Intellectual Dark Web

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  • 200 Responses
  • BonSeff1

  • PhanLo1

  • Morning_star-3

    If you get a moment, have a listen to this. Just the first 10 minutes, where Harris explains how he, Peterson and Murray are being blamed for the recent massacre in Christchurch.

    It's astonishing.…

    • tho isn't Sam Harris a leftist meditating intellectual?inteliboy
    • Add 'Athiest' to that and i think that's accurate.Morning_star
    • i'm hung up on the part where biometrics are necessary for Twitter ffs.MrAbominable
    • Sam Harris, the real victim of the massacreyuekit
    • Honestly I like Harris alright, but I also like Greenwald and Mehdi Hassan. I don't think he is being fair in describing them as bad faith actors. They justyuekit
    • happen to have a view a different view of Islam. Perhaps one lesson of a tragedy like this is that people should try to be a little less absolutist in theiryuekit
    • views, particularly when it comes to topics where you are generalizing about large groups of people.yuekit
    • Have you read Murray's book?Fax_Benson
    • I can't find a lot of sympathy for Murray - although he's whining for it again in the Spectator.Fax_Benson
    • Out of curiosity I went and read the Intercept articles that Harris was complaining about. They actually didn't blame him for the shooting. Theyyuekit
    • simply mentioned him briefly (one sentence in each article) as one of many people who have contributed to a hysteria against Muslims as a whole.yuekit
    • If the journalist wasn't trying to make a connection or promoting guilt by association the why mention Harris et al at all? That's 'bad faith' if you ask me.Morning_star
    • I don't see how it's bad faith, it's just their opinion. Should it be off limits for them to give their opinion that there is too much blanket criticism ofyuekit
    • Muslims, and to name specific people who are engaged in this? Seems like a perfectly legitimate topic for discussion in light of what happened.yuekit
    • I'd agree if it wasn't such a low blow. The articles title is "Politicians and Pundits Must Stop Their Anti-Muslim Rhetoric". Harris etc don't criticise...Morning_star
    • ...Islam. As i've mentioned before, opinion and discussion of ideas is fantastic, when you start to criticise people it's not helpful.Morning_star
    • Amend: "Harris etc don't criticise Muslims they criticise islam."Morning_star
    • OK but if people buy into this view of Islam as an existential threat to Western civilization, do you really expect them to take a tolerant view of individualyuekit
    • Muslims? I think you may be expecting a level of nuance that does not exist, particularly in the kind of people who are drawn to these topics.yuekit
    • I think, especially with Harris, that they are perfectly capable, and go to great lengths to make it clear that they talk about Ideas, not people. We have to..Morning_star
    • able to talk about the ideas, the policies, the ideologies and this is what the IDW do.Morning_star
    • they should therefore be able to discuss the idea that people can and do use their legitimate discussions as justification for extreme behaviourFax_Benson
    • You're making it sound like a completely neutral forum for ideas. When in reality there is a distinct slant towards anti-Islam views, anti-immigrant views.yuekit
    • Open discussion is a great thing of course, including ideas that are deemed "off limits." But when you consistently feature people who mass generalize aboutyuekit
    • an entire religion, who say we're being overrun by immigrants, Western civilization is under threat etc, that goes way beyond just having an open-minded debate.yuekit
    • @Fax Are you suggesting we shouldn't talk about 'difficult' subjects?

      @Yuekit. You hear what you want to hear.
    • what? No, I'm saying Murray in particular is happy to discuss any subject until it becomes difficult for him.Fax_Benson
    • he can't just duck out now. he has a responsibility to discuss how and why his book has become a such a crutch for these people.Fax_Benson
    • Sorry, misunderstood. I agree.Morning_star
    • Morning_star, just one example...Lauren Southern who is the proponent of this "great replacement" theory about how whites are being wiped out by immigrantsyuekit
    • is given a positive and sympathetic interview on Dave Rubin's show. The interview currently has about half a million views on YouTube.yuekit
    • The New Zealand killer's manifesto is literally titled the exact same thing and about the same conspiracy theory.yuekit
    • So.Morning_star
    • Now who is this chick, is she some kind of intellectual? No she's a 23 year old who managed to become a mini celebrity promoting these far right theories.yuekit
    • I guess you're against free speech and platforms for idiots to broadcast their obviously flawed ideas.Morning_star
    • Really has nothing to do with free speech, it's more of an editorial decision about who you're going to have on your show and how their ideas are presentedyuekit
    • (completely uncritically in this case -- and comments to the video are 99% positive).yuekit
    • I'm listening to it now. All she seems to do is repeats the 'web facts' that support her fears. Like you.Morning_star
    • Hmmm so your response to me pointing this out is that I'm against free speech and I'm afraid? lol.yuekit
    • My point is that you can't on one hand pose as this high-minded debating society while again and again featuring people like this. Bit of a disconnect there.yuekit
    • Who's posing as a high-minded debating society? And you say 'people like this', people like what? You exaggerate their political tendencies to the point of...Morning_star
    • ...of untruth. If i believed everything you suggest then these people are all members of the Nazi party.Morning_star
    • Didn't say Nazi. But I think it's fair to say there's a big far right movement out there spreading hysteria and fanatical views about immigrants and Muslims.yuekit
    • I mean we should be able to agree on this basic fact by now right? I'm not saying they are all equally extreme or should be banned, but surely when you haveyuekit
    • people expressing the same worldview as the guests you featured on your show committing mass murders, it's time for a little critical self-examination?yuekit
    • I wouldn't agree with that at all. I think the hysteria is with the far left who are labelling everyone slightly right of centre as far right.Morning_star
    • I dunno man...when people talk about "the death of Europe" and "the collapse of Western civilization" that seems pretty hysterical to me.yuekit
    • If you take titles of books as the max resolution of someones extensive and nuanced opinion then i guess you're right. I suggest you're doing yourself no...Morning_star
    • ...favours by having such a dishonest interpretation. If you can't be bothered to step out of the echo chamber and dig a little deeper, I think you're a fool.Morning_star
    • How it is dishonest? Sam Harris chose to title his latest podcast with Douglas Murray "Is this the End of Europe?" Harris starts off by referring to "the likelyyuekit
    • destruction of Europe." I didn't make this up, they really do talk in these apocalyptic terms. And this is very common language among the anti-immigrant crowd.yuekit
    • That is not to say there is no nuance to their argument. But being able to talk at length about a topic does not excuse you from reaching such a hyperbolicyuekit
    • conclusion when it is not supported by the evidence. Europe survived two world wars, I'm pretty sure it will survive the current wave of immigration.yuekit
    • europe also survived the plague without vaccines. how is that an argument?Gnash
    • You're just making my point for me Gnash. Europe has survived plague, war, actually being conquered by Muslims, communism, more wars, etc. The idea that it'syuekit
    • doomed because of some demographic changes or issues assimilating immigrants seems a little silly in comparison.yuekit
    • I get that. I wasn't suggesting that immigration effects were akin to the plague, though.Gnash
    • only the general posit that being able to resit catastrophic adversity is argument against examining a topic that may not have similar outcomesGnash
    • Not an argument against discussing it, just an argument against framing it in these extreme terms that reinforce the worldview of the far right.yuekit
    • ya, the hyperbole gets in the wayGnash
  • BonSeff0

