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  • 338 Responses
  • neverscared2

    • Ready for Halloweencrazyprick
    • ^ Damn, dawg, that's inappropes!GM278
    • I like turtlesutopian
    • I am usually quite calm, but I absolutely detest people who make fun of children at war.Longcopylover
    • No one cares about your opinion, Longcocklovercrazyprick
  • Ramanisky22

  • yuekit0

    "The Hamas attack is a sign of a new world order."


  • NBQ000

    Seems Hezbollah officially started war on the northern front with Israel.

    • Biden must be thrilled with the billions he just gave IranGnash
    • ^ That’s a fucking lieRamanisky2
    • lol. Ya, iran released the hostages because Biden asked nicelyGnash
    • I wish Israel could stand back.

      can't you guys push your Gov. a bit to push on Israel for peace?
    • Biden released $6 billion in frozen funds in exchange. Which is coming in pretty handy right nowGnash
    • West been dragged into UKraine now Gaza, next will be Iran, NorthKorea, Taiwan. There is no win in that game.uan
    • Iran is already in thisGnash
    • When ideologies are this deeply rooted, and complex, it’s hard to find a solution or even a point of view that feels fair.monospaced
    • Remember when Trump achieved peace in the Middle East? That worked out well.yuekit
    • Gnash you dumb fuck. All that money is in escrow in Qatar, and the US decides how it's spent. Not a penny has been touched, uneducated fool.Khurram
    • They don't need the money you stole. They are rising power deeply entrenched in the economic systems of India to the south and Russia to the northKhurram
    • and global alliances from China to Venezuela. Welcome to the new world motherfuckers.Khurram
    • But what about Ukraine??? You just gonna leave Hollywood Vlod alone there with his dick swinging in the wind???Khurram
    • I thought THAT was the most important war "the west" was fighting to secure the future of it's entire civilization and thereby ALL OF HUMANITY. :-/Khurram
    • You remember this? https://static.times…Khurram
    • No THIS https://www.thehindu…Khurram
    • It's happening right under your nose. And there's nothing the Americans to do to stop it.Khurram
    • They were about to give the Saudis NUKES to drive a wedge in the Middle East. That has always been their policy to subjugate the region. War and division.Khurram
    • But they are a declining power and they will lose. And this is just the start.Khurram
    • grey wolf howls in the windGnash
    • lol at Khurram bigging up the nationalist Indian givernment that would happily snuff out his existence if they could.Nairn
    • Qatar, where the hamas leaders are staying in 5-star hotels while they order the sheep to stay putGnash
    • you've been fighting for ages. please stand down, new blood no more dead blood.
      Call for a truce/armistice/ceas... and negotiations instead of heating hate.
    • Snuff out my existence? What are you talking about Ewan?Khurram
    • Why would it be "lol" to "bigging up"... what... incomprehensible drivel from idiot. Not gonna botherKhurram
    • Like you really didn't understand the first thing of what i just said you tit. Biggin up?? what are you on? lolKhurram
    • snuff out my existence. fucking moron. what the fuck are you talking aboutKhurram
    • lol.Nairn
    • No really. Explain. What the fuck did you just say. Why would the Mod's government "snuff out" my existence?Khurram
    • If there's one group that's not going to benefit from this multi-polar order you so desire, it's Muslims. Neither India or China much like your kin either.Nairn
    • Just a moron who watches the news when something is happening and acts like he knows things, not a clue not a context or understanding of anything.Khurram
    • flolContinuity
    • "Bigging up" - right, that's your level of analysis. bigging up. I bigged them up.Khurram
    • Well, you seem to think they're on board with your particular fantasy. Remind me again how much love your beloved Russia has for your Chechen brothers?Nairn
    • Are you calling me a Muslim? Are you stupid. My kin? Go fuck yourself you tit. You have no idea about my beliefs. Utter tit.Khurram
    • I have as much solidarity with the Indians and Chinese as much as anybody. Trying to sterotype and put me in a box. You have ZERO knowledge of my backgroundKhurram
    • Fuck you know about geopolitics.Khurram
    • ANd I don't much care, but you have a particular slant that puts you in that category - you've stayed quite quiet on the question of summary executions..Nairn
    • Trying to get personal. What a low life.Khurram
    • ..of old people and women in Israel. Telling. Get back in your pit, you cur.Nairn
    • Oh right, just pure old fashioned bigotry then Ewan. Well that explains everythng. My "slant". My "category" lolKhurram
    • My "Chechen brothers"??? What??? At what point are you just borderline racist?? lolKhurram
    • Has this been just bubbling up inside you? Is it all like just coming out? hahKhurram
    • "incomprehensible drivel from idiot. Not gonna bother" yet i appear to have touched a nerve. You're a nasty one, and have been for a long time, 'kuz'.Nairn
    • Khurram Aziz, everyone - liteally the only person to have posted a dick pic on QBN.

