UK is Fucked

Out of context: Reply #99

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  • BaskerviIle2

    For those above discussing the Newsnight olympic stadium video:
    Yes you could do the same for any common cause of death (eg fatalities from car accidents, obesity etc). But the point is, Covid exists on top of those other events, not instead of. Covid is also not a side effect of any other are a useful form of transport, eating is necessary for life etc.

    This video from a the Data is Beautiful subreddit plots the ICU admissions on typical flu seasons (2013-present) against those over the past season with Covid present. It's a marked increase.…

    • yes, but if everyone died of covid then that would really bring all the other numbers down wouldn't it? #lifehacksscruffics
    • sadly the numbers are suspect, as there have been several documented cases of covid being entered as cause of death when the true cause was something else...hans_glib
    • not that i'm denying people are dying of covid, mindhans_glib
    • I know this is just a random design forum, but hans_glib, please think before voicing your unfounded nonsense.BaskerviIle
    • I don't care what you want to believe but if your words have even the slightest chance of causing more spread, illness and death then hold them back.BaskerviIle
    • Now is not the time to doubt the scientists, doctors and nurses who have spent the past 10 months battling this and saving lives.BaskerviIle
    • So save your doubt and ego and be part of the solution and help stop this thing.BaskerviIle
    • There are no downsides to behaving responsibly and trusting experts far more qualified than you, but many downsides to seeding doubt and fearBaskerviIle
    • @hansglib - 2 words, excess deaths.fadein11
    • +1 baskervillefadein11
    • seeding fear - never, the media do more than enough of that. seeding doubt, not trying to. but there's nothing wrong with trying to contextualise raw data imo.hans_glib
    • and i expressly pointed out both that i know people are dying and that the deaths are on top of the norm.hans_glib
    • so please read my comments properly before jumping down my throat.hans_glib
    • @hans There's an MOE figured into these datasets to quantify uncertainty. Baskerville is right in calling you out because..garbage
    • ..seeds of doubt bloom all these wonderful COVID deniers that have made things worse for those of us with brains.garbage

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