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  • NBQ00-4

    • I don’t think that’s the real video, it’s now been verified by the bbc https://www.bbc.com/…_niko
    • Clearly not the same place, the bbc footage shows it’s in an area with lots of buildings_niko
    • The bbcs not perfect but I’ll take them over armchair twitter and YouTube “journalists” any day_niko
    • then it's something different.NBQ00
    • This explosion in the nbq’video is of the Hamas car-bomb on the wadi bridge. The BBC article if a different attack and bbc did not conclude who was responsibleGnash
    • i did see a video purported to be israeli attacks on fleeing civilians on a road like this.doesnotexist
  • Ramanisky22

  • neverscared-2

  • Ramanisky20

  • Khurram1

  • Jrdntnnr13

    Receiving treatment at the hospital, having to shelter in the stairwell from missiles. Average day.

    • It must take immense strength and resilience to endure this challenge.
      Much love, stay strong!
    • The other day I was taking the kids to their grandparents, got caught by a siren and had to duck and cover on the side of the road. For me it's OK,Jrdntnnr
    • But they won't be coming out of this psychologically unscathedJrdntnnr
    • And also a collective sorry for some of us here getting trapped in egoistic opinions / discussions from far away. Keep your spirit strong!uan
    • From personal experience, kids are more resilient than one might think. Encourage open communication and provide time and space to express their thoughts.uan
    • Good to hear your fam is safe for now. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. Stay strongGnash
    • +1 uan
      @Jrdntnnr I can't imagine what you and yours are going through either. And I'm going to echo uan: deep apologies
    • for the level of discourse here, it must make awful reading for you, everything considered.Continuity
    • <3PonyBoy
    • Keep it strong, time heals almost everything... Stay safe <3OBBTKN
    • Thanks everyoneJrdntnnr
    • Protecting your kids through this is a nightmare I can't even fathom, talking about them shows how important they are to you.whatthefunk
    • sorry to hear...stay safe!utopian
    • stay healthy stay safe !neverscared
  • NBQ00-3

    Footage has been released showing a Hamas Terrorist having Filmed his own Death during the Surprise Attack on Southern Israel last Saturday; the Group of Hamas Terrorist appear to be walking through a Settlement as they are ambushed and Liquidated by an armed resident.


    • When are you gonna post something about the suffering and death of innocent Palestinians ???Ramanisky2
    • Check the Israel bombing shit threadNBQ00
    • And these here are Hamas we're talking aboutNBQ00
    • still drinking the soup i seedoesnotexist
    • I’m not talking about HummUsss I’m talking about innocent Palestinians.Ramanisky2
    • So you don't like seeing dead Hamas terrorists?NBQ00
    • Alluha bye bye HamasGnash
    • I see they're wearing their army issued protective green bandanas_niko
    • They got that from ninja turtlesGnash
    • If you're a reasonable human being you don't like seeing dead human beings. Period.bogue
    • even the guy that did this, bogue?
    • yeah... even that guy. I don't wish death upon anyone.bogue
    • fairGnash
    • @bogue, seriously. I don't give a fuck when a Hamas terrorist murder films his own death and wants the world to see. Why should I pity himNBQ00
    • just responding to your "so you don't like seeing dead Hamas terrorists" question. The answer is no... I don't like seeing dead anybody. Calm your bloodlust.bogue
    • they were going in there killing as many people as they could find. so fuck them. stop pretending like that person was some innocent bystander.NBQ00
  • Ramanisky25

    • Very true. But he just made that up to sound smart on Twitter and get retweets.NBQ00
    • You really are a special kind of stupid, NBQ.Continuity
    • Do you really believe people ask him "which children?"NBQ00
    • You would.Continuity
    • Have a shot every time Baldie insults me :)NBQ00
    • Have a shot every time, as canoe rightly pointed out, NBQ00 talks out of both sides of his mouth.Continuity
    • Drunk before breakfastNBQ00
    • I wouldn't take it too hard NB. Baldie thinks you can look to the other side of Lake Ontario.hotroddy
    • And yet, despite claiming to have lived in Argentina, where 30 million Italian immigrants reside, Canoe struggles to distinguish an Italian accenthotroddy
    • oh, I forgot to mention Baldie is 'Canadian'.hotroddy
    • Ayyyye there is hotknobby!pango
    • I imagine it's better to be the hero of stupid than the hero of incompetence

    • classic hotdoddy quote .. he is always leading the field of intellectual disabilityneverscared
    • “They want to know” is not the same as “asked me which children”nb
    • Internationally or domestically, President Biden is undeniably embodying the essence of that quote.hotroddy
    • "white monkeys so brave". Neverscared. You'd fit right in on the front lines of Palestine with that quote.hotroddy
    • They speak Castellano in Argentina and it sounds nothing like Italian. Every country in South America besides Brazil and Guyana speak some form of Spanish.canoe
    • You sound like a redneck... I wouldn't be surprised if your only connection to the creative industry is trolling QBN.canoe
  • NBQ00-4

  • milfhunter5

    I find it always interesting that Palestine protester only talk about the occupation that happend from 1948 till now, and that only the Palestine people are indigenous. The existence of Israelites in the region Canaan goes all the way back in the time of the ancient Egypts. Not saying that it makes it right to occupy certain parts of the region but you can not deny that Jews don't belong there.