    Clean your room and buy my merch or marxism wins!…

  • Morning_star-4

    I wonder how this is gonna pan out for Cambridge University.

    Not well, I guess.

    Peterson was invited to be a visiting fellow at Cambridge Uni. The the invitation was rescinded due to the reaction from the Student Union. Who said..."Peterson isn’t welcome at Cambridge because it’s an ‘inclusive environment’.

    I was under the impression that a university IS the place to challenge ideas.…

    • best part is cambridge inferring that it was peterson who made the requestGnash
    • can't really blame them. it must be exhausting to be nursing all the traumatized kids endlessly.Gnash
    • puppy rooms aren't cheapGnash
    • Imagine someone challenging your ideas....the horror.Morning_star
    • although, JP has to take responsibility for nurturing a brand that thrives on the controversy.Gnash
    • I'm not sure he'd agree with that. It's only seems controversial because of the Left's stubborn adherence to dogma and ideology. The inability to reflect...Morning_star
    • ...analyse and adapt is disheartening.Morning_star
    • yet he does things like the Lobster Collection. Not for the money, but to (very successfully) wind-up the left and get them tweeting about him.Gnash
    • It quite devious actually. the herd are all having this "gotcha" moment and he's just playing with them. That signals to me that he's kinda working it.Gnash
    • Not that he shouldn't, but in context of, cap. "A", Academia, the cambridge situation isn't that surprising.Gnash
    • Agreed. I've seen him deny that he's a provocateur. But, the lobster stuff and some recent appearances would suggest he's getting a little more 'playful'.Morning_star
    • I've read from people at Cambridge that it wasn't just a case of stroppy students insisting he be no-platformed.Fax_Benson
    • Dish the dirt Fax, what do you know?Morning_star
    • don't know anything - just that Divinity SU is one part of one of 30 colleges that make up the university and not as simple as Cambridge bans JPFax_Benson
    • someone at Cambridge was saying the offer was hastily given then withdrawn on review. I agree banning academics from Unis is dumb as rocks, just to clarify.Fax_Benson
    • JP's views aren't controversial. I'm honestly baffled. He's a boring Canadian professor. The world has gone mad if this is the enemy.inteliboy
    • Though the left love eating themselves alive. This is why the right have that
      'smug' look, deservedly so.
  • Morning_star-3

    From JPs response. Link below.

    P.S. I also find it interesting and deeply revealing that I know the names of the people who invited me, both informally and formally, but the names of the people who have disinvited me remain shrouded in exactly the kind of secrecy that might be expected from hidden, conspiratorial, authoritarian and cowardly bureaucrats. How many were there? No one knows. By what process did they come to the decision (since there were obviously people who wanted me there)? No one knows. On what grounds was the decision made? That has not been revealed. What role was played by pressure from, for example, the CUSU? That’s apparently no one’s business. It is on such ground that tyranny does not so much grow as positively thrive.

    P.P.S. Here’s something from Vice-Chancellor Professor Stephen Toope of the University of Cambridge that’s worth consideration, in the current context (the described “openness” is apparently part of the university’s declared strategic initiatives regarding (what else) equality and diversity (bold mine):

    One very specific aspect of...openness is being inclusive, and open to diversity in all its forms – diversity of interests and beliefs, of gender, of religion, of sexual identity, of ethnicity, of physical ability.…

  • Morning_star-4

    Do we care who or what controls our personal data? Have a listen to this and tell me if you sleep easier tonight.

