Shooting of the Day

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  • yurimon0

    And Saved again...
    It like life saved and lives lost tenis ovahere…

    • Except the killing side is hitting 100-200 balls a time at the saving side.aaux
  • yurimon0

    Everything that has a root cause can be broken down into elements. If you really want to deal with issues why not on a core level. Unless you dont like the truth and bandaid over and not solve real problems.
    You know solutions that do not accomplish anything but give more control over for security theater. Some of you like that sort of thing.

    • You basically said nothing in this post.CanHasQBN
    • My name is Canas ans me cant think or understand so well..Dude what part of Deeper cause for violence then just guns cant you understand.yurimon
  • CanHasQBN0

    So the punishment for robbing a dollar store is death? Welcome to the dark ages, everyone!

    Where do you draw the line as to what crime deserves a shot to the head? If I steal a woman's purse are you going to kill me? If I let my parking meter expire, are you going to kill me?

    Why does a gun-happy stranger get to decide what my punishment is for whatever crime I do? Basically, you're for random people taking the law into their own hands and handing out lethal punishment for whatever type of crime committed, without any fear of repercussion. That is deranged thinking.

    • Also means I could legally murder anybody that happens to be also carrying a gun, as long as no witnesses live.aaux
    • "He was coming right at me!"aaux
    • <<< totally that. I wouldn't shoot somebody if they broke into my house to rob it. If they pointed a gun at me,then yes.mikotondria3
  • CanHasQBN0

    And you can list instances where guns have saved lives all you want. They would never compare to the amount of times guns are used for crime. One saved life doesn't justify the killing of a hundred lives.

    Real simple question for you: If guns actually prevented crime, then why doesn't the US have the lowest crime rate in the world?

    • exactlyRamanisky2
    • booyamonospaced
    • I think you over exagerated. If your thinking of saving lives there are things that cause more deaths then political news focus.yurimon
    • How many lives are saved by gun again? just one?yurimon
    • I'm talking about a ratio. That was an example. I think someone needs to hold you hand while you read...CanHasQBN
    • your*CanHasQBN
    • For every example you produce of a life saved by a gun, I can produce a hundred examples where a gunCanHasQBN
    • was used to harm someone. Please let me know if this concept is difficult to grasp.CanHasQBN
  • yurimon0

    Canedas. There are bigger problems then guns, or causes of death greater then your so called gun problem. Is crime number down? or are crime number up? You want to save more people? or run around a political issue because you have tunnel vision? Do want discuss what causes problems? or are you so narrow minded that you can't think beyond the scope of what is shoved down your throat by TV or Media. etc.

    All I am saying is this is not a cut and dry subject and there is more going on then just your ranting about guns. I am stating this clearly and that I invite you to study the subject in its entirety. No obligation to come to the same conclusion as anyone else. If you come back with anything else other then an ok, then I am convinced you are buffoon and have no capacity for growth. So what will it be?

    • lol...didn't he pretty much present the facts and numbersqoob
    • Meanwhile you respond with shit like this…qoob
    • Yuri has kind of graduated to the official nutball of qbn.aaux
    • my name is not yuri its username.
      Plus there no facts presented.
    • Your username is yurimon, and you're a nutjob.aaux
  • CanHasQBN0

    For certain, there are greater problems in this world than guns. But that reason alone does not mean that the gun problem should be left alone. Just because some things in this world kill more people than guns (heart disease, cancer, etc.), does not mean we ignore the problem of guns. It's STILL a problem that needs addressing. Where do you get the idea that it's wrong to attempt to eliminate multiple causes of death simultaneously? Can we not attempt to fix the gun problem until we find a cure for cancer???

    -"Do want discuss what causes problems?"
    -Response: That's pretty much what we're doing here. Well, I am. You aren't bring any ideas of substance to the table, other than stating things like telling me to do my research, and presuming I don't know "the truth".

