QBN Out of Context Responses (QBNOoCR)

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • palimpsest3

    "Cooking = digesting. Hence humans were able to evolve. You ever see a sheep or cow? They eat, then sit around digesting. If they could find a way to cook grass.
    ... then farm animals might start doing phd's
    the more you can pre-digest your food, the more time you have to do non survival stuff like 'think' about this and that.
    chewing = develop jaw strength = your face, voice, teeth, breathing = more healthy."
    - shapesalad

    • I would LOVE to hear more of shapesalad's theories on evolution.palimpsest
    • Me too, but I'm off to the gym now. It's heavy jaw day, 5x5.Continuity
    • Mens sana in corpore sano.palimpsest
    • You have to take Shape's responses with a pinch of salt. Remember, salt was invented to allow us to appreciate the flavour of our meals more thoroughlyIanbolton
    • Did I just say salt was invented? Yep, you did Ian. And now Im talking to myself again.Ianbolton
    • LOLpalimpsest
    • Cooked food is easier to digest. Protein utilization from raw eggs is only half compared to cooked eggs. External digestiondrgs
    • While I work, I half listen to loads of science podcasts... then I half remember the details, and post it here. Enjoy!shapesalad
    • mm, drgs - I always liked the idea that cooking food means that we pre-digest food so our intestines are shorter and our bellies less smaller and less round.Nairn
    • I'll bet this is why animals always nap and are sleepy all the timedrgs
    • In fact, some scientists have even speculated that cows might sleep standing up because they're too tired from all that chewing to lie down.
    • It’s a very strong theory that cooking was one of the direct causes of our punctuated evolution as a species. Lots of evidence supports this.monospaced
    • The reason humans started cooking their food is because our prehistoric ancestors were tired of getting jaw cramps from chewing raw meat all the time.palimpsest
    • Without cooking we would have never evolved!
    • Counter-point: Liver King. Go.Continuity
    • Liver King is not a human, he's evolved into Homo Heparus.palimpsest

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