shocking. Like other parasitoid wasps, the larvae will eventually eat their way out of their caterpillar host to spin cocoons and develop into adults, but in this case, the process does not kill the caterpillar. Instead, the partially eaten host will stand guard over the wasp cocoons, cover them in layers of silk and flail viciously at tresspassing insects. When the parasites are finished their metamorphosis and emerge from their cocoons as wasps, the zombie caterpillar finally dies of starvation and exhaustion."

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