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  • 720 Responses
  • MrT0

    • FFFfffFFffffffFFFfff...MrT
    • 15 failed attempts to get the 7th page right. you're so fired.sted
    • also, if you have 12 artboards, delete 10 of them, it starts numbering any new ones at 13, so you end up with this kind of bullshit ... it ain't smart enough!monospaced
    • how does this affect anything at all?doesnotexist
    • it doesn't.doesnotexist
  • hydro740

    HOLY SHIT.. A 'DESIGN' THREAD.... What is this, 2009?

    • < whathewhathewhathewh...sted
    • Damn, hydro. Back to the old school.lvl_13
    • Nah. We were full of just as much nonsense back then too. Maybe more. blog, Randomize Me, etc.CyBrainX
  • detritus0

    Thanks, Illustrator.

    I just found 502 files weighing 8Gb in my SSD boot drive's temp folder. All of them 16.8Mb each, comprising nothing more than 0s.

    Literally, just 0s.

    As SSDs don't benefit from repeated writes, Adobe's crapness has cost me a percentage of my drives lifetime functionality for no good reason.

    Apparently it's a thing..

    Amusingly, the filenames are all start with 'Lucky..'.

    Nah mate, not so sure about that.

    • change the %temp%. problem solved.sted
    • it'll still fill whatever other drive with literally useless files though.detritus
  • bklyndroobeki0

    Why does AE have to be so difficult to learn

    • it can do a lot of things, like magic?

      where do you have difficulties?
    • try learning nuke!mugwart
    • agreed, bklynmonospaced
    • coming from flash AE was easymoldero
    • I haven't used it loads and certainly not power user stuff but I found it okay to jump into but I did have a Flash background which may have helped a bit.fadein11
    • It's like photoshop with a timeline and better plugins?zarkonite
    • took a lynda.com tutorial this weekend. and it was so overwhelming. will use it each day for a month and report back.bklyndroobeki
    • Just figure out the timeline, keyframes, easing, mattes, and the main tools. A lot of the rest is like Photoshop and you should catch on quickly.fyoucher1
    • I'd suggest setting (or getting) a little brief, have something to aim for and learn that way. To just learn the software is overwhelming.MrT
    • I guess 7years of flash did give me one thing that will last... A hand up in AE.freakpelican
    • If you're familiar with Photoshop, most of AE is already a given. If you also know Flash, you have a basic knowledge of keyframing and timing.CyBrainX
    • HA! Good luck figuring out easing!!!! :/Projectile
  • mugwart1

    krita uses real world colour management and luts:

    Extremely nerdy but those that have to deal with colour management this is a massive nail in the coffin.

    Alas one of many that need to be driven in but one none the less!

    Photoshops one is terrible before anyone points out!

    • a coworker told me about Krita, he really likes it to draw with a Wacom.Bennn
    • heard only good ish things about it. I wanted to put it up for a review to use here but problem is artists habits -- they dont like to change!mugwart
    • tell an artist to use linux and command line and its like a catholic exorcism, just with more drama!mugwart
  • emphor0

    I can't update CC as my work Mac has to use a virtual machine to access the internet.
    Spoke to Adobe (surprise right there) and as it's a 'cloud based service' they don't support virtual machines and I'll need the Mac to access the internet to get updates.
    If anyone knows of a work around ie updates as .dmg files that would be handy.
    Upshot is, I'm removing myself from the subscription, why pay for something I can't use?
    F*****n Adobe!

    • adobe needs to connect once every 30 days to keep your subscription active...thats my understanding.Hayoth
    • Wait your work Mac has no internet except in the virtual workspace ??!monospaced
    • Seriously on this one you should be cursing out your it department, not adobe.monospaced
    • theres a cancellation fee, after being signed up for 2+ years, mine was $250moldero
    • if your payments are via paypal - You can block Adobe from authorizing any future charges.hotroddy
    • and Adobe will cancel the subscription for you.hotroddy
    • i guess i wasn't alone https://www.reddit.c…moldero
    • good idea hotrodmoldero
    • Wait. You're shitting on Adobe for something your work IT setup has implemented? The whole point of virtual machines is that they are... virtual and don't existface_melter
    • exactly!monospaced
    • LOL!oey
    • did you just blame Adobe for your ridiculous work setup?fadein11
    • oops should have read comments.fadein11
  • detritus-4

    Why. Are. All. The. UI. Buttons. Rounded?