    Sam Harris interviews Roger McNamee. He has cofounded successful venture funds including Elevation with U2’s Bono. He was a former mentor to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and helped recruit COO Sheryl Sandberg to the company.…

  • kingsteven2

    • Made by a sensitive little millennial easily offended rat kinset
    • Nothing more dangerous than the group collective.Hayoth
    • you made this, set?imbecile
    • Hayoth: the words group and collective mean the same thing, what you just said is like saying you love dog canines lolset
    • What is tautology?deadsperm
    • The science of keeping your ballbag tautset
    • Hayoth loves using words and terms he has no understanding of, especially when he's uber-triggeredmonospaced
    • Hayoth, what about communism, is that not worse? Or socialism? Or fascism? What about atheism, isn't that THE worst?monospaced
    • it's not wrong to say 'group collective,' since it is a collective of disparate groups. each group vying for supremacy over the other.Gnash
    • Agreed. Atheism is definitely THE worst.Morning_star
    • lolmonospaced
  • kingsteven6

    • This thread has been suspiciously quiet ever since the debate. *Googles Hegel*
      Fucking LOL.
    • i've been avoiding watching it. I just know it'll be painfulGnash
    • the debate, not this clip
    • I've only watched post-game analysis clips. Some of the left are still complaining, Peterson fans cling to the civil discourse narrative.deadsperm
    • What I've most enjoyed were the memes pointing out how unprepared and out his league Peterson was.deadsperm
    • I'd have continued to join in, but my comments come pre-canned.see_thru
    • just watched the whole debate, poor jordan out of his league :)renderedred
    • Hmmm I finally watched this. Didn't seem like much of a debate to be honest. Peterson gave a very standard critique of communism. Zizek did one of hisyuekit
    • talks where he throws out a million different ideas at once, making Peterson look simple-minded by comparison. But there wasn't much real interaction, they wereyuekit
    • on two different tracks the whole time.yuekit
    • @yuekit, i don't know if the organizers or peterson himself thought that zizek will defend marxism. zizek is NOT a marxist and that's where all fell apart imhorenderedred
    • I think Zizek does draw on Marx's ideas to some extent but it's a very post-modern take on them -- being fully critical of 20th century communism and mergingyuekit
    • with other ideas. That's my understanding anyway based on attempting to read a couple of his books :)yuekit
    • I'd say what he takes from Marx is more the mode of analysis rather than adhering to any particular "socialist" economic system. You can easily use a Marxistyuekit
    • framework to critique all the past attempts at Marxism. But yeah didn't seem like Peterson had watched or read any of his works.yuekit
  • deadsperm-1…
    The City of Boston can't stop a much-debated "Straight Pride Parade" from taking place this summer just because people disagree with the organizers' cause, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said Thursday.

    • why is this in this thread?Morning_star
    • Freedom of Expression fighting Cultural Marxism, that's why.deadsperm
    • And they're just exploring ideas.deadsperm
  • colin_s1

    peterson is a cunt

    • socialism is cancerMorning_star
    • haha. A lot of hate in this thread. And i think young Colin here hates a lot of things. Chill man. Take some acid and try sucking your own dickIanbolton
    • fuckinglol, ianNairn
    • Go on then, It is Friday after all.Morning_star
    • peterson is a cunt though. it's a shame as he may have a poin.... nope! i jest, he's full of shit too, and sounds like kermit the frog.kingsteven
    • there is just nothing controversial about what he goes on about. I find it so amusing how triggered people get by himGnash
    • He does have a voice like Kermit, and we all know how that green amphibious prick is a Jew hating nazi. The clues are there if you’re a delusional socialist.Morning_star
    • he's a cliff notes version of right-leaning philosophy for people that enjoy the idea of ayn rand without actually considering the world at largecolin_s
    • he's representative of western individualism and pseudo-intellectual debate for the self-serving. also, i'm not a socialist there morningstar.colin_s
    • Individual thinking (taking care of 'you and yours' first) is better for the 'world at large' than trying to create a' one size fits all' method IMHOPonyBoy
    • :)fadein11
    • i suppose there are two types.
      'we're all in the boat together' &
      'I've got mine, fuck you'

