
Out of context: Reply #173

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  • TheBlueOne0

    You know all this Palin smoke and mirrors shit, and the McCain\Rove strategy to make this about personalities and not issues is just so fucking fucked. This country needs real leadership right now, and an engaged and educated populace...thanks to thie weekends bailout of freddie and fannie expect the US deficeit to reach it's first trillion dollar mark sometime next year. This is insane.

    Hey JOhn Q. Public ^- all the rich guys just got their ass saved for doing their best "heckuva job brownie" routine, and about a trillion of the taxpayers dollars just went out of the country to Japan, China and Russia to keep them from pulling the plug on our sorry ass economy and by extension the US War on whatever the fuck we're calling it this week. I bet a whole bunch of small banks with overexposure are going to go into the fucking toilet next week...

    Meanwhile dumbfucks across the nation want to hand the economy over to the jackholewho got us into this mess, and god forbid he dies, some know nothing bumblefuck fromthe frigid north who won't talkp to the press until she's "brought up to speed"...

    wake. the. fuck. up.

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