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  • utopian3

    The top reason that they are selling their cars and switching to a different brand is due to their issues with Tesla co-founder and CEO Elon Musk.

    The disapproval of Elon Musk is the top reason Tesla Model 3 owners are selling their electric vehicles and going for another brand, according to a new survey of 5,000 Model 3 owners.
    Since Musk acquired Twitter, the Tesla CEO has started to voice his political and social views more frequently, as well as share controversial conspiracy theories.

    This has resulted in a wave of people changing their minds about Musk, especially people on the left side of the American political spectrum. Many have suggested this has a negative impact on Tesla, which is intricately linked to Musk.


    • unlike the woke companies, 'Offer me money. Offer me power. I don't care'hotroddy
    • who are the woke companies?pango
    • Any publicly traded company that recognizes the comparative ease of earning social points as opposed to fulfilling tax obligations.hotroddy
    • https://www.yourdict…utopian
    • The Woke Warrior Has Spoken!utopian
    • lol hotroddy, you sound dumb talking about companies fulfilling tax obligations. This is the US we're talking about here. Only shareholders & profits matter.BuddhaHat
    • that's my point nitwit. The cherished sense of woke values you hold close is a façade to companies.hotroddy
    • companies love scoring social points promoting child mutilation, (or whatever the social movement d'jour is) as long as they keep their $$hotroddy
    • that wasn't your point, nice try thoBuddhaHat
    • and if it was, boy howdy did you do a shit job of trying to make it.BuddhaHat
    • knobby. lol You think those companies are genuine about being woke? are you that gullible? you know it's only performance right.pango
    • i'll give you the benefit of doubt that you do know it's performance. does that mean you're mad they're not woke? lolpango
    • Knobby-Wan Kenobi you are braindead incel..."companies love scoring social points promoting child mutilation" - layoff the NewsMax & Fox & Friends!utopian
    • the only mutilation i'm down with is jamming nerds like roddy into rubnbish bins and flinging them off a cliff. twice.face_melter
    • ^ L O L !PhanLo
    • The musket has had billions in subsidies.PhanLo
    • i think we're all arguing the same point, bitches. With the exception of Musk.hotroddy
    • being S Africa and I think he gets it. All this bullshit only makes society worse for everyone. And yes, Phanlo he gets subsidies because he adds valuehotroddy
    • The same way you add value Hotrods.PhanLo
    • spoken by the guy who defaces buildings for a living.hotroddy
    • ya the guy who benefited from apartheid gets it lolpango
    • I add plenty value Hotrods, I have had numerous people say they've seen my paintings and it help them feel more positive about life.PhanLo
    • You add no value here.PhanLo
    • in South Africa who's benefiting now, pango? who's benefiting now, pango? you clearly don't get it.hotroddy
    • Respectfully, if u believe ur paintings hold greater value than enabling the US gov't to send payloads to LEO at 1/10 the cost, I see why you support socialismhotroddy
    • LoL
      As I say man, you offer no value here.
      I suppose Elon gets that rich people socialism you like so much.
      You'll always be a bootlicker
    • The funniest point here is that hotroddy doesn't even understand the difference between a paid muralist and a throwie.garbage
    • Basic knowledge of art should be a bare minimum here. Is there anything you actually do know? lol.garbage
    • Also, I guess I should childsplain: that was a rhetorical question. Nobody cares about your answers.garbage
    • lol of course you can't see beyond today. did his daddy not make money in south africa before the 90s? knobby? who benefited?pango
    • I might not be sucking up to Saudi's and pretending to be a free speech advocate, but I feel if my artwork has helped inspire even 5 people, it's been worth itPhanLo
    • @pango, you can't even see beyond tomorrow. #defundthepolice.hotroddy
    • and there it is lol right on cue when he's got nothing to say.
      #whataboutthemlakes #butvenezuela
    • How many Canadians w/ below-average IQ can't differentiate between a pond and a great lake?hotroddy
    • venezuela any second now. :Dpango
    • how about you need a Venezuelan to school you on the name of your own province.hotroddy
    • imagine all the other stupidities we'd find out about you Pango if we took the time to engage in real conversations instead of sidenoteshotroddy
    • we can't have a proper conversations LOL because every time you run out of things to say you revert back to lake, police, and venezuela! LOL with out fail!!pango
    • it's like talking to someone with dementia!!!pango
    • wait... or is it possible you're not playing dumb but actually having dementia? i would actually feel bad if that's the case.pango
    • are you sure to steer the conversion to back to South Africa? Do you want me to look foolish on that topic as well?hotroddy
    • *do YOU want to look foolish?hotroddy
    • ^ LOL
      you made yourself look plenty foolish already. i'm not sure i can compete
    • think again lake boy.hotroddy
    • defund the police is a good idea, 1/2 mile pond = great lakes, BC's name has no affiliation with Christopher Columbos.hotroddy
    • Let's talk about South Africa. Most corrupt country in the world, highest unemployment and crime rates in the world.hotroddy
    • complete insecurity for boar farmers who have been on that land long before the poor blacks that migrated from central africa.hotroddy