      personally, i think we're all in the boat together.
    • Jesus colin shut up. Peterson isnt right or left and hes not threatening whatever garbage you follow.cannonball1978
    • @exador1 you say that like: those are the only two choices we have in every part of our lives; and once you choose one, you can't choose the other.Morning_star
    • nope.
      i say that as someone that has reached middle age, raised to kids and has seen a thing or two.
    • and I've noticed
      a) there are those that think we can all work together to make things better.
    • and
      b) those that don't.
    • my guess is that if you think 'socialism is a cancer' you know which section you belong in.exador1
    • i inhabit both a) and b) and neither. i too have raised two kids, travelled the globe and i'm the wrong side of 40 and i don't think socialism is cancer but...Morning_star
    • can be. The social hierarchy we live in would suggest it's perfectly acceptable to put your own children first before others. Does that mean i'm in...Morning_star
    • ...category b) for every decision i make? No.Morning_star
    • @canonball i said he's representative of. libertarians are right-leaning and i'd say he's closest to that, and he hates leftist ideas... so, seems right-leaningcolin_s
    • @ponyboy i think that that when systems are designed to divide people they end up with significantly disparate pools of despair among the peoplecolin_s
    • to which the only commonality between people is their anxiety but no fix can be agreed upon because of such radical divisionscolin_s
    • XanaxMorning_star
    • @colin libertarianism is not right leaning. Libertarianism is anarchy with a market, so less, neither left or right. Disabuse yourself of polarized thinking.cannonball1978
    • @cannon, to my mind markets without regulation are inherently right-leaning, empowering accumulated wealth, "wild west" type psychologiescolin_s
    • anarchy is the concept we would all be just and good to one another, forming a society that would benefit all without the need for a state; trade, not marketscolin_s
    • and that the community, not the individual, would be responsible for any necessary acts toward justice and the betterment of allcolin_s
    • libertarianism (as practiced today) is right leaning! and is as mutually exclusive from anarchism as objectivism is of altruism. i can take the 'socialism iskingsteven
    • cancer' shite in that it's inevitable as it runs against the libertarian status quo. i don't get how folks don't see that sanders 'market socialism' is not thatkingsteven
    • as i don't get 'left wing = cultural marxism = pronouns' or 'anarchism = individualism' that's not how it works, just don't be a cunt and we might all make it.kingsteven
    • Colin anarchy does not subscribe necessarily to any of the things you said it does.cannonball1978
    • Libertarianism’s old name was “corporate anarchy”, so yes, it is precisely a flavor of anarchy.cannonball1978
    • This is getting off track though. I havent seen Peterson say he is a libertarian (or anything) anywhere.cannonball1978
    • when was group thinking ever good? groups teach you not to question. groups teach you to conformhotroddy
    • science and western progress was built on a few individuals who were not afraid to questionhotroddy
    • peterson is so good at challenging your SJW thoughts that all you can do is call him a cunt.hotroddy
    • market anarchism is not anarchism as market socialism is not socialism. fully developed anarchism is free association: social anarchism.kingsteven
    • i'm not SJW in the slightest. a bit on the anarchist marxist side i'll admit but riled by many of the same issues... i just don't like Petersonkingsteven
    • a few of these cunts I don't mind irregardless of him possibly being a nazi harris's, neuroscience based meditation stuff is great.kingsteven
    • where i'd draw a line on SJWs i'd also generally draw a line on reactionary right/ conservative activism thats at the core of peterson/ IDW movement.kingsteven
    • it might be necessary to a degree to stop chunks of leftist postmodern philosophy, but trump is postmodernist. peterson's 'cultural marxism' frames the left forkingsteven
    • something that exists in the extremities of both sides. meanwhile defence of the individual is mostly in face of the attack proposed by the left on the 'dollarkingsteven
    • hunting man' like individual wealth / market libertarianism is the only thing to defend...kingsteven
    • when the real front-line of trans activism/ SJW movement is the battle with old school leftist feminism. IDW is a side show.kingsteven
    • Wtf is an “anarchist marxist side”. Anarchy is the government of the self, not the group. Therefore it is not left or right. It does away with that moronic modecannonball1978
    • it's not that hard... communism without the state, or libertarianism without private ownership of the means of production... take your pick.kingsteven
    • That sounds a recipe for lots of dead people. Any examples of how this has worked in practice?Morning_star
    • Theres no communism without a state. That’s just called being a neighbor thats not an asshole.cannonball1978
    • ha, have you even heard of marx? don't believe it's ever been used in practice (outside business and being the basic principle of open source development)kingsteven
    • it's a well theorised post-capitalist utopia. the assumption being that capitalism will take us to the brink and technology will remove the need for the state.kingsteven
    • i'm not a communist btw :-D but i see these reactionary blows to marxism from folks that are essentially free-market anarchists all the time.kingsteven
    • to get back to the topic... how can you defend peterson's linking between postmodernism and 'cultural marxism' via trans activism? other thankingsteven
    • right wing, conservative, anti-revolutionary, ideological protectionism... IDW is a late capitalist panic-mode side show.kingsteven
    • I don't think you've listened to Peterson/IDW at all. I think you carry a huge sack of sensational misconception and bias with regard to what's being said....Morning_star
    • ...Could you shed some light on what 'via trans activism' alludes to?Morning_star
    • Peterson was forced to stop teaching at university of toronto (and launched his speaking career off the back of) criticising the adoption of gender pronounskingsteven
    • which would be a terrible thing (as it is in the case of Bret Weinstein/ Evergreen) if he didn't come across as an absolute cunt.kingsteven
    • You know nothing. He criticised compelled speech. You know, the law dictating what a person utters. The fact that it was legislation about gender pronouns...Morning_star
    • I agree MS, i'm picking and choosing from his vast repertoire. There's just there's plenty of folks making the same points while not being cunts.kingsteven
    • largely irrelevant.Morning_star
    • Have a listen from 21:35…
    • he's still a full professor at UofTGnash
    • Yes, but he hasn't taught in a couple of years. He criticised compelled speech, but he launched his speaking career because of the media controversy of hiskingsteven
    • disputes with trans activists. I'm not sure what your getting at with posting that video, I've seen it before and many others...kingsteven
    • he talks about the authoritarianism and group identity politics of the far left and compares trans activists to Mao. which IS fucking ridiculous...kingsteven
    • comparing a bunch of reactionary students, a murderous communist regime and marx... i've seen him squirm out of his defence of this argument a bunch of times...kingsteven
    • the only commonality in his work I can find is that it appeals to the mentality of his supporters, engaging them with logical responses to their existing biaseskingsteven
    • directing them away from revolutionary thought to the center right/ conservatism.kingsteven
    • (as much as you may like the sound of it, he wasn't "forced" to stop teaching)Gnash
    • I'm STILL not sure how he's actually a cunt. That's a pretty sharp term to use on someone who's tried to be an encouragement for peopleIanbolton
    • He was forced, in that I think he would have liked to continue lecturing.kingsteven
    • he's chosen to milk his new-found fame and lecture to wider audience. Saying that he was "forced" suggested that the he had no choice. which isn't at all trueGnash
    • for now, he choosing not to waste his time lecturing to a small group of ass-hats who think pulling fire-alarms is an appropriate way to get ones' point acrossGnash
    • where did you read this? he can't lecture and would have been fired if not for tenure. i believe he has said so himself.kingsteven
    • i watched the whole thing evolve from a local news story (i live in toronto) to what's it's become now.Gnash
    • besides, a lot more reasonable commentators on extremist activists have been fired for less. i think you're giving him the benefit of the doubt!kingsteven
    • I'm sure UofT would love to shed themselves of the controversy, and I'm sure they are thrilled that he's touring instead of teaching there.Gnash
    • the school knows that trying to stop him from teaching would spark a shit-storm of neg publicityGnash
    • they know they don't really a have a leg to stand on to fire him, and either way it goes they lose.Gnash
    • well, that's meant to be the point of having tenure after all... but it doesn't give him the right to teach there. i'd also say peterson wouldn't want to bringkingsteven
    • the academic system in to further disrepute by challenging the faculty further and getting fired.kingsteven
    • What disrepute has Peterson caused Academia or UofT?Morning_star
    • (he can absolutely teach there is he choses to, though.)Gnash
    • referring to the disrepute the system is in by harbouring the sort of hyper moralisation/ laundering of extremist identity politics that he spoke out against inkingsteven
    • the first place, if he turned up to give a lecture with armed guards only to cause a riot it's not going to look good for anyone.kingsteven
    • i'd have to say i'm very weary of public intellectual blueprint in general but you don't see Dawkins writing books about 'happiness', i just don't trust that...kingsteven
    • it's like he saw harris picking up steam going from atheism to neuroscience backed meditation (while being a bit racist)kingsteven
    • and thought "i've got a platform now", "i'll teach the world how to be a canadian conservative." :-Dkingsteven
  • noneck3

