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  • 53 Responses
  • autoflavour0

    so far it seems perhaps that there was really only 1 shooter, who committed suicide.. who was also a German..

    thats what the tv here is saying

    • or at least suggestingautoflavour
    • Can't trust initial media coverage. They've been wrong about the full details of all recent attacks.IRNlun6
    • The Nice attack was claimed to be a lone attacker as well. Turns out he had several accomplices and planned it for over a year.IRNlun6
    • "Who was also a German", that means nothing, german blood or german papers.
  • dbloc0

    For Fucks Sake

  • robotron3k0

    live in English

  • Beeswax0

    Gunman was Iranian-German

    Police have added that the gunman had dual nationality - Iranian-German. He was found dead in a side street in the vicinity of the shopping centre.

    • Strange. If he's iranian he's most likely a Shia. That rules out that he's a member or symphatizer of ISIS.Beeswax
    • Fascinating. Your internecine conflicts have left at least 9 people dead in the heart of Europe. ISIS still celebrating the demise of infidel children.Cactus
    • It's strange because Iran is currently fighting ISIS and FSA in Syria, and ISIS in Iraq. Iran is not allies with west so interesting how this plays out.IRNlun6
    • Again Iranian-German means nothing, one of his parents was German or was he 100% Iranian and had German papers ?
    • Nationality means nothing as i_was said, there's been enough British go off and join with ISIS. Means nothing.Ranger
    • Point being, as Beeswax mentioned, he would be Shia muslim, or possibly Kurd which are not ISIS. Does not fit ISIS, Al Qaida demographic.IRNlun6
    • Likely a lone, disgruntled gunman.IRNlun6
    • People who join ISIS from other parts of the world are Sunni. They look down on Shias as apostates.IRNlun6
    • "3 of 9 people who got killed were Turks"
      What's the motivation here now? I'll begin to think this is MKUltra type of mind controlled hitman.
    • Likely just a coincidence. What's interesting on his Iranian nationality is how their enemies will begin to spin this. Turkish government already speculating.IRNlun6
    • I have English parents but I'm not C of E.Ranger
    • No he lured foreigners via Facebook. He was born in and identified as German. Nothing Muslim about the boy has come up, including the materials inspiring him.ETM
  • ernexbcn0

    Press is saying he had mental problems, was obsessed with mass killings and weapons. He had Anders Behring Breivik photo as his whatsapp photo supposedly.

    • yep - lone nutter so Trump etc. cannot use as ammunition. R.I.P. the victims.fadein11
  • ********

    So he was not a "culturally-enriching member of the Merkel Youth" it "appeared to be"...aka Refugee (thanks Georges for the enlightenment).

    Refugees Welcome!

    And now, moving along...

    • The fear mongering and idiotic assumptions were quick and rampant once again.monospaced
    • we must build high walls around the countries so no one leaves, no one comes. then remove all guns and all religions. basically turn humans into caged animals.Beeswax
    • People write that sort of shit but I'm the one to be downvoted. Fucking LOL! At least someone understood. Thanks mono. Thanks Beeswax!
    • Yeah, because mass murder committing alienated Muslims is a fact of life now. Fuck off you obfuscating cunts!Cactus
    • The swarm to protect radical islam.Hayoth
    • an eyewitness has said the man did scream 'admiral akbar' while shooting... may not have been a refugee but still related to some religious assholePonyBoy
    • it's a traaap!!!
    • Well, what I've read was that he lured foreigners to kill and identified as German. I haven;t read anything about Muslim materials though he had plenty of massETM
    • murder and school shootings. So is the assumption of Islam based on his appearance only?ETM
    • ETM... it's being reported one person heard the man shout something... "One eye witness claimed the man shouted “Allahu Akbar”" ...not verified thoughPonyBoy
    • I will continue not to judge people based on their religion. I will continue to support opening the doors to Refugees, no matter where they come from.
    • I will continue to use my skills, energy, time and knowledge to work for a good welcoming of Refugees in Germany and for their integration.
    • I will continue not to label a group of people because of individual actions. I will continue to support the people I know that work with and for refugees.
    • I will continue to fight for a better society where people are free to chose where they want to live or where they want to take shelter from destruction.
    • I will continue to refuse to label people. I will continue to try not to reply in the same manner and try to have a peaceful interaction with fellow QBN'ers.
    • Refugees Welcome!
    • Whether it is naiveté or rank virtue signaling your obstinateness is going to get a lot of people killed.Cactus
    • what are you even talking about? how do my beliefs and actions are gonna get people killed? what is that rank virtue signaling? wtf?!
    • Christ! You really are a true believer, aren't you.Cactus
  • Bennn1

    We should destroy all weapons from surface of the Earth and learn martial arts instead.

