Artificial Intelligence

Out of context: Reply #81

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  • robotron3k0

    Does anyone have advice on building deep learning machines? I have a question about GPUs...

    I'm putting shopping list together to build a box—and I'm a mac guy so this is my first build.

    In fact I actually don't really know much about python either so I'm just learning as well...

    I'm interested in the computer vision aspects of AI, OpenCV, Pytorch, etc.

    So for my expected tasks, video frame generating capability for interpolation will require power and I've been reading up on NVIDIA GPUs, but a friend recco'd EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 8 GB,

    Is there any difference in the brands or is one better than the other??

    I'd like to drop it in a Thermaltake Core V1 Mini ITX. so any thoughts, suggestions, quips would be appreciated...

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