  • renderedred0

    • "nothing is random"renderedred
    • why is this in this thread?Morning_star
    • they're missing something right in the middle of this chart.
    • @Morning_star
      Because it's exploring ideas.
    • infographics / the more you know threadsarahfailin
    • is this an "all conspiracy theories in one place" poster?Krassy
    • #supnumbersguyjaylarson
    • no dickbutt?teh
    • Whats a Whtie Rabbit?toemaas
    • shouldnt this be in the conspiracy thread?inteliboy
    • @teh +1Krassy
    • @toemaas "everything has meaning"renderedred
    • "thinkspot is a collaborative community where individuals can explore and exchange ideas"
  • colin_s3…

    The terms of service for the new site take an extreme position on free speech. Peterson said: “Once you’re on our platform, we won’t take you down, unless we’re ordered to by a US court of law. That’s basically the idea. So we’re trying to make an anti-censorship platform.”


    • i don't get why this is funny. where's the punchline?Gnash
    • 'Rightwing academic'
      Peterson doesn't identify as rightwing therefore #fakenews.
    • I concur. Explain yourself, laughing boy.Morning_star
    • because it's thoroughly ridiculous to associate thoughtful debate with something the government is going to take downcolin_s
    • unless your goal is to provoke reaction and generate more of the clickbait / trigger economy than have sustained discourse (which is his fallback)colin_s
    • you're so right. so much better discourse when rando autistic unicorns can woke-tweet a shut down.Gnash
    • Benjamin, the guy so censored he got to have a public, cross-platform discussion about raping an MP while standing for election to the EUFax_Benson
    • The problem with this idea is that there isn't actually a huge amount of censorship on the major social media sites. 99% of users are never going to noticeyuekit
    • anything missing and so they'll be no reason to give up the better user experience and content of the main site just for some abstract principle.yuekit
    • The "anti censorship" site therefore ends up attracting only the extreme fringe, which in practice means it becomes a haven for neo-Nazis and the far right.yuekit
    • At least, that's what happened with Voat and Gab, which were both based around a similar concept.yuekit
    • yuekit gets it. it's a PR campaign trying to attract trolls and brand their anger as intellectualism. it's just marketing for self-righteous foolishnesscolin_s
    • the kind of people actually offended by Peterson are offended by everything. The people who just don't think what he's peddling amounts to muchFax_Benson
    • don't want to censor him.Fax_Benson
    • yuekit & colin s sitting in a tree, K_I_S_S....Morning_star
    • i still don't get why it's funnyGnash
    • @gnash because it's so pathetically transparent and self-importantcolin_s
    • If you don't like something... don't engage with it. Life is simple.robthelad
    • @colin_s i'd understand your position if there wasn't buckets of content out there that gives a little more explanation, nuance and resolution to the issue....Morning_star
    • ...that 'the cunt' is trying to overcome. You need to dig a little deeper rather than regurgitate uninformed view.Morning_star
    • Fighting censorship is a worthy goal, on the other hand Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin launching a site called “Thinkspot” based around having deep conversationyuekit
    • sounds like something out of a Spinal Tap style movie ;)yuekit
    • If and when an uncensorable social media platform takes off it will be because it’s good in its own right, not because it’s marketed as such IMHO.yuekit
    • I agree Yuekit but I think there's a bigger issue that they're trying to address. That is, how you monetise platforms that aren't attractive to advertisers...Morning_star
    • ...Patreon was potentially a great way but they've got all 'holier than though' with regard to it's users.Morning_star
    • Not into Petersons pseudo-mystic religious stuff, but the rest is more thoughtful than the regurgitated progressive takedown talking points that lead to "lolll"cannonball1978
    • Petterson is cashing good money over his fansSalarrue
    • Not too difficult to build an independent crowd funding site. I think there was even one called "Hatreon" that was intended for unpopular viewpoints :)yuekit
    • The challenge is always going to do you ensure total free speech ON the platform that is also the most popular?yuekit
    • I’m not sure how encouraging freedom of speech encourages people to be nice. Build a platform that encourages positivity, and intellectual thought.Ianbolton
    • A bit like this…Ianbolton
    • why is the goal that people have to be nicecannonball1978
    • I’m saying encouragement of positive discussion is desirable. Think about your language. So-called freedom only encourages people to say WHATEVER they wantIanbolton
    • I think we know we have certain levels of freedom of speech already just encourage a more meaningful dialogue.Ianbolton
  • Krassy3