    • just as violent and limiting in terms of self-defense (not everyone is as strong, not everyone is as athletic etc) How about we use love instead of MA? <3PonyBoy
    • lets ban buses and cars too. I mean it.hotroddy
    • +1 Bennn, imagine that shit!
      UFC would go out of business though, all we would watch is CNN and hope for war
    • ^isn't that kinda how things are anyway, moldy? minus the UFC out-of-biz thingPonyBoy
    • yeah good pointmoldero
    • 'Into the Badlands' on AMC is exactly that, no more weapons on Earth, only martial arts, knives and swords.Bennn
    • Ben would be the most wanted weapon and deadliest person on the planet then.monospaced
    • i knowBennn
    • ju like a tiger mangmoldero
  • Ranger2

    Iranians are the ones on the ground in Syria fighting ISIS. Iran values culture, history and education very highly.

    • Yes, yes... praise Iran... leaders of a //peaceful theocratic law system... ... //so wonderful to women and homosexuals too... they're AWESOME!////PonyBoy
    • Or he is just a badly bullied kid with mental disorder2002
    • By contrast - Arabs are culture-less and uneducated?hotroddy
    • Persians, not Arabs.
      Persians aren't as extreme as Arabs, but Arabs are our supposed "allies" so we're not supposed to think that
    • Arabs hate all of us, the average Persian just hates our government and they have every right to considering they've been fucked by them for yearsmoldero
    • shit all goes back to Sykes–Picot... People love to blame Bush...instead go back to the 1910's and see how France, England and Russia etc FUCKED the Arab worldPonyBoy
    • ISIS (ISIL) wants the Levant (the 'L' in ISIL as you most prob know) back... thing is they're religious (not political) in tone... you can't reason w/that. :/PonyBoy
    • I blame xerxes and that damn traitor hunchback_niko
  • Cactus-1

    CNN aired a dramatic interview of the eyewitness account of a mother inside the McDonald’s who heard the shooter scream “Allahu Akbar!” and saw him targeting children.

    • another good muslim that went bad.utopian
    • Proven that this was not a religious crime - Allahu Akbar! never heard by anyone else2002
    • even so... another gun crime... they should probably ban those things over in Germany... you know?
      ;) //
    • CNN actors defending the agenda
    • "never let a good tragedy go to waste"
    • @pony the rate of this kind of thing is incredibly low compared to the USA. The laws are working there.monospaced
    • Next thing someone will say something retarded, like if regular people had guns they would have stopped it.monospaced
    • I guess when its actually stopped by someone with a gun its stupid.…
    • I wonder when you will realize your world view lacks facts of how cause n effect works in this world instead of defending democrat fake wanna be narratives.yurimon
    • http://www.telegraph…
    • Maybe he screamed "Alles Klar", Say it out loud you'll see.Beeswax
    • Oh, look who couldn't resist adding their 'input'.Continuity
    • ^ Probably your joke wouldn't be funny to those didn't survive his McDonald's Food Party.Cactus
    • ^ Also, Bild says he was bullied in school by Sunni Turks and Arabs: The ostensible reason for the slaughter.Cactus
    • I wouldn't take very much of what Bild says very seriously ... it's Germany's Daily Mail analogue.Continuity
    • Mono if took me seriously you are an idiotPonyBoy
    • If *youPonyBoy
    • @pony, I saw the wink, and it was an obvious satire remark. yuri, that uber driver is awesome, but definitely the exception and not really the same as thismonospaced
  • 20020

    • Religion is the new 'music'2002
    • perhaps a healthy dose of religion would have grounded the young man.
    • for a sense of community and belonging.
    • Religion never inspires violence.CyBrainX
  • ********

    this just in.

    21 year old refugee from syria goes on a machete rampage in reutlingen, germany. 3 victims, 1 dead.

    perpetrator is taken out by a sharp civilian, run over with an ultimate driving machine.

    • I just felt my opinions of things harden even more.Continuity
    • this coming only 6 days after an afghani/pakistani refugee tried to axe-murder 5 people on a train
    • yep, sad, trully sadGeorgesII
    • you guys must be drooling.
    • ONE person dead. Some rampage lol And last i heard, bitch asked for it.Khurram
    • This JUST IN - ONE PERSON Dead. The man died somewhere in Germany and was killed by someone!Khurram
    • German Press and Police say it was a passional crime and not an act of terrorism.
  • Cactus-1

    "Refugees Welcome!"

    "And now, moving along..."

