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Out of context: Reply #3147

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  • Ramanisky21

    Carpenter Bees ...

    These Agro little FOCKOS are so annoying this time of year where I live.

    • https://www.sideshow…maquito
    • Oh man, love the Carpenter Bee! It's the least threatening of all the bees!garbage
    • The ones around here are little cuntsRamanisky2
    • Ages ago, I had an apt that was a.. mildly infamous party pad. As in house shows and plenty of me going "Who the fuck are you?"garbage
    • It was an old slave's quarters in the back of a house, had a shit porch with a tin roof, .2x4 uprights, and a ton of the ol' carpenter bees.garbage
    • When they're really drilling, they just honk out the dust. It was a pleasure to watch them snow on uninvited guests.garbage
    • The males also have no sting, so the only thing they're hurting is the landlord that you hate.garbage
    • Haha but ... What if I’m the landlord?Ramanisky2
    • Counterpoint: Your landlord is/was so shit that he's a household name. He'd come by at 6am claiming rent wasn't paid. It always was, for me..garbage
    • ..but he apparently scared a bunch of dumb college kids into paying rent twice. He would make his rounds and start banging on doors at the ass-crack of dawn.garbage
    • He tried to pull that shit on me, and I answered the door only wearing a pair of American Apparel Baby Rib Briefs. Scared the hell out of him lol.garbage
    • "Yeah Fred, let me throw something on and we can go to the bank and prove that you've already cashed my check". Never fucked with me again.garbage

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