    Jordan Peterson launches anti-censorship site Thinkspot

  • PhanLo2

    Probably the best documentary that will ever be made. Ever.

    Alex Jones talks like he's struggling to squeeze out a hard jobbie.

  • inteliboy3

    Stopped listening to all this IDW stuff (except for Sam Harris).

    Every single time I dive back in on some podcast or youtube clip, it's always the same tired bullshit of complaining about the 'radical left'. All they do is whine on and on about the same shit. Get over it.

    The world is run by the right. Not by sjw's.

    • yes true to a good extent. id say government and policy is driven by the right. culture is run by sjws.cannonball1978
    • Don't label them bro! They identify as politically non-binary, they're just exploring ideas. Let them live their truth.deadsperm
    • he didn't label them.fadein11
    • *cringedeadsperm
    • lol, sorry.fadein11
  • fadein110

    Sell that domain hippy!

  • yuekit7

    I was never a fan of Jordan Peterson but damn...this is a rather grim turn of events.…

    • Apparently he’s had a serious drug addiction for a long time, went into a coma and now can barely function.yuekit
    • Dear Mr self-help guru, Rule #6 "Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world."Khurram
    • Theres no mention of a comacannonball1978
    • first paragraph: "Jordan Peterson is recovering from a severe addiction to benzodiazepine tranquilizers and was recently near death in an induced coma"PonyBoy
    • Oh i played the video didnt read my badcannonball1978
    • Oh no. Another fucking idiot idol of the alt-right that has fomented discord in my country is on Death's door. Darn. Dang. Shoot.garbage
    • lol here we gocannonball1978
    • alt right? lol. man it's scary how easily opinions of this guy has been skewed by media spin.inteliboy
    • Wasn't his wife really ill with cancer? I think that's how he got on the gear.PhanLo
    • alt right? it's scary that someone that continually preaches anti marxism and modern conservatism calls himself a classic liberal and people believe himkingsteven
    • @kingsteven. Why is it scary? And how is it that you KNOW the truth about what he believes better than he does?Morning_star
    • I wouldn't call him alt right necessarily. Maybe a reactionary social conservative self help guru?yuekit
    • i was just mimicking inteliboys reply to the comment that he's an idol of the alt-right. no one has called him alt-right. he's a centrist who's need forkingsteven
    • promotion has skewed his own beliefs by allowing the right wing (who share his anti hard left beliefs) to promote him.kingsteven
    • ie. someone who aligns themselves liberal, denigrates postmodernism on the left but will cosey up to the trumps on shared political beliefs isn't worth a wank.kingsteven
    • Understood. I catch your drift.Morning_star
    • He's just sick of all these trannies running around getting him to call them he, she, they and whatnot. And you know what?? So am I!!!Khurram
    • A "charlatan" who gives "the most elementary fatherly life-advice" while adding "convolutions to disguise the simplicity of his mind".Khurram
    • Rule #12 "Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street."Khurram
    • That’s crazy, “Russians have the guts to get people off meds where North American doctors treat them with more meds” I can imagine him being restrained by a 300_niko
    • Lb orderly named Olga. “Vhat kind man are you? Stop crying” lol_niko
    • Another rule - "God created Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve!"Khurram
    • How come women get to show off their toes and men can't??? Then they complain about getting called sweetheart!!!Khurram
    • Lobsters don't take druuuugszBonSeff
    • To be fair I don’t mind him at all, he’s a blowhard a lot of the time but he’s quite entertaining._niko
    • Gotta love the self-righteous schadenfreude :)Gnash
    • People who insult him on a personal level are people incapable of countering his discourse.hotroddy
    • This is very sad. I like prof. Peterson's messages for the most part. I dont agree with everything he says but calling him alt right is just not accurate..eryx
    • Anything that I have watch or listened to has nothing to do with racism or hate. He might be pompous or arrogant at times but tell me guys like Bill Marh aren'teryx
    • He is at times very critical of the left and that is what I like. I hope he makes a fully recovery and gets back into public life.eryx
    • He's a misogynist.BonSeff
    • LolGnash
    • expectedBonSeff
    • He'd take away my rights if he could, so fuck him. Imagine the gall of a drug addict telling people how to behave and structure society.i_monk
    • what rights would he be taking from you? the ability to refer yourself with a feminine pronoun?hotroddy
    • Yeah I hope he turns out OK, but hard to escape the conclusion that the guy was literally high on drugs while lecturing people about morality.yuekit
    • No one called him alt right!kingsteven
    • He should have ate some vegetables.PhanLo
    • JP's message is about language and living in biological reality. He could give two fucks who you marry or put your dick in. Words count to the man...PonyBoy
    • ... he (like many) are fucking tired of folks demanding legislation that does nothing more than accommodate one's feelings cuz someone got your gender wrong.PonyBoy
    • JP is a bore, and his fans are arsehole that use his erratic far spanning, vintage philosophy of the world to reinforce their narrow minded viewskingsteven
    • king—is being against both speech and thought control (to the point of legislation) a 'vintage philosophy'? Do my feelings override your right to free speech?PonyBoy
    • Have you even read any of his work donkeyboi? His "12 Rules for Life" - the work that made him wealthy beyond his wildest dreams.Khurram
    • I slogged through that shite last summer. The most insipid piece of Christian moralising, that I've ever read. Godawful book.Khurram
