UK is Fucked

Out of context: Reply #123

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  • Nairn1

    Beyond independence, Sturgeon is keen to keep close to the EU with an eye to readmission therein, so either way it makes sense for her to get the boot into Johnson any time she can. In other news, she also mooted disallowing Johnson permission to visit Scotland due to it not being deemable as 'essential work'. Petty. Funny. Unlikely to actually happen.

    The detail in this whole vaccine mess is more likely just down to the EU fumbling procurement whilst AZ slightly mismanaged production ramping. I'd be surprised to see any intentional complicity from the UK government, despite what some blinkered continentals with bright yellow stars in their eyes might want to believe...

    • The egregious thing in all of this is the EU disallowed member states to sort their own vaccines out. Great work!Nairn
    • Well, Boris already went to scotland yesterday. Press opportunities with politicians as so cringe.shapesalad
    • The vaccine / Eu / UK issue is: EU a bit slow, but did get their vaccines at cheaper price. UK, lowered standards to get vaccine first to 1up EU.shapesalad
    • They didn't 'lower standards' they just hurried along the usual bureaucratic steps that create delays in the approval process.Nairn
    • We like to moan about our country, but the fact is, the UK is 'quite good' at pharma - they might actually know what they're doing moreso than us plebs.Nairn
    • that's dangerously wrong, shape. The EU dropped a bollock - nothing to do with lowering standards. You can still hate brexit.Fax_Benson
    • lol "cheaper price" — that makes it ok / not so bad then?NonEntity
    • he already went to Scotland yesterday.fadein11
    • ^^^^Couldn't agree more, Nairn. AZ was designed by Oxford? I'll take it, based on reputation alone. Meanwhile, Moderna enters the chat...cherub
    • https://www.nytimes.…cherub
    • Supposedly it's more effective because it bypasses the genetic component and just tries to interfere by spike protein binding... =less transmissibilitycherub

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