    It's fucking horrid and has no relationship with my OS - what advantage has been conferred by this decision?

  • Bennn0

    I'm SO happy with CS6! And it's super quick and effective on current computers.The last CCs always need more and more ressources and they keep adding useless shit.

    I think CS6 is their best version. I'll stick to it as long as I can.

    • did you recently become a CS6 salesman? Cause you are pushing it hard. Glad it is working smoothly for you.capn_ron
    • Pah! I still use cs3, it's all I needhans_glib
    • I still use Macromedia...oey
    • @hans_glib, same herepablo28
    • Seriously now, I was using CS6 until August 2016.oey
    • CS3 4 life.section_014
  • oey0
  • detritus0

    Illustrator CC 2017 update saga cont.

    • Why doesn't this fucking thing remember my workspace layout? It does keep the tool menus I want but doesn't keep them open and it doesn't keep my tool bar in a single column, so every time I boot up Illy, I have to click 7 things for no good reason.

    • "Show Anchor points in selection tool and shape tools"!! Thank fuck for that - that was the single-most worrisome change - I'm sure 99% of people don't need to see their anchor points when an object's selected, but for me it's critical. that was only two days of swearing.

    • the 2014 bug where the layer menu preview wouldn't update colours from main object is now fixed. thankfully.

    • Holy shit - a positive - Smart Guides and Snap have improved massively.. a bit spastochaotic with shiot flashing around, much technically much better.

    • I don't like some of the new icons and pointers (I'll get used to them)

    • The above plus points are pretty much the only added value I have over three years worth of updates - equivalent to about two upgrade cycles pre-CC.... remind me again why I pay so much for this shit?

    • ...and speaking of money-wringing cuntery, I dislike, resent and have no use for 'Search Adobe Stock' and 'Add fronts from Typekit' being displayed so prominently in my menu bars. Fuck you, Adobe, stop advertising in the product i'm over-paying for.

    • Keep banging that drum, detritus.
      Adobe will most definitely change their tack when they read your whinges
    • Oh yeah, rounded UI buttons? I'm on Windows, literally wtf are you changing my UI? It's not much, but it's additional cognitive load I don't need.detritus
    • I figured the workspace layout always changing was my fault, somehow. sorry to hear i'm not the only oneGnash
    • Oh, and I can't downgrade back to 2014, should I wish to? That's really bad. REALLY bad, imho. If any of <this was highly disruptive, I'd be utterly fucked.detritus
    • I've been finding typekit useful. especially when I have a clent gig and I don't want to buy the needed typefaceGnash
    • It's a known known in the Adobe forums - I've meant to add my tuppenceworth, but I forgot my adobe password (a string of expletives) again.detritus
    • I spose old me might see some value in it, but I insist clients send me their fonts outlined and I have a shitload of fonts anyway. It's just an advert to me :(detritus
    • I didn't realize that you get typeset with the subscription - you can load up to 100 fonts (not 100 families, mind you).Gnash
    • my font manager (suitcase) loads the typekit fonts automatically - it's pretty seamlessGnash
    • yep Typekit has been a v.useful added bonus of CC subscription for mefadein11
    • OH! I forgot the most important improvement, my apologies Adobe..
      • Illy now has file recovery for retrieving documents after a crash. Excellent!
    • ^ and needed on a near daily basis.ETM
  • detritus0

    Why can't I reset the bounding box on a single object any more in Illustrator? there simply cannot be a logical reason for that, can there?

    • expand shape first.uan
    • hit Expand Appearance...the primitives are now shapes or 'live shapes' is how they call them nowuan
    • this was just a 45° rotated square which I wanted to squish horizontally into a diamond.detritus
  • Bennn-1

    "Adobe announces record-breaking $1.84 billion in revenue for Q3"

    news: https://www.dpreview.com/news/89…

    "Adobe has once again posted record quarterly revenue, this time for the fiscal quarter that ended on September 1, 2017. The software company experienced a 26% year-on-year revenue growth with $1.84 billion in its third fiscal quarter this year. Of that, $1.27 billion came from the company's Digital Media segment, including Creative Cloud. On a GAAP basis, Adobe saw its year-on-year net income grow 55% and its operating income grow 48%.

    We'll give you a moment to take that in... 55% net income growth, and a fiscal quarter of $1.84 billion. The jump to a subscription model is treating the company VERY well."