    • If all he was, was a crusader against identity politcs, ala JK Rowlings or Lionel Shriver, he would have an audience in me.Khurram
    • I'm an old skool feminist and have struggled to accept trans-issues into my politico-ethical framework.Khurram
    • well as safe spaces, "cultural appropriation", micro-agressions - it's all bollocks to me.Khurram
    • But he's more than that. He writes about living a perfect moral life, an "antidote to chaos." I gave him a fair shot, trust me.Khurram
    • It's sad when we react to mental health with mockery and drug addiction is fucking serious and can afflict anyone.Khurram
    • I have ample personal experience with this and I'm completely sympathetic with anyone who goes through this hell.Khurram
    • But somone who gets rich as a self-help guru but fails to live up to the basic tenets of what he proselytises...Khurram
    • A clinical psychologist apparently so utterly naive to the dangers of benzodiazepines...Khurram
    • That's a complete failure of his public image - an image I find very distasteful.Khurram
    • Khurram... that's his own personal morality but he doesn't toss it on you nor does he demand legislation demanding you live by his way of life.PonyBoy
    • So if that means he's going to shut the fuck up now and his fans are going to be without their posterboy. Then great!Khurram
    • If you find his books to be 'insipid' etc... nobody is demanding legislation that you read it. JP can write his books and preach his ways all fucking day long..PonyBoy
    • ... just as those on the complete opposite spectrum can do just the same. That's called free speech. Legislating laws demanding someone...PonyBoy
    • Great point PonyBoy!Khurram
    • ... use specific words merely to protect one's feelings (as your feelings don't override actual biological science) however is BS. And we agree. Yes?PonyBoy
    • And he does have an issue where i put my dick. He's ranted ad nauseum against people choosing to live non-monogamous lifestyles. He can fuck off with that.Khurram
    • Cuz that's all I'm getting at. If you don't like him because he writes books about shit that helped him become who he is—well—don't read his fucking books :)PonyBoy
    • Yes we do agree. Good point!Khurram
    • Khurram... his issue w/where you put your dick isn't up for legislation. Those books you keep mentioning are his own beliefs of which nobody is forced to read.PonyBoy
    • Understanding who he is / what drives him (the shit you read in his books) doesn't dismiss his reasoning that feelings shouldn't override facts / reality.PonyBoy
    • Meaning: Stop trying to legislate labels... else I'm going to demand everyone refer to me as PonyMan from now on (I'd accept DonkeyMan too)PonyBoy
    • @Khurramm can I refer you to 25:33 in a specific youtube video where he reinforces my views... oh wait you trad his book? What about my freedom of speech!kingsteven
    • says a lot about the state of the media where someone as tepid as Peterson can muster up this much opinion. he says some good stuff, some bad stuff. wow!inteliboy
    • He's a misogynist.BonSeff
    • LolGnash
    • Wtf.. self-help, beef diet.. are people normal anymore?maquito
    • I can't understand why people are so triggered by Peterson. He's basically saying the sort of advice your grandpa would give you. Why the vitriol?monNom
    • Unexamined groupthinkGnash
    • If you don't know his affiliation with the alt-right, you don't know much about the history of the alt-right.garbage
    • He was heralded by them as a bastion of braininess around the time of Gamergate. Then he was mildly critical of Trump, and is now self-described as "alt-light"garbage
    • In the end he's an arrogant idiot with a efficient platform to foment hatred and lies to people even less intelligent than him. So yeah, have a nice coffin.garbage
    • Wonder what Ben Shapiro thinks about all this.PhanLo
    • Silly Phanlo. Ben Shapiro isn't capable of thought.garbage
    • Garbage, Why is he an idiot?Morning_star
    • lol. being addicted to jellies was the only vaguely interesting thing about him. fuck him.face_melter
    • You call him alt-right because you were told he is or because he criticizes the left. That doesnt automatically make him rightwing, idiots.cannonball1978
    • lol @facemelter. Intellectual heavyweight, drug taking lightweight.PhanLo
    • Maybe people that paint him alt right forget that he’s Canadian.They feel they need to put him in one of two American ideological buckets._niko
    • At least with all the time off, he'll have plenty of time to tidy his room.PhanLo
    • hotroddy he's on record against my right to marry and adopt. Fuck him.i_monk
    • @morningstar He's a champion of incels everywhere because he's actually argued for "enforced monogamy" because it will keep women in line and men from being badgarbage
    • @cannonball I don't know why I bother responding to you because in this thread I explained why he's no longer a sweetheart of the alt-right.garbage
    • The IDW / alt-light is a band of pseudo intellectuals that came together when they didn't appear to bend the knee to Trump.garbage
    • But they were a valuable asset to the movement 2015-2016 during the election cycle because they were lauded in ways like "Hey this professor said this".garbage
    • And maybe you weren't paying attention, but they were the sweethearts that they felt gave validity to the alt-right movement at the time.garbage
    • So yeah, I'm not on some reactionary "aww he hurt my feelings because somebody told me so" trip. You're misinformed, and have no grasp of political nuance.garbage
    • Correction, Peterson was the one ranting about "enforced monogamy". Off the top of my head, Shapiro has said dumb things like "America wasn't built on slavery".garbage
    • These twats are interchangeable.garbage