    • Also the idiot who probably thinks the $6billion Biden sent to qatar is being used for aidGnash
    • Ewan Nairn, the man formerly known as detritus who used to have a side hustle selling psychodellics and illegal drugsKhurram
    • You'd know all about dicks swinging in the wind, wouldn't you? You gonna treat us all to another one of your famous dick pics?Continuity
    • ^ ^ Gnash, that money is in escrow and cannot be spent without US approval and accounting. So far it has been untouched.Khurram
    • Khurran, you've given the impression that you are both Palestinian and muslim.monospaced
    • I literally never sold illegal drugs, as you well know. I only regret going out of my way to do that nice thing for you, sending some of those drugs long ago.Nairn
    • Iran is a rising power with deep, developing, economic links with India and Russia and is pivotal in a sea-change in the global order that the US cannot stopKhurram
    • Gnash - China concluded peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia to facilitate it's economic growthKhurram
    • Ths US promised Saudi Arabia NUKES in order to tear it apart. It has failed, and will continue to fail in the region, until it is driven out.Khurram
    • I mean - you're having a go at me for BAD DRUGS, when you literally asked me to send you some? Are you totally hypocritical and oblivious? Of course you are.Nairn
    • And I'm the moron...Nairn
    • shut up nairn.Khurram
    • @Gnah - in other words, the United States is the REAL threat to global peace and stability.Khurram
    • "The entire Muslim world holds Palestine to its heart. They will never be forgotten. We are one." -- Khurrammonospaced
    • Did I or did I not send you some of those 'BAD DRUGS' long ago, after you asked me to? C'mon. Be honest.Nairn
    • You're a poisonous, somewhat deceitful hypocrite, full of malintent. I sorta feel sorry for you, in a way.Nairn
    • Then dont' start shit then, yeah Nairn? Didn't need to be like thisKhurram
    • "Bad drugs"? when did i say they were "bad"? lolKhurram
    • Bravo, monospaced! I couldn't be bothered to go check, but there we go - that, right there.Nairn
    • I was riffing on your ILLEGAL DRUGS line.
      I only ever sold legal natural entheogens, but hey if you want to paint a picture, you go right ahead, hypocrite.
    • Also - start what? You've been poisonous throughout and you made a [poor] attempt to dox me. Live your truth, you prick.Nairn
    • ...and you've still not answered whether it's justifiable from your perspective to summarily execute clearly innocent Jews.Nairn
    • Huh, a half hour later and look at that - silence. Curious.Nairn
    • The naivety in believing that USA controls that 6-billion — that’s the schlock they spun to sell the dealGnash
    • sorry mate. chinese gov doesn't exactly play well with indian gov. also chinese gov literally have a camp for muslim...it's almost like they dont like muslim...pango
    • Chinese don’t like anyone :)monospaced
    • Not the entire east and south east Asia ...
      They only like the old Soviet.
    • Where's the dick pic of that goat fuckercrazyprick
  • neverscared0

  • Ramanisky21

    2hrs ago ... cool BG image Biebs.

    Cut to 1hr ago ... Gone. Like it never happened.

