
  • moth

    Gipsy Hill

    Finally I have a new place to live -again.

    Nice two bed flat for £800pm, 5 seconds to the pub, 10 seconds to the Curry House, 1…

    Sep 27, 0430 replies
  • moth

    Domain Transfers.

    Sweet mother mary... We're migrating hosts. I've got to transfer 23 domain names (and websites), a mix of .com and .orgs and .nets…

    Sep 24, 044 replies
  • moth

    Opera & iframes.

    I just downloaded Opera 7.54 to do some site testing with. The site uses iFrames to the same premise as Newstoday - and it refuses…

    Sep 19, 043 replies
  • moth


    Is it just me or is this year a serious pain in the ass?

    I'm going to have it's ass kicked by big burly men... For me, too many…

    Sep 16, 049 replies
  • moth

    Cine Films

    Oh wow! My uncle got hold of a load of old Cine films from my Grandparents house. Apart from the joy of seeing my Dad aged about 1…

    Sep 15, 044 replies
  • moth


    Is going to my Aunt's on Saturday because my asthma and alergies can't cope:…

    At …

    Sep 10, 043 replies
  • moth

    Q. PHP wordwrap + \ n

    I used wordwrap to wrap some text and also split long urls. Trouble is, now my nl2br don't work as it should (obviously) and even …

    Sep 9, 041 replies
  • moth

    Come To Daddy

    Just seen "The Work Of Director Chris Cunningham" DVD.

    I'm wondering, was the dude coming out of the TV before, or after "The R…

    Sep 7, 0417 replies
  • moth


    Just thought I'd share my own special moment of having coded the basics of my site relaunch in CSS/ PHP/ XHTML. I'm not great at p…

    Sep 3, 040 replies
  • moth

    UK Police

    I posted a few weeks ago about my building manager being threatened with a knife. Well later that night I saw I guy get stabbed at…

    Sep 2, 0416 replies
  • moth


    Can anyone tell me if Dreameaver MX writes PHP that needs register _ globals set to "On"?

    In other words, will it play nice wit…

    Sep 1, 043 replies
  • moth

    going mad here..

    "Could we not make more of the logo - say by adding smaller ones next to the menu items so that they wiggle when you pass over the…

    Aug 27, 0418 replies
  • moth

    i'm gonna cry..

    For the 6th time in 3 years I have to move house, AGAIN. I've only been in this pad for 3 months and the landlord is selling up.

    Aug 25, 0443 replies
  • moth


    So the odds of another big-bang is one divided by one followed by 100million trillion trillion trillion trillion noughts and the e…

    Aug 23, 0416 replies
  • moth

    Uniform Server.

    Need a little advice.
    I want to run a webserver on my desktop pc for development without internet access.

    Is this any good?

    Aug 23, 040 replies
  • moth

    Inland Revenue (rant)

    Fucking cunts. My girlfriend is trying to get a permanent residence stamp. To get this, she needs to prove she's paying tax and na…

    Aug 20, 0411 replies
  • moth


    ..our building managers' just had knife put to his throat.... there's a whole gang of them milling around.... fuck

    Aug 19, 0413 replies
  • moth

    You're useless

    i've got a hangover and this place is boring me today.


    Aug 19, 0417 replies
  • moth

    logo comment

    I run a community site that's in for a major revamp:

    ID as such is none existent I'm trying to de…

    Aug 18, 0441 replies
  • moth

    CV's, Good, Bad & Ugly

    We've currently placed an add for a graphic designer (Jr) in some well-known publications... and, what the HELL is up with graduat…

    Aug 13, 0417 replies