    -"or are you so narrow minded that you can't think beyond the scope of what is shoved down your throat by TV or Media. etc."
    -Response: There's the obligatory "all media is evil" line again (all media except for the sources that yurimon pays attention to, right?). That's always the last resort for someone with no defense, to direct blame toward the media. So are you saying the media is lying about the shootings that took place in CO and NY? Were they hoaxes? A mirage? A hologram? There was nothing imaginary about what happened. Nobody can ever know every detail of a story that we see on the news, but we do have a general understanding of what happened. We all know there was innocent blood spilled because of an angry dude with a gun, and you can't deny this.

    BTW, your second paragraph is another one that says absolutely nothing. You're really good at writing those. Can you provide anything other than vague points such as:

    -"it's not a cut and dry subject"
    -"study the subject in its entirety"
    -"there is more going on then just your ranting about guns"
    -"Everything that has a root cause can be broken down into elements. If you really want to deal with issues why not on a core level."

    It's pure blabber. Core level? Root causes? Elements? Well, I'm listening, but you're not saying much. Are you able to be specific about anything???

  • yurimon0

    Great before we start let me just say that I dont know why you go off on assumptions where I merely state common sense facts and you take them out of context.

    I could take your statement out of context and do the exact same thing.

    example:" other than stating things like telling me to do my research, and presuming I don't know "the truth".
    -Your statement doesnt mean anything. its pure blabber.

    See I just took what you said out of context. Just an fyi
    so lets continue.
    I think it is safe to say that Its common sense that not everything you hear in the news has all its facts present and news venues can be political. Thats just fact that if you want to know more about something you research. So If you have any books or research you can recommend, be my guest to let me know. Ill read it. no problem. Thus study a subject. Common sense.

    lets continue, we can also say its common sense that every problem has a cause. thus the expression "lets get to the root of the problem"

    great. Its also critical thinking that every thing can be broken down into elements.
    For example: elements of good health is 1) Nutrition 2) physiology 3) Positive Mental Outlook 4)exercise 5) hormonal balance.
    GReat so you understand the above. great.

    So that being said and we can keep in mind the basic common sense statements I mentioned above and please focus on the question below.

    IN your opinion: What do you think the elements of the problem in the colorado shooting are?

    • Nothing about what you say is remotely close to common sense.aaux
  • CanHasQBN0

    You merely state common sense facts? Hmm, I can't recall a single fact or mildly debatable idea that you've brought up. Please, point me to one of your facts that exists and that hasn't been refuted...

    Your thought that the things you state are "common sense" means nothing. They're only common sense to you because they align with your beliefs.

    For some reason you like to assume that I don't do research. You ask for research... I've been posting charts, links, scenarios, and evidence to support my case in this (and actually mostly the "Gun laws") thread. All of them go ignored. And then you come in and inject completely vague and general ideas like "elements" and "root causes" while refusing to be specific about anything. I'm waiting......

    So instead of listing the "Elements of Good Health", you should've put that effort into listing the elements related to the subject that we're discussing (guns). After all, it's you who brought up this talk about "elements". I really don't know why you're trying to avoid being specific about anything related to guns.

    I do know what the elements of the CO shooting are, at least from my own perspective. But since you're the one who banters on about causes and elements, I'd like to see you bring something to the table for once. If you think these elements and root causes are so important, then list them, and tell me how they support your position. Specifically, I'd like to hear how they lead you to justify the legality of 100-round clips.

    • Doesnt answer the question.
      but FYI Its already legal to have 100 clip round. It like accusing someone being guilty till proven innocent.
    • innocent. so whats your point.yurimon
    • Huh??? I'm not accusing anyone of being guilty. My point is, that sort of stuff should be MADE illegal.CanHasQBN
  • yurimon0
    • There was no indication his life was in danger. The guy might have ran when he found someone home.ETM
    • Just saying, he had a right to defend his own, but no proof his life was in danger.ETM
  • CanHasQBN0


    "And you can list instances where guns have saved lives all you want. They would never compare to the amount of times guns are used for crime. One saved life doesn't justify the killing of a hundred lives."