    In general i miss this information in the mainstream news.
    Its not a problem from the last century, they have been bashing each others heads in for the last 3000 years.

    • not even hamas denies that. they deny the zionust state of israel, and sy their war is with israel, not the jews.hans_glib
    • *sayhans_glib
    • *zionisthans_glib
    • hamas actually does want jews erradicated, not just the stateGnash
    • fate of the Jews should be "complete killing, total extermination and eradicating perdition (al-qatl al-tam wal-ibada al-kamila wal-fana' al-mahiq)."Gnash
    • @hans never said anything about denyingmilfhunter
    • "Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion..."hans_glib
    • "Hamas does not wage a struggle against
      the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine..."
    • "Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly
      identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal
    • ^^ straight from the horse's mouth:
    • from the Hamas charter:
      "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews),...
    • ...when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.Gnash
    • Mahmoud al-Zahar, Hamas co-founder: "There is no place for you among us, and you have no future among the nations of the world. You are headed for annihilation"Gnash
    • Abdallah Jarbu, Hamas deputy minister “annihilate this filthy people who have neither religion nor conscience.”Gnash
    • The horses mouth speaks more clearly when addressing Palestinians in Arabic mediaGnash
    • ... than when addressing western mediaGnash
  • NBQ00-4

    Germany threatened to deport all Hamas supporters from the country.

    German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said in an interview with Bild that German authorities will use all legal means to deport supporters of the Palestinian group Hamas from the country. She emphasized that protecting Jews, as well as Jewish and Israeli institutions, is the highest priority of the authorities.

    "It is terrible that many families are concerned. This makes it even more important to send the following message: 'We are firmly on your side! We will do everything to protect you,'" the publication quoted Faeser as saying.

    She also emphasized that there is zero tolerance in Germany for anti-Semitic and anti-Israel provocations and violence in general.


    • Hamas is a piece of shit, but there is legitimate reason for Palestinians to protest and confusing those with Hamas is gonna happenGnash
    • probably. I think they mean instances like in Australia where the scum shouted "Gas the Jews"NBQ00
    • ya, but saying stupid shit doesn't necessarily mean they are in Hamas. being a dick shouldn't get you deported or arrestedGnash
    • The underlying assumption is anyone "supporting Hamas" can't be a citizen, must be there on a visa or something.i_monk
  • face_melter4

    Zionists are losing their minds that Taylor Swift isn't stopping BABIES from being raped.

    Normally I would say this is ultimate and peak internet fuckery, but we've barely started on this path to hell.

    Meanwhile, Taylor is getting balled nine ways to Saturday, she don't give a shit about some screaming harridan on Twitter.

    • What did Taylor do (or didn't)? Context?NBQ00
    • https://www.youtube.…Gnash
    • raped babies? don't see that data confirmed anywhere. alleged beheading of babies also unconfirmed.sarahfailin
    • "Guys, this is not a drill. Taylor Twists bodyguard..."NBQ00
    • Who's Eden?pango
    • Well it turns out most of the Israeli dead was because of the IDF. They lost control and used "overwhelming" force which is what they do in these situations.Khurram
    • Killed everyone, including their own, and started spinning wild media narratives about what Hamas done.Khurram
    • And now they're too scared to enter Gaza lolKhurram
    • Come on you ruthless pussies. Put some boots on the ground. Let's see what you're about.Khurram
    • You'd be fucked like Hezbullah fucked you in 2006Khurram
    • Meanwhile Blinken spends all weekend trying to convince the Arabs to transplant the entire population of Gaza into the Sinai desert:Khurram
    • https://www.timesofi…Khurram
    • Of course the irony of that little scheme is completely lost on the Zionists.Khurram
    • ...and the Americans.Khurram
    • dude, I was just posting about how Taylor is getting filled out by a footballer.face_melter
    • lol @ khurram getting hoity toity about the norms watching mainstream media when he gets his ..input.. from god knows? Putin's own pustulus anus?Nairn
  • neverscared0

  • _niko3

    It seems to me that most Jewish intellectuals and philosophers, scholars etc are firmly against Israel's heavy handed actions.

    The only ones that are pro-israel are whiny little bitches like Ben Shapiro and the like, but they're just a bunch of right-wing cucks.

    And I don't think any of them are pro-hamas

    Why is this the case?