    • South africa gives a big fuck you to the 'west' (After the west advocated the end of apartheid) and aligns itself with Russia, China and Iran.hotroddy
    • So Elon musk gets it.hotroddy
    • this is what s africa has become after the end of apartheid. I'm sure you'd fit right in. https://www.youtube.…hotroddy
    • wow you really have memory problem. sure knobby. when you fuck over people they tend to give you a big fuck you. i wonder who's fault is that. nvm you too dumbpango
    • two wrongs don't make a right dipshit.hotroddy
    • particularly when EVERYONE is worse off today. But your wokeness blinds you from reality.hotroddy
    • There's been a significant brain drain in SA and Elon gets it. You should consider visiting. You'd fit right in.hotroddy
    • wokeness? whats woke about that? dont think you know what woke means you dumb fuck lol i think you're just throwing that words around attempt to be cool.pango
    • What's woke about what? South Africa isn't a 'progressive state"? Fuck me, I thought Canada did a better job vetting migrants.hotroddy
    • wait wait wait.... can you tell me the definition of woke?pango
    • why do you need me to define woke? So you can build your counter-argument?hotroddy
    • No, he was just asking a simple question that you can't answer.garbage
    • Cuz I have a feeling your definition of woke is somewhat wishy-washy and can be anything you don't like. Lolpango
    • Garbage, if I answer your next post will be that you didn't read it. Lol. That's your go to idiot move, so why would I reply to you?hotroddy
    • Woke: Addressing historical wrongs that inadvertently end up benefiting only an elite group and leveraging it for their political gainhotroddy
    • BLM movement is a perfect example.hotroddy
    • pango's brilliantly thought-out #Defundthepolice is anotherhotroddy
    • really lol so much to unpack here.
      you dont get to yell 2 wrong dont make it right when you did the first wrong lol.
    • irans anti murican sentiment started when murican overthrew their democratic elected government it's not 2 wrong dont make it right but you reap what you sowpango
    • i dont like it either. but they have their own sovereignty. it's not wrong for them to choose who has not historically fucked them over.pango
    • universe doesn't revolve around you lol. not everything you don't like equals to being wrong lolpango
    • ohhhhh another check marks on my bingo sheet! he's bringing up police and blm now.pango
    • it's like you lack any sense of empathy. like a sociopath.pango
    • I persistently mention it, mistakenly believing that it will leave an imprint in your feeble mind.hotroddy
    • but also bc u can't counter-argue. How can you counterargue confusing a pond for a lake? Or thinking defundthepolice is a good idea?hotroddy
    • I'm reminding you for your own good. Also, the world would be a much better place if the Shah remained in power.hotroddy
    • Iran was wealthy and pro-west. But since the Revolution, hundreds of thousands of highly skilled Iranians have emigrated.hotroddy
    • I advise you not to mention your justification for a theocracy to any Irianian you encounter.hotroddy
    • speaking of 'empathy' sounds like you have zero of it for the thousand of Iranians that were persecuted and killed (for being christian or jewish).hotroddy
    • * not killed but persecuted, losing their businesses and culture forced to leave everything behind.hotroddy
    • I do have sympathy for them but you reap the seeds you sow. 2 wrong dont have it right but person who did the first wrong had no say in what's right lol.pango
    • you're against defund of police because you think people want to abolish the police cuz ya dumb. keep taking tiny piece of info and spin it.pango
    • LOL remember that time i asked you to identify a photo of a lake. and you got it wrong?pango
    • yes that's bring up everything that's unrelated. lol full throttle what about ism!! Pepper is the white devil's tool for oppression. Stay away from that filth!!pango
    • that's talk about your understanding of woke. what is it? do you even know what it is? and you don't like is it because simply it represents the left?pango
    • Rob Schneider overated! he was never that funny to begging with!pango
    • Nice dodge, hotroddy. I actually do read responses to questions that I actually ask. And your answer that woke culture is something to benefit the rich..garbage
    • ..is one of the dumbest things I've ever read. I'm not kidding, I actually think you are three parts insecure, one part learning disability.garbage
    • You don't even have the most basic grasp of the things that drag you to an obscure website where nobody likes you.garbage
    • it doesn't benefit the rich (ie people who produce unlike your sorry ass ) it only benefits the politicians.hotroddy
    • which group doesn't benefit the politicians? tell me? cuz they can benefit from poor, mic class, and rich. which group doesn't politicians benefit from?pango
    • what a childish response. it's clear from your behavior and comments on this forum that seek out approval and popularity from online strangershotroddy
    • approval?!!?!? did you see how much i get shit on for pepper?!?!? lol approval my ass!
      you're not very observant are you?
    • someone even try to ban me for that!pango
    • which group doesn't benefit the politicians? tell me? cuz they can benefit from poor, mid class, and the rich. which group doesn't politicians benefit from?pango
    • those comments weren't meant for you pango.hotroddy
    • someone tried to ban you for what?hotroddy
    • for not using a pepper mill! i don't need approval from these western oppressors!!pango
    • but my question is meant for you tho.pango
    • (I'm dying rn, lol)garbage
  • NBQ00-2