    • 'lol'. Jeez.Nairn
    • I want to come on here and post my views about something I know very little about but I'll wait until I hear what Taylor Swift has to say first_niko
    • i'm waiting for kanyepango
    • Good to know someone is holding those teenage pop stars accountable!instrmntl
    • To which god is he praying? The right or the wrong one?Longcopylover
    • I'm really an animal guy. I express myself in different ways as an animal.

      Justin Bieber
    • https://i.imgur.com/…Akagiyama
    • ^ lol JAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!Ramanisky2
  • Ramanisky26

    Salma Shawa a Palestinian living in Gaza is interviewed by the BBC.


  • canoe2

    Piers really tried hard in the beginning of this to spin it in a direction...

    • If they can't coexist, they wont exist much longer.BabySnakes
  • YakuZoku2

    • Why the downvotes, he's spot on.NBQ00
    • Because of his face mostly...he’s so annoying lol_niko
    • ugly-shaming?NBQ00
    • yeah, it's what happens when you brag about sleeping only two hours a day, working out for 8 and crushing it for the remaining 14_niko
    • They are hating because of colonization.ShenanigansTV
  • Gnash-3

    Biden says he saw photos of 'terrorists beheading children' in Israel-Hamas war


    “I never really thought that I would see and have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children,” Biden said...

    • Wonder how long before they make Biden ‘retract’ the statement. Can’t have him going off-script againGnash
    • There's a war in the Middle East going on and you can't stop attacking Biden lolyuekit
    • Attacking Biden? Here’s your baby heads, yuekitGnash
    • ^ What a vile dickheadRamanisky2
    • As vile as cutting off a baby’s head ? DickheadGnash
    • https://www.aljazeer…yuekit
    • Of corse they’re walking it back. Didn’t take longGnash
  • NBQ00-5

    • the fucking quartering. posting a video from a known sex pest and underage sex apologist. I guess you smell your own, eh?face_melter
    • I don't know about him, just found this videoNBQ00
    • you really should watch something before you post it, the quartering is a fuckin goon & Ethan is mostly on the right sideYakuZoku
  • neverscared0

    9 UN staffers killed in airstrikes in Gaza

    Nine United Nations staff members have been killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza since Saturday, the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees confirmed Wednesday.

    The U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) said nine staffers have been killed in airstrikes since the start of Israel’s counterattack on Gaza, with several of the staff members killed late Tuesday.

    “The protection of civilians is paramount, including in times of conflict,” Juliette Touma, UNRWA director of communications, told The Associated Press. “They should be protected in accordance with the laws of war.”


  • neverscared2

    Israeli minister says no power, water, fuel to Gaza until hostages freed
    Israel’s energy minister, Israel Katz, has just tweeted:

    “Humanitarian aid to Gaza? No electrical switch will be turned on, no water hydrant will be opened and no fuel truck will enter until the Israeli abductees are returned home. Humanitarianism for humanitarianism. And no one will preach us morality.”

    • full apocalpyse mode ... https://www.youtube.…neverscared
    • Did Hamas get the memo?NBQ00
    • Yeah, that will surely work. Where has a terrorist group ever been successfully eradicated?formed
    • How come Israel got control over water, power and fuel for Palestine?
      School me.
    • @ApeRobot: because they've colonised/occupied the whole of Palestine and have, therefore, control over the infrastructure.Continuity
    • Which they use to terrorise Palestinians.Continuity
    • Because greedy, dirty Jews are smarter than a bunch of goat fuckerscrazyprick
    • can the moderators ban crazyprick he clearly can´t express himself without generalizing stupidty and anti-humanistic statementsneverscared
    • Boohoo. Eat a dickcrazyprick
    • I agree with nevescared but I also think it’s crazy pricks schtick and funny if you don’t take it too seriously._niko
    • But yeah don’t ban him_niko
    • Ban neverscared for being such a fucking e-Karen. Delicate pussy ass bitch.crazyprick
    • I believe pussy-ass should be hyphenated.cotton
    • its not a schtick.. dirty, greedy .. etc .. is pure hatespeech to the bone... not remotely funny!neverscared
    • Suck my schtick, Karencrazyprick
  • yuekit1

    There are no recent pictures of the Hamas military commander who masterminded the attack. Since this picture he supposedly has survived seven assassination attempts, lost an eye and is disabled. Israeli bombing also killed his wife, his son and his daughter.


