UK is Fucked

Out of context: Reply #87

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    Hold up.

    Just a sec.

    At the risk of being the ignorant American in the room...

    What the fuck PETS need a passport?!? Like a passport for your dog?!?! Hahahawut

    • think of it like a vaccination certificateNutter
    • if anything in this world makes sense anymore it's legally required paperwork proving the animal you're flying with doesn't have a virusFax_Benson
    • because this sceptred isle is rabies free, unlike the disgusting continent where it's rife. and we don't want that shit here.hans_glib
    • yes, they have a cute little book with their photo in it and stamps of all the places they have been.

      It's for disease control, you muppet.
    • If you have the right connections you can get a Diplomatic Pet Passport, my Gerbil 'Gertrude' used to have one, but due to some political infighting...shapesalad
    • A passport is a funny term for it.nb
    • Good. People should stop flying with pets as much as possible anyway.monospaced
    • As an American, you are probably confused by the term passport. It's what we use to leave our own country and explore other nations.Hayzilla

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