    Tesla Model 3 refresh (project "Highland") is just around the corner. It will look more like the new Roadster in the front and back. And will be cheaper too while stuff like battery tech improved. Looks promising from what I've seen in the leaks and rumors.

    • Now they just need to get rid of Lonnie and his #1 supporter and sometimes friend with benefits hotroddyBuddhaHat
    • around the corner is 10 years in Elon time right?jonny_quest_lives
    • No it's already in production and should be revealed this fall.NBQ00
  • NBQ00-3

    New Tesla Model 3 is officially out. Looking good.

    I don't care about Elon, Tesla is much more than him.

    • Pics: https://twitter.com/…NBQ00
    • Still no buttons?Nairn
    • basically the same old dreary design with a few newish bits stuck on here and there.hans_glib
    • it's an evolution of design just like Apple does with the iPhone since a decadeNBQ00
    • I think it looks great. + new tech upgradesNBQ00
    • Never buy a new car. Why?shapesalad
    • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and other toxic chemicals constitute the new car smell.shapesalad
    • VOC fumes emanate from glues, paints, vinyls, and plastics inside new cars.shapesalad
    • They can trigger headaches, sore throats, nausea, and drowsiness. Studies have found 50-60 different VOCs in new cars.shapesalad
    • Buy used, and let someone else leach out those VOCs.shapesalad
    • tail-light form is boring..blows the whole car ....neverscared
    • It's a nice update overall.. but they took the sticks away? So there's even less tactile analogue-ish control? wtf? Do these people actually drive?Nairn
  • NBQ00-1

