
Out of context: Reply #124

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    (opinion piece from the Washington Post, run through ClearThis to bypass the paywall)

    'We cannot stand by and watch Israel commit atrocities'


    Hey-ho, here are some choice quotes worth paying attention to, for the binary-brained among you I know won't bother reading it:

    'Language is being hijacked. People using the terms “decolonization” and “liberation” in describing Palestinians’ struggle for human rights have had their remarks taken out of context and have been accused of championing Hamas’s brand of terrorism. This not only silences debate on the illegal, morally unjust occupation of Palestinian territory, but also implies a subconscious, irrational fear of oppressed minorities anywhere rising up and exacting violent revenge.'


    'Journalists who cast themselves as arbiters of truth have amplified unverified claims, including one that 40 babies had been decapitated by Hamas militants. (As of Friday morning, there was no photographic evidence nor government confirmation to support the claim.)'

    [Gosh, really? Who'd have thought that gem was an outright porky ...]


    '[...] the United States cannot stand by and allow Israel to carry out the collective punishment it has declared it will exact. It cannot stand by as Israeli officials engage in genocidal language and describe genocidal intent against Palestinians for the actions of Hamas.'

    • No critique of Hamas last Saturday for what they did by you. No critique of Hamas that they're putting their people into this situation knowing the outcomeNBQ00
    • What did they/ you think Israel would do? Just stand back? It's unfortunate what is happening now but not unexpected. And you can blame Hamas for it.NBQ00
    • But of course you won't, because you have your SJW pro-palestine goggles on. It's all Israels fault. Always.NBQ00
    • Are you talking again, idiot? You should know better.Continuity
    • There's no real discussion because all you do is just insults, not dialogue. Because you have no real arguments for what I just wrote?NBQ00
    • would doubt the intelligence agency give out a photo of the babies if its exists.... imagine the rage that would stir up...neverscared
    • There's no real discussion because:
      a) you're too stupid to have one, and;
      b) what you write is regurgitated shit from YouTube videos, and;
      c) I don't like you.
    • @neverscared That rage is precisely why intelligence agencies would give it out. It would absolutely guarantee almost universal western support for theirContinuity
    • ... upcoming flattening of Gaza. But, since it's nowhere out there that anyone's actually seen in the public, we're told to trust their word (propaganda).Continuity
    • You seem very much intolerant, baldie. Like those muslims living in Berlin who hate Jews and get all the benefits of EU welfare while spewing hate.NBQ00
    • flol that again? Straight out of the pages of the Daily Mail. It amazes me every single time when you demonstrate just how stupid you actually are to the world.Continuity
    • israel has alraedy full western support....staatsräs... to protect israel habeck said...they murdered young kids.. that so close to babies ...neverscared
    • staatsräson....neverscared
    • or do i miss one western country which is not condemning the hamas attack ?neverscared
    • https://www.youtube.…neverscared
    • @neverscared by "Western support", I mean support for the upcoming genocide, which some Western country are paying (weak) lip service to.Continuity
    • they have to negotiate the hostages out first...its war .. or they try to break them out ..neverscared
    • lol okContinuity
    • and thats where the western countries have skin in the game too..neverscared
    • its not funny...neverscared
    • Well, it is a bit funny that you think IL will hold off on its eradication of Gaza until they've busted out the hostages.Continuity
    • But, OK. You do you, boo-boo.Continuity
    • i don´t want u to hold off anything.. not only bust out hostages.. but take out hamas high circles down to the simple foot terrorists...neverscared
    • i guess thats what staatsräson means...neverscared
    • harming civilians is a crime everywhere !neverscared
    • Of course it’s a crime everywhere. Won’t stop IL, though. Watch.Continuity
    • Hey! You can't fight in here! This is the war thread!Khurram
    • ha!_niko

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