    • Yeah. Right.Continuity
    • Guys, you can always vote AfD.
    • If you want to deny thousands of people's rights because of a few...what's that called? You want to build walls, forbid people to come in?
    • You can not put everybody in the same boat.
    • Two asylum seekers do this. how many refugees are in Germany in this moment? You want to ban the entrance of children age of two because of what?
    • nobody knows how many, because the laws and regulations are not enforced.
    • what we do know is, about a million people (not refugees) who don't have asylum status, no right of residance, who are obligated by law to leave.
    • authorities are obligated by law to deport, but will not do it.
    • and what do you want to say by that?
    • speaking about rights, most of the actual refugees would be required by law to leave for greece, italy, hungary.
    • so, perhaps you overestimate the rights that the refugees have and underestimate the level of impotence the german political establishment demonstrates.
    • There were around 1,2 million refugees, asylum seekers and illegal immigrants in 2015.
    • merkel's welcome policy is a huge mess on many levels, maybe if the left would acknowledge that once in a while, this mess could be fixed
    • "There were around 1,2 million [...] in 2015."

      wrong. that's only the new arrivals from 2015. you have to add at least 5 years of mass migration to that no.
    • The mess could be avoided if countries like the USA, Germany, France and UK would not make this mess to start with.
    • I don't know which is your reality but mine is that these people are victims of a fucking system. And to deny help to one or 100 million is inhuman.
    • my reality is, your idea about rights or denial of rights is completely off and your idea about the numbers is off. like facts, not an opinion either way.
    • LOL @ applauseclause. My idea of right is off...bahahahahahhah...
  • Continuity0…

    'German police said that the man was a Syrian asylum-seeker who had been involved in previous incidents.'

    And he wasn't fucking deported??!! Good fucking god. Yes, what a great fucking idea, Merkel, let's let them all in!

    • nobody from the mainstream dares to demand enforcement of laws or deportation regulations. people who do immediately labelled racist, nazi. doesn't make sense.
    • Well, fuck that. You commit a crime in a country gracious enough to accept you, you should be deported without delay.Continuity
    • it is so sad thát nobody want to talk about this openly because they are scared of being called racist, insanityGeorgesII
    • deporting syrians is out of the question right now though, because of the war.
    • War or no war, I don't give a fuck. Out with that dhit.Continuity
    • shitContinuity
    • yeah. I understand the sentiment, but you cannot do that in a modern democracy. rule of law and that.
    • do what?
      kill people?
    • I guess "out with that shit" meant deportation. so, you cannot do that. because of international law.
    • Yeah, I meant deportation. And international law sucks in this case. This is a fatal flaw.Continuity
    • When the EU is doing a risk assessment, knowing there will be an increase in crime and terrorism, what's the acceptable percentage of citizens being victimized?IRNlun6
  • Khurram0

    Just another right wing nationalist scumbag fuelled by anti-immigrant hate. Hope he rots in hell.

  • Cactus0

    Now a bombing in Nuremberg.…

    • And when the public reaches a boiling point there will be more violence then cries of injustice. What a fucking nightmare.IRNlun6
    • Entirely predictable.Cactus
  • ********

    When a white person kills 19 fellow students in a school in the States everybody calls it a Mass shooting.

    Person with Muslim background shoots People in Munich it's terrorism.

    Man kills wife in Portugal or anywhere in the World people call it Domestic vilonece or Assassination.

    Refugee kills one woman...terrorism..close the borders...don't let people in.

    Now Nuremberg is something else compared to the previous situations with that I can and have to agree.

    But there's people killed daily and it's not a fucking issue.

    France bombs Syria and Iraq after Nice, civilians and innocent people are killed...nobody gives a fuck.


    It's sad that people are killed for whatever reason and the last times have been really fucked up.

    But judging things trough a certain layer and judging similar situations in a different way because of skin color or religious views has a name.

    And I'm not criticizing any BLM or making any reference to it here.


    • in Cabul 80 people have died...
    • still the resons for what happened with the suicide are still unknown and I can not have a concrete opinion about it.
    • It is people using tragedy to push agendas.BabySnakes
    • "vilonece" LOL! not enough coffee!
    • I agree oey, people pick and choose their morals
    • I promised myself not to ventilate my political preference/opinion here.sureshot
    • If it bleeds it leads. If it slowly dies of starvation or disease its doesn't, ever. We are to blame for this. New is not entertainment.Morning_star
    • because white extremist muslims are like white rappers.
    • If a man kills his wife its an isolated event, if people kills in the name of an ideology its terrorism. Its basic.Bennn
    • Whats your point oey? And what would you like to see happen instaed?Bennn
    • Correct Ben.sureshot
    • So, by that definition the US is carrying out a terrorist campaign against IS?Morning_star
    • In a way, yesBennn
    • I dunno about the US. But in Holland the shit hit the fan for a while now.sureshot
    • who told you that the guy killed the woman out of ideology?
    • oh man. ok. move on, this discussion is heading nowhere.Bennn
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  • ernexbcn1

    Sirian inmigrant detonated a bomb in a music festival in Ansbach, Germany…