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Out of context: Reply #4805

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  • Ramanisky25

    • 30M vehicles a year, and it took five years to build. Traffic's going to be fun in Baltimore for a while...Nairn
    • That bridge looked fragile as fuck.milfhunter
    • Captain was on his phone probably :-PHAL9001
    • i can't believe how easily it fell to bits. So horrible.Ianbolton
    • Boeing making ships now?Gnash
    • @Gnash you mean: Boeing making bridges now?milfhunter
    • That ship is a repeat offender.palimpsest
    • milfhunter with the victim blaming.palimpsest
    • @palm It goes both ways. Shitty old infrastructure and shitty shipment.milfhunter
    • What was the bridge wearing and why was it "open" at night?palimpsest
    • @milfhunter
      Very shitty people on both sides.
    • What was the bridge doing in the middle of the water in the first place? And why didn't it move out the way?palimpsest
    • The bridge was shit, but those container ships are terrifying. Once I was on a ferry back into town, container ship stalled and was floating into our path.garbage
    • I was taking a nap in my car, and woke up to full sirens as the captain was pulling whatever the ferry equivalent of an e-brake is.garbage
    • Holy shit. The lights come on and you can see the exhaust of full reverse way too late.garbage
    • Did 'Harbour Control' (I don't know) stop traffic when they realised something was amiss, or was it just a coincidental quiet period for vehicles?Nairn
    • lol shitheads are already pinning it on DEI and WOKE!…
    • JFC. Next they'll retcon Exxon Valdez into a Democratic scheme to "Make Alaska Black Again".garbage
    • Biden presidency in one photo.Milan
    • now we know how easy it is to crash a ship, just bring the captains kid on the board and let him play with the power button.sted
    • flol @ paliContinuity
    • I'm guessing shipping's fucked there too, right? Nothing can come in or out until that mess is dealt with.
      Fucking critical infrastructure, eh?
    • 'i can't believe how easily it fell to bits'
      you'd fall to bits if you were hit by 120,000 tons. bridges aren't designed to eat that kind of momentum.
    • lol. Peeps thinking the bridge was at fault here. The engineering of these things is remarkable, taking out 1 of the 2 supports is what brought it downGnash
    • @Nairn I can bridge nerd on this. I live pretty much on the water, in between a few drawbridges and the second-most popular suicide bridge in the world. Fun!garbage
    • This on was a continuous truss, and it's essentially a budget bridge used for shipping lanes and port entrances.garbage
    • Sometimes they don't have bridge tenders, can't tell if this one had one or not.garbage
    • Everybody knows bridges don't collapse from "legitimate crashes".palimpsest
    • Everybody knows about Tampa Bay boat bridge collapse in 1980... they should anyway if making blanket statements for everybodyprophetone
    • is this like an accidental 9/11, or Flight 9525 wherein every cunt globally is going to want lock down big ass ships in their domain?Nairn
    • This happened a couple of weeks back in Turkey… It's a great wat to fuck over a country's logistics...Nairn
    • Oh nothing about it was legit. Seriously might turn out to be a drunk crew or some severe mechanical malfunction.garbage
    • I think it was last year we had one crash into one of the most obnoxious tourists locations.garbage
    • ISIS-K claimed responsibilityMilan
    • Yall trying to defend the infrastructure of the USA is hilarious. We all know its in a downfall.milfhunter
    • https://fredblog.stl…milfhunter
    • Public investment in U.S. infrastructure as a share of GDP has fallen by more than 40 percent since the 1960s, according to the world economic forum.milfhunter
    • More than 45,000 U.S. bridges and 1 in 5 miles of roads are in poor condition, per the American Society of Civil Engineersmilfhunter
    • someone calculated the force of impact, its around 3 million kilojoules of force, its like a localized lvl 3 earthquake, no bridge can stand thatfeel
    • Only one could. Trusty 11 Foot 8.garbage

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