
Out of context: Reply #17685

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  • 74LEO0

    Only thing guaranteeing Obama wins again is the minority vote and conservative republican blacks.

    Santorum = conservative christian so these voters will never vote for a mormon. These christians will try to get the black vote(conservative baptists) but santorum already burned that bridge most likely conservative black christians will vote for obama. Obama wins!

    Obama approved natural gas drilling = big oil/gas who give a lot of money to romney but will likely vote for obama.

    ron paul = young republicans kinda like nader who could take some needed votes from a republicon. Good!

    Newt appeals to teh old republicans sitting in their retirement home. Newt just babbles and will drop out soon.

    You'll see Obama starting to appease to republicons more, get corporations on board, make some jobs and keep big oil gas happy. All the while we get hit at the pumps.

    But as Bill Mahr said unemployment is down confidence is up! yeaaahy!

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