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  • BuddhaHat2

    Similar kona's last post, I utterly lack the confidence to post anything alongside the amazing work in the 'Show your latest Pics' thread, but I got my Samsung S7 a few days ago, and managed to get out to a few places to take some shots in Andalucía, and wanted to share the ones I was happy with. Only small amounts of cropping and a couple of light processing changes have been done to a couple of them, but I like them enough to share, so here goes:

    • nice. where are you?Gnash
    • Almería at the moment, moving to Granada at the end of MarchBuddhaHat
    • best of luck. I'm sure you'll miss the seaGnash
    • Thanks man, I've never lived next to a 3500m mountain range either, so it will just be another experience for me. Besides, Aussie beaches are better :)BuddhaHat
    • I would love to visit that area. Wanna do like a wife swap or something? Or house swap like the movie "The Holiday"?HijoDMaite
    • Photo #5 & #6 are superb imo. :)HijoDMaite
    • lovely!kona
    • Galaxy S7 camera is fantasticBennn
    • @Hijo 'Praise from Caesar is praise indeed'. Thank you, you just made my day.
      I'm not sure you'd want the house swap tho, it's freezing like a tomb atm =\
    • It's always nice to have a "frame within a frame" especially for landscapes. :)HijoDMaite
  • Gnash0

    Photographer's $1 Billion Copyright Mistake

    • sounds interesting, a little too long to watch at the moment, what's the gist?_niko
    • oh, right this:…_niko
    • too bad, I hoped she would have fucked getty_niko
    • ^ ya, me too.Gnash
    • sad. when i originally saw this news story i thought she was going to fuck getty over too. sad its ended as a whimper.microkorg
  • Bennn0

    Camera sales are dropping every year... thanks to smartphones

    I also read that theatres had their worst year for movies, people dont go to theatre anymore. thanks to netflix and tv series

    • time to invent a DSLR with a phone in itmoldero
    • ^ already been doneformed
    • I read that chart as COMPACT camera sales are dropping massively but SYSTEM cameras probably quite constant.microkorg
    • Someone asked me if they should get a Canon 60D or a iphone 7...... i flipped out...
      real story.
    • lol, like should I buy a house or a tentBennn
  • Bennn0

    Fuji will release a X80 this year, replacing the X70…

    • woohoo!BuddhaHat
    • I saw that earlier today. It's funny that in the article I saw, it had some bad vibes for the X70. It's like I told you Bennnnnn, I wouldn't want it for mymg33
    • only camera, but as a camera that compliments more expensive gear, and that takes far better photos than a cell phone, it fits that need.mg33
    • totallyBennn
    • an APC-S sensor that small is very nice, and Fuji!Bennn
  • mg331

    Traded in my D610 last week and got this along with the 16mm f1.4. Planning on getting the 18-55 lens, and the 56mm f1.2 at some point and hopefully start shooting more portraits.

    Headed to Nashville for a long weekend with my wife tomorrow and looking forward to using this quite a bit.

    • Can't wait to start using my brand new X-T20! It's super quick from the tests i've made so far.Bennn
  • Krassy-1
  • Krassy-1
  • mg331

    I'm back to obsessively thinking about changes to my managing photos / editing workflow and considering using Lightroom Sync to start managing photos almost entirely. I know some of you guys enjoy thinking through this sort of thing, so here's what I currently do:

    - Upload new photos to Google Drive, where I'm incredibly organized with monthly folders, subfolders for purpose (ex: street, portraits, etc) and within that folders for Good/Bad, Edited. Drive allows me to upload photos from anywhere so I don't have to wait until I'm at home to add something I need to use immediately.
    - For the past couple months I've then been adding new photo sets to Lightroom (typically SOOC jpg images with my Fuji cameras, with RAW images saved in a separate folder on my computer just in case I need to use a RAW image) by importing from Google Drive. I then review them, flag for deletion, assign ratings for photos worth editing or using, and when I delete flagged photos they of course are deleted from Drive. As I've edited any photos, I export those out to the Edited folder in Drive, so anywhere I can access drive, I can access those edited photos.

    Pros: Keeps my managing / editing in one place with tools that I'm most efficient with in LR. Drive does not have any editing capabilities like Google Photos does (more in that in a second), so any photos I want to use from Drive that have not been managed yet in LR need to be edited in an app on my phone.
    Cons: Editing anything outside of LR takes it out of that flow, and results in doubles of something and extra time to manage the unedited photo in LR that was edited somewhere else.

    I mentioned Google Photos above. Yesterday I was looking at the app again and thinking about starting to put my street photos in Photos, so I can always access a common editing tool on any device. It's not as extensive as LR, but there's useful enough tools for exposure, etc. So, thought about doing that for a while.

    Now that I'm shooting almost entirely on Fuji cameras, I'm almost always using the film simulations when I'm taking photos, and taking JPG images. In that case I really end up adjusting aspects of the photo if needed: exposure, highlights, shadows, cropping, etc. That way I'm not deviating too much from the essence of the photo. That's very different than taking RAW images as I have for years, and picking through my customized VSCO Film presets in LR and choosing a look for a raw photo. I still have years worth of travel photos that are RAW taken with Nikon cameras that I'll continue editing and publishing; that will always keep me busy.

    So... started looking at Lightroom Sync this morning and I think it might be the solution I'm looking for. It will allow me to centralize managing photos, and making edits, in LR, with basic tools available in the mobile app and on desktop. It incorporates the same flagging / rating process I use in LR already, still allows deletion of photos that I assume will result in them being deleted from Drive if that's where they are stored. I can't access custom presets in LR desktop on the mobile version, but that's probably perfectly fine as long as I'm sticking to simple edits of SOOC jpg images. I still need to think through what to do with photos once edited and published (probably still put them in the Drive folder organization like I mentioned above, so I can easily access them to post to websites, flick, IG, etc. I don't think that process will really change for me.