  • CanHasQBN0


    "And you can list instances where guns have saved lives all you want. They would never compare to the amount of times guns are used for crime. One saved life doesn't justify the killing of a hundred lives."

    • Double post. But probably needed, as you seem to have trouble digesting information.CanHasQBN
    • seriouslymonospaced
  • CanHasQBN0

    yurimon... You could probably dig up 3 stories about a life that was saved by a gun today. And I could probably dig up 300 stories where an innocent life was taken by a gun today.

    Is it difficult for you to accept this? Because it seems like you choose to ignore this simple premise.

  • yurimon0

    well in this case thats exactly what happened. Saved son. what do you think the odds of someone surviving a home invasion?

    You dont like others to have different opinions? Common sense is something that is only within your belief system. boohoo..

    go ahead post them... I want to see them. please.

    • I REALIZE that a gun can save one's life during a home invasion or an attack...CanHasQBN
    • What YOU do not realize is that for every life saved by a gun, there are a huge number of lives TAKEN by guns.CanHasQBN
    • ...and that's not a matter of opinion.CanHasQBN
    • Is your brain made of bricks or something??CanHasQBN
  • benfal990

    If there were no guns and no weapons at all. The world would be a better place. Only fists fighting and karate moves.

    • :Dmonospaced
    • What about sharp sticks? And rocks? Or tying sharp rocks to sticks? Or blunt rocks to sharp sticks?ETM
    • oh ETM... *sigh*monospaced
    • That would be nice.yurimon
  • yurimon0

    Saved but not saved cause england is a bag of bollocks.……

    • you're such a moron... that is just more gun violence that could have been avoided without gunsmonospaced
    • Are you saying they had no right to defend themselves?yurimon
    • The Ferries would have been better off with a porch light, a dog and a better lock.monospaced
    • I'm SAYING that he didn't stop a fucking gun-related murder! He nearly CAUSED THEM! You are a fucking idiot.monospaced
    • Dude they could have been killed if they couldnt defend themselves there is no telling what could happen in a home invasion.yurimon
    • invasionyurimon
    • oh, so now gun violence is stopping mythical murders? did you eat paint chips as a kid?monospaced
    • Comeback to the real world. Your blaming the victim for defending himself. Its like accusing a rape victim for wearing a mini skirt.yurimon
    • In a real world situation if your home is invaded your f'd if your not successful in defense. what if you have women in you house? you know what happens?yurimon
    • I'm all for defending the home! But this was NOT a case where a gun saved lives, you fucknut.monospaced
    • I guess you can wait and see if burglar kills you during a home invasion. Thats the best test.yurimon
    • burglars aren't usually in the business of killing, they're usually more interested in something to sellmonospaced
    • either way, though, you aren't providing a single example here of a gun PREVENTING A MURDER.monospaced
    • were the burglars armed?monospaced
  • rylamar0

    One of the guys who lived has some intelligent things to say on FB.…

  • Ramanisky20

    ^ that kid needs to go back school to get his learn on

  • monospaced0

    "what do you think the odds of someone surviving a home invasion?"
    -- yurimon

    I think they're incredibly high. Probably close to 100% survival. What do YOU think the odds are of surviving a burglary?

    • You can take your chances on your own. Hope you have no women in the house defenseless. roll the unarmed dice.yurimon
    • diceyurimon
    • answer the fucking questionmonospaced
    • The thought that I need a gun to protect my family doesn't cross my mind. I like where I live. :)ETM
    • I worry about things like how safe the family vehicle is. Where there is a realistic chance of something bad happening.ETM
  • yurimon0

    Dang thats some good citizenry...…

  • CanHasQBN0

    Yurimon, I just want to make sure, and please answer clearly... Do you realize that for every life saved by a gun, there are a huge amount of lives TAKEN by guns?

    Do you realize that posting individual links to isolated cases means nothing?

    I've never implied that guns have never saved a life. I'm saying that the amount of SAVED lives can never compare to the amount of lives TAKEN by guns. Thus rendering your argument that "Guns SAVE Lives" invalid.