    • although Chomsky's Jewish in the cultural sense not in the religious sense._niko
    • Because people like Noam are correct and I have respect for him. However he's also usually always very anti-west.NBQ00
    • The issue here is that Hamas is also to blame, especially this time because it was expected that Israel would react so harshly. Hamas don't care about its pplNBQ00
    • The Hamas bosses have a luxury life in Doha while their citizens are suffering.NBQ00
    • no, Hamas is 100% to blame, as is the Israeli fundamentalists._niko
    • The left just doesn't like him when he talks about Assange and that he should be freed.NBQ00
    • You're the best at generalizing!canoe
    • loldoesnotexist
    • Noam rulesnb
    • NBQ - Has respect for Noam. Never read Fateful Triangle. smhcanoe
  • Krassy6

    Hamas general intelligence head 'assassinated' - Israeli military


    • The fact that they 'tweet' stuff like this says a lotcanoe
    • I guess he wasn't intelligent enoughyuekit
    • Lolz @yuekitideaist
  • NBQ00-5

    The IDF is applying Russian tactics of leveling everything to the ground


  • pango2

    Still relevant
    At least the world is consistent

  • Beeswax5

    As a recent opinion piece in Haaretz states, speaking of Netanyahu,

    His life’s work was to turn the ship of state from the course steered by his predecessors, from Yitzhak Rabin to Ehud Olmert, and make the two-state solution impossible. En route to this goal, he found a partner in Hamas.

    ‘Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,’ he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”

    • jfc.doesnotexist
    • Fucking psychopath. And it would weave into the narrative why Hamas managed to plan and execute the massacre without Israel “knowing”_niko
  • nb0

    I don’t really get how some of my (white, privileged) friends are going to protest marches “in support of Palestinians”

    Like, I would understand marching for peace (as ineffective as that may be) but like, Hamas is made up of Palestinians, no? I know the difference and I know that not all Palestinians support Hamas, but many do, right? Seems to me that being pro-Palestine is to SOME EXTENT being anti-Israel

    Please educate me if I’m wrong. I’m only trying to understand

    • Feels like a two-state solution seems like the most fair, from an outsiders perspective. but I understand how politically both sides would oppose thatnb
    • We are WAY beyond a two state solution at this point, young grasshoppacherub
    • We are?nb
    • Ya, last week has pretty much sent the whole process back decadesGnash
    • Yes, and it seems on its way to getting worse, not good :(OBBTKN
    • not that it's that hard to understand mutual exclusivity but no Israelis and Palestinians chose to be born there or chose to be indoctrinated in to religiouskingsteven
    • feuds. but support for Palestine is largely due to Israeli oppression. Anti-apartheid in the same way people supported Mandella.kingsteven
    • i'm only guessing that people that can't get their head around this have been totally unaware of the humanitarian crisis unfolding over years, all the rallieskingsteven
    • , the convoys of aid that have been sent and denied. that the UN never has never condemned an act of Hammas as terror, that Jewish academics call it apartheid.kingsteven
    • the Israeli govt' is failing domestically yet still has overwhelming western support. so protesting a potential genocide - being performed in your name...kingsteven
    • is really not anti-Isrealkingsteven
    • "not all Palestinians support Hamas" isn't even the issue. it's really not your fault if you support the same football team as your father etc.kingsteven
    • as with the dispute between NBQ and Cont. where he equates not denouncing a terrorist attack to support. it really shouldn't need to be explained to anyonekingsteven
    • with morals that is capable of reasoning that this is false equivalence.kingsteven
    • to the point i would say people that can't sympathise probably have their own hang-ups that prevent them from having a logical humanitarian responsekingsteven
    • Wow! “It’s not your fault if you support the same football team as your father” is one of the craziest justifications for terrorism that I’ve heardnb
    • I don’t think you can accuse Israel of wanting genocide while ignoring the fact that Palestine supports Hamasnb
    • Wow. Dad’s football team ≠ dad’s death cultGnash
    • it's not justification of terrorism. it's understanding having grown up in a warzone with friends that would have killed eachother on sight 30 yrs agokingsteven
    • I'm talking about the idea that you would blame Palestinians for support of Hamas being equivalent to blaming someone for supporting a football team. I am notkingsteven
    • equating sports and terrorism obviously ffskingsteven
    • Yes I know. It’s still a fucking crazy justification for terrorismnb
    • By the same logic one could argue that Jews are justified in supporting Israel’s bombing of and expanding into Palestine.nb
    • of course but the only people denying Isreal's right to exist in the west are Nazis while some people on this forum are weighing up their conscience in thekingsteven
    • face of the obliteration of Palestine?kingsteven
    • how else do palestinians fight an apartheid policy? maybe they create a group like hamas?doesnotexist
    • But less like Hamascanoe
    • Just fyi neither side wants a two-state solutionnb
    • I’ve heard Jewish interviewees say “there is no such thing Palestine, it’s all Israel” and of course you know Palestinians would remove Israel if they couldnb
    • Pretty fucked up that the west could solve this, and we all know hownb
  • imbecile1