    • @ Garbage He has never argued for enforced monogamy, ever.…
      So, why is he an idiot?
    • ^^ you just posted, exactly why he's an idiot. Did you even listen to that?Khurram
    • Sounds like a fucking idiot.Khurram
    • Holy fuck this guys the best. Rants about his objection to enforced gender pronouns but advocates enforced monogamy lol_niko
    • @garbage that's all just stuff you're saying. Your "sweethearts" thing's a streeeeetch, also just something you're saying. Essentially, immaterial shit-talking.cannonball1978
    • Enforced monogamy thing? Not advocating for enforcement by law, but drawing comparison between social norms, effecting how relationship opportunities play out.cannonball1978
    • Look, the guy's work has been always from a principal base of helping people, however you take his "political" positions.cannonball1978
    • But it's really kind of pointless to discuss. You are certain, and ready to shit-talk the point to death with whatever he-said she-said reasons you have.cannonball1978
    • Cannonball and Morningstar lack basic reading comprehension skills: Confirmed.garbage
    • And yes, I will proudly talk shit. Fucking idiots like you have led to political movements that are going to bury this country if left unchecked.garbage
    • #snowflakegarbage
    • Well at least you're aware thats all you are doing.cannonball1978
    • Case in point: you aren't informed about anything pertaining to what is "like me".cannonball1978
    • Garbage, you seem irrationally fearful and emotional with regard to opinions that don't align with yours or you don't understand. Why is that?Morning_star
    • When you have defend him with "he's allowed to say it, you don't have to read it" you've conceded the debate.i_monk
    • They're not even trying to defend him at this point. "Intellectual Dark Web" my arse lolKhurram
    • Why would he need defending?Morning_star
    • Ha, fearful? Sorry that I'm not handling your lack of argument with kid's gloves.garbage
    • I've no issue getting into the weeds with you on this. What would you like to arguing about? Make your point.Morning_star
    • (In case people want to have a real discussion)cannonball1978
    • I already have. You obviously can't read. Yawn.garbage
    • By point, Garbage means his own unsubstantiated shit-talking. And Morningstar is referring to whether there are substantiated points.cannonball1978
    • (Which there are none)cannonball1978
    • Um yeah, I totally didn't give you a basic history of the development of the IDW and how they were championed by the alt-right and then dumped because they..garbage
    • ..weren't quite stupid enough. Then you got your feelings hurt because I pointed out that you're being obtuse.garbage
    • Thanks for teaching me that the most boring personality type possible requires thin skin and a thick skull. Yaaaaaaaawn.garbage
    • You're amusing. It would be nice to discuss some of the ideas raised by IDW but you seem to completely miss the point and focus on the person. You're probably..Morning_star
    • ...the type who would take the piss out of Stephen Hawkins disability rather than consider his ideas. I bet you think Einstein had a stupid haircut.Morning_star
    • Thats not "a history" nor was it comprehensive or informed by anything. It was just you saying things as if they were factual instead of some shit-talking.cannonball1978
    • Like, even the yawning is pretty unsophisticated, pal. At some point you have to be an adult and communicate with people who think differently than you.cannonball1978
    • And that requires a discussion where you prove your points instead of trotting out someone else's loose associative arguments about "alt right sweetheart"cannonball1978
    • or whatever. and that would require you to come up with your own ideas. These aren't your ideas. They don't pass the smell test. You could be replaced withcannonball1978
    • pretty much anyone else who uses this "guilty by proxy" reasoning. I know because I've seen this "sweetheart" term deployed elsewhere by others.cannonball1978
    • Just think for yourself, man. And if you disagree, disagree on your own terms, not someone else's. I dont agree with Peterson on some points, but I sure as heckcannonball1978
    • don't try to re-characterize him to better suit my argument or personal political agenda. Especially if the guy has made his lifes work in the name of helpingcannonball1978
    • people, and then is in the middle of some fucked up personal hell.cannonball1978
    • Case in point: I don't necessarily agree that polyamorous relationships fuck up the natural order. But I also know he WASNT advocating for legal enforcement.cannonball1978
    • Serious question: Can you read? I even addressed how the IDW has made an effort to distance themselves from the alt-right after it became a bad look.garbage
    • Nobody said he was saying WE NEED TO MAKE EVERYONE GET MARRIED. It's more that he has a medium to telegraph that idea.garbage
    • His idealism is a time machine to the 50's & 60's. This patriarchy bullshit he preaches is a dead scene. Women are smartBonSeff
    • Sorry if they don't want to fuck youBonSeff
    • I’m sure your doing great…
    • Alright everyone, that's a wrap! Thank you for the dramatic reenactment of the classic Wondermark Sea Lion strip:…i_monk
  • PhanLo0

    • yeah illness is really funnyinteliboy
    • Should have just followed the rules. But you can't get the golden fleece without a great adventure.PhanLo
    • looking forward to the sequel "rules for comedowns"kingsteven
    • He's back on the horse again.…PhanLo
    • How do we upvote someone nearly dying? What a strange bunch of peopleIanbolton
    • the duality of his message and the circumstances by which he nearly died (and not the fact he nearly died) are funny.kingsteven
    • because contradiction is the basis of what humans call humor. a man writes a book about how to live, and soon after nearly dies.kingsteven