
Out of context: Reply #22

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  • inteliboy9

    You could see this anti-woke bullshit coming a mile away.

    One little segment of the population goes far left, outraged about everything...

    Then the entire right come in swinging like a toddler having a tantrum.

    It's all nonsense. All irritating. Fed by all the rage bait on social media.

    Sadly though have seen the real world repercussions of it all, people losing jobs or work over bizarre identity politics. Seems everyone is getting put in their little categories for a more divided and shitty world. Both sides have fucked it for everyone.

    • If any of it didnt get clicks and cultural/political clout, no one would give a shitinteliboy
    • It's being easy... Divide and conquer.OBBTKN
    • Can you give us 1 example of wokeism that is far left?palimpsest
    • How does intersectionality NOT divide us? Surely, pointing out all our individual oppressions solves nothingIanbolton
    • Does wokeism propose full-scale nationalization, abolition of private property, radical weath redistribution?palimpsest
    • Wokeism is to US Democrats what the Tea Party was to Republicans. It has nothing to do with the far left.palimpsest
    • How far left do you have to go to be deemed as far left?Ianbolton
    • Left of the Democrats is all. Since Democrats represent the left.
      If you have a woke issue that you consider far left I would like to hear it.
    • Universal Healthcare? Is that far left? Is it a woke issue?palimpsest
    • Accessible and affordable higher education? Is that too radical, too woke?palimpsest
    • Gender dysphoria and mental illness are real.ApeRobot
    • disney is so far left .. u wont believe. lol..neverscared
    • one little segment? like Biden enabling mediocrity through the selection of individuals based on token qualifications?hotroddy
    • study Marxist revolutions if you don't want to be ignorant ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Hayoth
    • Our #1 Marxist scholar.palimpsest
    • very fine people on both sides... to all kkk buddies...neverscared
    • who are so deeply bounded with anti-life and the past...neverscared
    • u will never own disney nor the future... ;)neverscared
    • bringing up KKK? who's the one living in the past?hotroddy
    • LOLpalimpsest
    • Left/right is the wrong distinction. It’s about authoritarianism. The wokees play at altruism the same way communists were ‘for the workers’.monNom
    • The hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug. It’s is how the in-group displays their power.monNom
    • mental health is a social constructIanbolton
    • Can anyone name one way "wokeness" affected your life other than news headlines?yuekit
    • ^ thisfadein11
    • I stepped in shit the other day walking in LA so I can say it scared me psychologicallyhotroddy
    • Yuekit, i think it's more the confused conversations i get dragged into. Like 'i can't say anything these days without being offensive'.Ianbolton
    • Ah yes, the inevitable, and meaningless, “If it doesn’t affect you...” comment.Gnash
    • Followed up with the predictably inane, ‘this’Gnash
    • I like cinema. Woke Hollywood fucked up a bunch of movies, franchises etc.crazyprick
    • my response is 'don't say anything cunty then, if you're so scared'. I feel like people are working their shit out, and happy for them to do their thing.Ianbolton
    • Oh look, cynicism because you don't have an answer. It's just a buzzword / wedge issue that the right is glomming onto because..garbage
    • ..if they had to stand on any real issue, they'd fall through that platform immediately. 100% "LOOK OVER THERE, WOKENESS".garbage
    • I'd wager you've only recently heard that term, don't even know that they co-opted that term, and you'd have to google its origins.garbage
    • (forgot the @hotroddy)garbage
    • lol, that's also the first thing I could think of...people getting annoyed about women being cast in the new Ghostbusters movie, something like that.yuekit
    • If that's what justifies this level of interest in a topic then the world must really be free of problems right?yuekit
    • Dude, I live it. 20 years before woke became a word there was another word in Venezuela, "Chavista".hotroddy
    • it divided and destroyed the country beyond recognition.. worse then any civil warhotroddy
    • Speaking of Ghostbusters 2016, the movie simply sucked ass on all levels. The unfunny cast of actresses was a big part of it, obviously. So you're a cuntcrazyprick
    • Didn't the next Ghostbusters movie also suck though?yuekit
    • Far from ideal, but much, much better.crazyprick
    • I fucking hate Rottentomatoes, but check out both movies there and look at audience score only. The tomatometer is fucking useless anyway.crazyprick
    • Star Wars The Last Jedi was maybe another example of a woke movie.yuekit
    • I can sort of understand why people resent these movies, it's like Hollywood is propagandizing you. Also some people of our generation are very attached toyuekit
    • things like Star Wars and Ghostbusters that they grew up with, possibly to an unhealthy extent. So it's like wokeness is destroying your childhood memories.yuekit
    • Memories aside, they're releasing shit that no one enjoys, no matter the age. And cinema is a big part of culture.crazyprick
    • But the flipside to this is a country like China, where every movie is basically some version of Rambo.yuekit
    • I think the good side of wokeness is the ability to criticize your own culture and history, something that's missing in a lot of parts of the world.yuekit
    • Good side of wokeness? Are you fucking high?crazyprick
    • @yuekit You're wasting your breath. That boy loses sleep over Ghostbusters and Star Wars.garbage
    • Right now the Republicans are doing things like banning black history from being taught in schools...I think this is going way too far.yuekit
    • Garbage, the faggy cunt loser.crazyprick
    • What amazes me is how many anti-woke people watch and get triggered by such awful films. Hit the back catalogue guys, loads of good shit out there.fadein11
    • ^^ user name checks out.pango
    • Yeah, just don't look and the problems will go away. Fuck, I hope some of you are sterile.crazyprick
    • the only people left now using 'woke' in any kind of discourse are conservatives. They've found the new catch-phrase they want to beat to death.exador1
    • it's 'woke-this' and 'trans-that'.
      its just a rallying cry for idiots.
    • times are always changing. demographics are always changing. but the easy thing for nasty people has ALWAYS been to point a finger and say 'it was THEM!!!!'exador1
    • 'They're the reason things are different!' They're the reason you're unhappy!

      meanwhile they line their pockets.
    • don't be racist. don't be homophobic. don't be transphobic. don't be misogynistic.
      for some reason, those things seem hard for some folks.
    • its not. just mind your own fucking business, take care of yourself and your family, and leave others the fuck alone.exador1
    • ^ this *for gnashfadein11
    • They're not hard concepts for sane adults. This thread evidences just how easy it is to trigger manbabies.garbage
    • lol, yupfadein11
    • Do you know any other buzzwords except "triggered", you loser?crazyprick
    • Maybe consider the fact that you're very easily defined? If there were anything interesting about you, I'd have different words. You aren't, so I don't.garbage
    • #staytriggeredgarbage
    • Knobby Logic 101®utopian

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