    Any thoughts to share on this from your own workflow challenges? Hope this wasn't boring, but I know some of you likely have complex processes as well.

    • interesting mg! Do you keep your files by shooting or sort them out by categories? Like keep all the pic from March 16th in the same folderBennn
    • or sorting them "street pics" in the street pics folder, portraits in the portraits folder etc ?Bennn
    • Also, do you keep ALL the pictures you take, even the bad ones, or you delete a lot of bad stuff? I keep everything, i must stop doing this...Bennn
    • Maybe i'd only keep all the pictures from a trip, i can't delete pics from iceland, y'know :P even if they're badBennn
    • I organize them a few ways using keywords. Need to start using Collections if I'm going to use LR sync.mg33
    • I usually use keywords like "[month] [year] [purpose]" Ex: March 2017 Street Photos.mg33
    • For a while I was organizing based on the camera used, such as a top-level keyword category for X70, then sub-keywords formg33
    • the purpose of the photos (street, portraits, an event, etc).mg33
    • Now I realize I can simply use the filters to sort by camera used, and I started reorganizing keywords without camera used.mg33
    • I'll take a screen shot tonight. It might make you go crazy how organized it is. LOLmg33
    • Also - I do delete "bad" photos. Duplicates, etc. I think somewhere in this thread I described my evaluation process and how to sort out good/bad.mg33
    • But it's basically: Import Photos > Review and flag photos to delete / single star for photos that look good > delete flagged photos >mg33
    • ... look over single star photos, if a definite winner, change to 5 stars > edit 1 or 5 star photos > change color ID to green to signify it has been edited >mg33
    • ... when done, review green photos, pick out 15-20 favorites and change to purple > Review purple photos and select 10-12 favorites, make more edits if needed >mg33
    • ... Change the color to blue for those final favorites (blue means good-to-go > publish to a folder and use as needed online.mg33
    • And yes I am sort of insane. ;)mg33
    • i'm using a similar system with the color labels. It sure is a lot of manipulations all this!Bennn
    • You can also save selections, which I've found invaluable. For example, if you want a group of "beach photos" you can pull them from different folders, etc.formed
  • BuddhaHat1

    There's nothing special about these photos, they're unprocessed straight from an S7, but I thought you guys would like to see some pics from El Museo Casa Ibáñez and a small ceramics factory I visited in Olula del Río. I can't believe a gallery in such a tiny town had such amazing stuff, it's a great place.

  • BuddhaHat0

    And TIL this is what unfinished marble busts look like...

  • Bennn0

    Whats the best alternatives to Lightroom?

    I heard Rawtherapy is good (and free) and Capture One... whats you toughts?

    • i've heard Capture One. but i can't be bothered to try new software...pango
    • ^formed
    • why change? I love Lightroom.inteliboy
    • After some tests, for what I do in Lightroom, Adobe Camera Raw program have everything I need.Bennn
    • capture one has great treatment of images straight out of the box—and amazing wb controls. the ui it terrible thoughjaylarson
    • If you don't need the catalog functions, Camera Raw is Lr.formed
    • Why change? Adobe has really shit and locked in colour managementmugwart
  • Krassy2

  • Bennn0

    I'm looking for a small light source, LCD, battery operated. Any idea?? Something to bring into the forest to light small plants and mushrooms.

    • LCD? I meant LEDBennn
    • really anything...outdoor headlamp, silicon bike lights, dimmable torch, video leds...uan
    • or get a speed lite with an EzyBox Speed-Lite for your cam.uan
    • or get a small source (bike light, headlamp) into an ezybox. or use layers of semitransparent tape to dim them down...or move them far from the subjectuan
    • you could use natural light and a sheet of polystyrene or white cardboard/plastic to bounce natural light into place.uan
    • small subject -> use small lightsource...I could imagine using a candle would work nice for mushroomsuan
    • https://www.aputure.…formed
    • a headlight, good idea! I have a good one already, even with a red led. thanks!Bennn
    • looking forward to see those pics!uan
  • sofas1

    Street photography

  • sofas1

  • ok_not_ok2

    • thanks for this, he is great
    • So good. Thanks for posting. More like this, please!nb
    • very interesting but also very difficult without subtitles, I barely understood half of was he was saying...SimonFFM
    • Mad photoaes, hadn't heard of him before, some proper melted pusses there.PhanLo
  • sofas0

    from http://permanenttvacation.tumblr…
    a blog by an Israeli woman who is renting out her apartment and traveling the world, staying in hostels.

  • jaylarson0

    very curious about this

    wonder if we're finally getting closer to having a full frame sensor in phones.

    • i wonder if they'll make it modular to work with the leica's motorola attachment. might not even need to.jaylarson
      this guy got hands on some prototypes...looks cool, more like a cam than a phone
    • can't have ff w/o the lens to fit the ff. I like Sony's ff cams, but the require ff lenses, so the advantage of mirrorless is eliminated (so I am with M43 now)formed
  • sofas1
  • imbecile0

    Canon’s new mirrorless camera is like an M5 in a smaller (and cheaper) body…


    • Fail. No viewfinder. I have the original M, good pics, but w/o the viewfinder it sits at home (can't see a damn thing in that LCD in sun!)formed
    • the battery drain with LCD on all the time is ridiculous, tooformed
    • the size is interestingBennn
    • but i'll stick to my Fuji X-T20Bennn
    • Sony a6000 over thatmicrokorg