
Out of context: Reply #326

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  • yuekit0

    Is it surprising that in spite of invading and occupying Gaza and being able to bomb wherever they like, Israel has still not managed to kill the leader of Hamas?

    • he's not shaped like a hospital, school, bakery, or a university, so it's no surprise they can't hit him.face_melter
    • to be fair, he is at least a little shaped like a building though.Nairn
    • Looks like the ghoul he isGnash
    • Why would they want to kill him?Morning_star
    • He masterminded the October 7 attacks?yuekit
    • Yes, but we know who he is. Remove him and you have a vacuum that could be filled by someone far 'worse'. Keeping him in-situ whilst Hamas is dismantled...Morning_star
    • ...around him is a much better tactic. I'm pretty certain that if Isreal wanted him dead he would be.Morning_star
    • The Israeli government has said "our goal is to kill the leaders of Hamas" including this guy.yuekit

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