Suggest a good movie…

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  • Morning_star9

    Watched this last night. Based on the trailer I misjudged it entirely. It's very good. Incredibly thought provoking.

    Those quiet moments since seeing it are filled with the possibilities, consequences and perspectives the film portrays. It's unspecific, distant, mundane and fucking terrifying all in one. Sam Esmail (Mr Robert) has tapped into something that's primal, in what it means to survive in this world. The final scene is devastating, heavy with truth and hopelessness.

    • yes it's a great filmhans_glib
    • Nicely stated Morning_starRamanisky2
    • Interesting, I found the last scene full of hope and a fuck-it, let’s make the best of a shitty situation attitude_niko
    • It felt to me like an overture to self-centred entitlement and consumption.Morning_star
    • Ross & Rachel truly destroyed the world.Ramanisky2
    • My wife said she was troubled that she doesn't know what happens after the end. I said I think they told us exactly what happens. Great film.monospaced
    • In the minority here, clearly. I didn't much like it - daft exposition, unlikely character development - it just felt like a bunch of ideas, thrown at a wall.Nairn
    • If you are woke, this movie is your wet dream.Hayoth
    • Uh oh.

      No, sorry - i fucking loved it.
    • felt it would have been better without the weird religious under tones.Nutter
    • No doubt It has it's faults, the narrative is a bit clunky, the pacing is off, the characters are unlikely. Despite that it's one of the most thought...Morning_star
    • ...provoking things i've seen. Different strokes for different folks I guess.Morning_star
    • Ross was on ‘a break’ okprophetone
    • Lovedthis one.elahon
    • I'm with Nairn, I felt the same about the book. Nothing wrong with open endings, but this felt like a lazy way to do that.MrT
    • weak film 1/10, iWood not bang.fadein11
    • not even mediocre....not any components in it to get enthusiastic about it...neverscared
    • lol Nairnfuturefood
    • Critics praise this movie for the most part. Cinema-goers, not so much; sailed right over their head.canoe

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