    • I've been subscribed to FC for years now. Not a car person, I just like the tech. I think that Kryten's a little un-self-aware when he updates his car so often.Nairn
    • Like "Yaay, this is how we can save the planet! Just ignore the fact I've had like 3 new Teslas in 6 years".Nairn
    • what if tesla converted older cars to their powertrain?doesnotexist
  • NBQ00-2

  • utopian4

    • https://www.business…Gnash
    • No sympathy, you knew they were junk.i_monk
    • i_monk with the ass backwards response, congrats dummyimbecile
    • Can’t tell if this guy is butthurt, but it does feel like a lot of Tesla owners suddenly have a problem with the basic free marketnb
    • Also: Tesla owner discovers that vehicles lose a ton of value the minute they’re off the lot. But whyyyyyynb
    • Surplus jouissance.palimpsest
    • It's called capitalism...you sucker!utopian
  • neverscared2

    Tesla’s new car-building process could be a huge industrial breakthrough
    / Tesla is close to implementing a new die-cast process that could significantly reduce costs and simplify vehicle manufacturing beyond the abilities of the rest of the industry.


    • instead of repairing / replacing one of the 400 parts of the frame, the entire thing is trash now? any minor changes requires an entire new mold.imbecile
    • the energy required to pour and safely cure something so large would be immense. how much does tesla pay for these articles?imbecile
    • instead of having an idea and laughing at it, busky goes full throttle.doesnotexist
  • nb1

    Tried a new ridesharing app that only uses Teslas. The driver was fucking unhinged. I guess what you’d call a “bro”, but also he was a crazy person. I felt a little unsafe like he might snap or something. but his driving wasn’t too bad. Not good, but nothing super dangerous and it was nighttime nyc traffic so we weren’t going fast. I kinda wanted to get out of the car though. Didn’t feel safe around this guy.

    It’s just one experience but now I’m a little bit thinking like “are Tesla drivers insane?”

  • prophetone0
  • NBQ000
    • Everyone is entitled to make their own choices in life but people who convinced themselves the Tesla yoke is superior to a steering wheel are an odd lot.jonny_quest_lives
  • PhanLo-1

    • According to the NFPA, over 10 million highway vehicle fires caused about 19,000 deaths and over 70,000 injuries in the US from 1980–2015.sted
    • Pinto was manufactured between 1971 and 1980 only 3,173,491 units produced. Tesla made 1.3 million units in 2022.sted
    • Beginning in 1973, field reports of Ford Pintos consumed by fire after low-speed rear-end collisions were received by Ford's recall coordinator officested
    • We would hope that in 50 years car safety would have improved?PhanLo
    • It has improved obviously.monospaced
  • Nairn3

    It's so delicilously-awkward


    • Also deliciously, but what the hej.Nairn
    • wooooooooh yeah!PhanLo
    • I gotta say, if i was in any way positioned to buy a dickhead truck, I'd be one of these.Nairn
    • So I have to have an account to view the meaningless shit posted to his meaningless site that only assholes and idiots visit?monospaced
    • No thanks. I guess I’ll live not knowing what that link goes to. Keep up the good work Elon.monospaced
    • NO OFFENSE especially to those utter dickwads around here who actually look up to this guy or his companies.monospaced
    • +1monospaced
    • ok mono, okNBQ00
    • the far right wing dreamcar... bullet proof douchebag ... de santis can drive it right up to disney world and show off is pompous ass and cowboybootsneverscared
    • apocalypse enginneering.... #doomprophetneverscared
    • fella design a bullet proof truck.....the woke mind virus must be fueling paranoia exuberantly...neverscared
    • looks like a deluded "arms race" who builds the car than can crush the other cars.. if u are not game u are fucked... male hard dick measure at its finestneverscared
    • thatneverscared
  • NBQ001

  • neverscared-3

    cybertruck amercian vibes....big fat car will be laughed off the streets in europe