    • They started the subscription model in 2013. Are you implying it's only caught up 4 years later?monospaced
    • They dropped 5% today on this news.monospaced
    • I'm implying nothing, i copy-pasted the news. I didnt say anything outside the THX1138 quote.Bennn
    • then the author seems to have just woken up from a coma :)monospaced
    • 4 years is two major OSX updates ago, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those new subs are people finally upgrading.i_monk
    • Woah woah woah! You saying Adobe is in the cloud now?ETM
    • The cloud is Adobe is the cloud.
      They ARE the cloud.
  • oey0

    is it me or there's no clipboard tool in Illy, Ps and In?
    like i can only paste the last copied object?

    something like CopyQ would be very practical.
    am I missing something?

    • Unless I'm not understanding what you're trying to achieve, maybe try storing things temporarily in the library?Gucci
    • ah! I store things in the library but not in that manner...I mean sometimes I don't know if I'm gonna need something before I use it.oey
    • maybe I'll try to develop a better workflow by using the library as a "clipping" tool. thanks for your tip.oey
  • oey-1

    many times it's easier and faster to just open a existing document, delete everything and save with another name than opening a new document.


    • why risk that when you can just copy the file in the finder safely renaming it in the process (all before opening anything)PonyBoy
    • i didn't want to go so far I was keeping it inside of Photoshop. That's obviously even faster and safer.oey
  • OctopiStimuli0

    Just updated my two Macs and need to copy my saved presets etc.... Where might i found those now that Adobe have cancelled out the Synching for indesign, illy and photoshop ffs!

  • detritus0

    I have a file I open in Illustrator fairly regularly and for the past couple of weeks every time I do so, it opens up two instances, titled "filename.ai:1" & "filename.ai:2".

    it's just this one file, which isn't a template file or anything fancy.


    • It's a second "view" of the file. you must have inadvertently opened a second "view" snd saved, at some point.Gnash
    • Close the 2nd view : Choose View > Edit Views, then re-save the fileGnash
    • I think you may have to make a tiny edit so that illy recognizes it as a new fileGnash
    • Hmm, interesting. I don't think I've ever used that functionality - doesn't appear to be it, though - nothing in edit > views.detritus
    • ...however, killing the second instance and saving the file with a new name has done the trick - thanks!detritus
    • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Bennn
  • Bennn0

    So it seems we now have 938373 options for Lightroom now... Adobe mixing up everything and of course, all sort of monthly plans are on the table.

  • Bennn0

    Lightroom Classic CC (version 7.0) and Lightroom CC are available via the following plans:

    The Lightroom CC Plan includes Lightroom CC and 1 TB of cloud storage for $9.99 per month.

    The Creative Cloud Photography Plan includes Lightroom CC, Lightroom Classic CC, Photoshop CC, Adobe Portfolio, Adobe Spark (unlocking premium features), and 20 GB of cloud storage for $9.99 per month.

    You can optionally get the Creative Cloud Photography Plan with 1 TB of cloud storage for $19.99 per month. For a limited time, Adobe is charging existing Photography Plan customers $14.99 per month to jump to the 1 TB tier.

    The Creative Cloud All Apps Plan includes pretty much everything that bears an Adobe logo and 100 GB of cloud storage for $49.99 per month.

    The Lightroom Mobile Plan applies just to Lightroom for iOS and Lightroom for Android and includes 100 GB of cloud storage for $4.99 per month.

    For many photographers, 1 TB of cloud storage won’t be enough for their libraries, so Adobe is also offering additional storage tiers:

    2 TB for $20 per month
    5 TB for $50 per month
    10 TB for $100 per month

    • LOVE ADOBE!pablo28
    • FFS...you can buy a 2T HD for under $50 and owned it. It will take less time to do auto back-up your files than signing up.utopian
    • look into Amazon Prime, along with their shipping, video, music and audiobooks access, they also do unlimited photo storage (uncompressed).plash
    • https://www.amazon.c…plash
  • Gnash5

    Puppet warp for illy. finally!


    • ooh, and there I was, assuming you were being sarccy! That does look quite handy - especially if it can do outlined text amends like it implies.detritus
  • oey1

    So now that I'm officially gonna receive support from the German Unemployment Center for my Graphic Design freelancing I will have to stick to my Business Plan and buy the Adobe CC and present the receipt so they can pay for it for the next 3 years!
