Apple products are way overrated

Out of context: Reply #35

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  • ukit0

    Seriously, this is pure ignorance...I had a PC for a few years and recently switched so I know.

    It's not fanboyism to say that Macs are just better designed and engineered, hands down. With a Mac I can tell it was built from the standpoint of actually delivering a good experience...with the PC I feel like I'm being sold a machine as a pretense to sell me anti virus software.

    • i use vmware fusion w/ xp home for stuff. it's like an endless barrage of security updates and virus scan prompts.prophet0NE
    • even if your update your anti-virus, there a ton of new stuff that your not protected against.akrokdesign
    • CRITICAL - your security settings may be out of date! Would YOU like to start paying Norton $20/ month?ukit
    • Option 1: Yes. Option 2: Remind me again in 10 minutes.ukit
    • HATE THAT STUFF!akrokdesign

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