  • imbecile0

    • Starting at $39,900...oh wait...Elon meant to say: starting at $60,900. Just a few bucks extra over the original asking pricing.utopian
  • monNom2

    Say what you will about the man, he knows how to shake things up. He could have made a body on frame truck like everyone else, and put a tough looking body on top of a ladder frame,

    It would have been the easy thing to do. But instead he tried the more difficult thing: to reinvent the truck from a clean-sheet. He apparently looked to his experience with aerospace manufacture to build a stressed-skin structure similar to an airliner, a rocket, or a modern armoured personel carrier (wonder where those design lines and "bullet-proof" marketing come from?)

    It's weird looking. But it is fucking cool. From a design and engineering perspective, this is the stuff I love to see.

    • this right hereYakuZoku
    • agree. he's had the balls to do something different and has stuck to his guns.microkorg
    • It looks like a truck from an 80's low budget scifi film where they welded sheets of metal on a van to make it look futuristic. Like all his ideas.PhanLo
    • did i miss something cuz i thought it was revealed as a unibody with panels bolted on like any other vehicle months backjonny_quest_lives
    • https://www.autoevol…jonny_quest_lives
    • https://www.motortre…jonny_quest_lives
    • It’ll have issues in cold weather. People will lose fingers on those ridiculous no handle doors and the windshield wiper is Homer Simpson absurd._niko
    • And the weight coupled with the sharp angles of the bulletproof frame and instead of crumpling and absorbing impacts it’s going to slice cars in half_niko
    • But I do love the fuckyouery of it all_niko
    • 'his experience with aerospace manufacture'
      Jesus fucking Christ. He has money, that's his experience. Hust like he'll buy you a pony for writing this.
    • Agree. All other car brands just do stupid concepts that never see the light of day instead of having balls to do it.NBQ00
    • yes thats true... def. more balls than neurons... the mafia..drug cartells will love this car... will make police work much more difficult...saving civilisationneverscared
    • with a car that crushes smaller cars....very charming... well, most people always prefer muscles over mind... aerospace manufacture...lol.neverscared
    • needs the interiour bunker highly likely because his self driving is literally the killer...neverscared
    • pushing civil cars towards to military protection..u can only ask whats next ? his faible for apocalyptic vibes clearly materialized..neverscared
    • antisocial wanker carPhanLo
    • Those head-on crash tests look a bit concerningwordssssss
    • I think a proper unibody has zero structural contribution from the body panels. You wouldn’t use 1/8th inch thick stainless if not structural.monNom
    • A typical body panel is 22ga steel which is about 1/4 the thickness of the cyber truck’s cladding. You just wouldn’t add that much weight for no reason.monNom
    • And the cybertruck is the same weight as an aluminum bodied, steel framed F150 lightning. There must be something interesting going on to achieve that.monNom
    • To be clear: I’m not a Tesla fanboy at all, nothing they’ve done before has really perked up my antenae. But this is cool.monNom
  • Gnash0

    Every real-world pic i’ve seen of the truck looks like shit. Granted, I don’t know if they were prototypes, but not a good look if this this the quality of the build.

    And what happens to those lines after a few bumps in a parking garage? They didn’t even line up now

  • nb0

    If you haven’t seen the truck in person, don’t rush to judgement. It looks silly in pics and video but up close it looks fucking dope.

    It is by far the most interesting product design of the year. Kudos to Tesla. Now if they could just work on designing an interior with physical controls and stop making dumb handles and get better at quality control, they’re going to sail past the competition

  • fooler1

    It does look like a grade school kid designed it with a protractor and a T Square but it is an impressive beast.

    • The 1999 Pontiac Aztec just called...it wants their design back.utopian
  • NBQ00-1

    Black looks nice

    • Does that tent thing not have any magnets in the hems? Missed opportunity if not.Nairn
    • BBC - Big Black CybertruckNBQ00
    • Amazing capacity of a medium/small pelican case up front and half of an adult bicycle in the rear.colab