
Out of context: Reply #47

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  • uan2

    I wonder if there is some documentary where he talks about psychodelics...I mean, his collaborations with Jodorowsky, the unreal nature and innovation in his drawings, the time period he was‘s pretty clear this guys were pretty high most of the time

    • or at least had some liberating experiences somewhere down the road.uan
    • He took mushrooms once, but he said it opened the doors enough for him to do what he did.PhanLo
    • Moebius left smoking marihuana in 1990. As he said, he no longer needed it for inspiration.OBBTKN
    • Yes no drugs, pretty serious guyi_was
    • grew up on his artwork, along with philippe druillet, caza, bilal, corben etc... such a massive massive fan of those guys.exador1

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