    • And was trained by this Hamas bombmaker who killed hundreds of people: https://en.wikipedia…yuekit
    • this is what I mean, Hamas doesn't give a fuck that they are filling their wells with cement or there is no education, work or a future for Palestinians, all..._niko
    • ...this distraction and chaos was because Israel disrespected their mosque and offended an imaginary god. Fucking mental._niko
    • And they certainly don't give a fuck that Palestinians now live in rubble and are literally eating shit and dying by the hundreds._niko
  • Ramanisky27

    An Israeli minister in the Netanyahu government was removed from a hospital while Israeli citizens shouted at her: "you have destroyed this country."
    Anger is growing against a government whose leader is on trial for corruption.

    • netanyaho kept his military and intelligence apparat so busy with his shit politics that they totaly failed the attack...neverscared
    • Sadly, both sides are getting what they asked for.utopian
    • https://www.theguard… Hamas’s murderous attack willneverscared
    • be remembered as Israeli intelligence failure for the ages ...neverscared
    • but then u highly likely can´t even protect for the immense cruelty the hamas has up their sleeve..neverscared
    • no matter who is in power.neverscared
  • neverscared-2

  • Bluejam2

  • Ramanisky26

    • Pretty much, yup.Continuity
    • Yeah it's strange. I hope they know what they're doing. Also the US wouldn't let it happen.NBQ00
    • 'Also the US wouldn't let it happen.' <— this is the most ridiculous and false statement you've made yet. The US has been letting it happen for decades.Continuity
    • You utter, utter moron.Continuity
    • Ok dude calm down. I meant let 2 million people die because Israel cut them off of infrastructure. Now stop with your insults.NBQ00
    • Stop talking, and fuck off. You're out of your league.Continuity
    • You need to get a chill-pill, baldie.NBQ00
    • USA, damned if they do (help), damned if they don’t.monospaced
    • Well, they could release the hostagesGnash
    • lol, as if releasing the hostages would end the response.fadein11
    • They’re still gonna kill all the Hamas they find but they said they’d turn on the tapsGnash
    • Fuck both of them, neither side wants peace and or prosperity.utopian
    • How can you just forget about Hollywood Vlod like that, I don't understand. Ukraine! It's still going on! All of Western civilisation is dependent on it!Khurram
    • You can't just divert all those rockets & missile defense systems to Israel, like Ukraine didn't even happen! You were begging artillery off Colombia other dayKhurram
    • It's almost as though the US has geostrategic interests in maintaining the status quo of things it maintains the status quoKhurram
    • Makes no sense! Western media?? Explication?Khurram
    • Do be quiet, dick boy.Continuity
    • "You can't just divert all those rockets & missile defense systems to Israel." Divert? We're like overstock.com when it comes to military power. But yes, we...canoe
    • ...do like to our paws in every freaking thing that goes on in the world, constantly caring what is in our best political and financial interests, not what....canoe
    • ... is best for the world or the population.canoe
    • "constantly caring what is in our best political and financial interests" do you think??? LOLKhurram
    • Wonder what would happen if a regional power, the size and strength of Russia, were to emerge in West Asia and drive the Americans out...Khurram
    • comprehensively, decisively and forever... mmmmKhurram
    • https://i.imgur.com/…Gnash
  • NBQ00-2

    This guy is saying Israel is waiting until all civilians flee to Egypt to start a ground invasion but isn't the border closed off?

    • hence "waiting" i guessYakuZoku
    • lower, and lower...imbecile
    • In theory: Israel' gov will sign an agreement with the government of Egypt, the civilians will leave and then the ground assault would begin...OBBTKN
    • In theoryOBBTKN
  • neverscared0

    massacre is live