The Russia thread.

Out of context: Reply #1046

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  • Ramanisky25

    • The concert was Russian Prog Rock band Picnic who have been going since the 70'sGardener
    • They’ll try to blame Ukraine_niko
    • ^ first thing I thought.
      Direct from Putins playbook
    • Seems like it's IS.Continuity
    • 'Direct from Putins playbook'
      lol, ok Mr. Phelps.
    • IS takes credit for anything they can, but the US and UK warned Moscow. They let it happen. Official US communique from a few days ago:garbage
    • https://ru.usembassy…garbage
    • *weeks, not days.garbage
    • ^ QBN lowlives showing what utter wastes of life they are.Milan
    • All of the terrorists were caught trying to cross the border to Ukraine. This has Budanov, Nuland and CIA all over it.Milan
    • They can't win the war they provoked, so they resort to terrorism to try and sow chaos in Russia.Milan
    • So far they are all Tajik islamistsGnash
    • Milan follows the order above…
    • russia is super weak... pootin can´t control his country anymore... a pure downfall thanks to pootin...neverscared
    • their intel agencies are underperforming massive..neverscared
    • so it was ISIS all along...pango
    • "They can't win the war they provoked"
      Always a good sign when you still don't know who started the war.
    • Milan probably doesn't know that this war has been going on for over a decade.garbage
    • Yes, the western-sponsored banderite nazis have been shelling civilians in Donbass with cluster munitions for 10 years now.Milan
    • Number of civilian deaths in the Donbas region in 2021 before Putin started the war was about 20 people.yuekit
    • In 2020 it was also about 20 people. The fighting had reached its lowest point in the past decade, so how is that a justification for a war that's killedyuekit
    • hundreds of thousands of people, destroyed entire cities etc?yuekit
    • This is exactly what I was saying, you have no idea what's going on. Just a confused jumble of thoughts.yuekit
    • dude, you're retarded. you've been wrong about everything regarding Russia and the this conflict, yet still continue with your nonsense.Milan
    • ya, that's like saying 2 civilians died on 9/11, scumbagMilan
    • yeah! everything's according to putin's plan! he's playing 5d chess with the west!pango
    • Karma's a bitchYakuZoku
    • Imagine thinking Putin started the war to save a couple dozen people in the Donbas region. Like Russia gives a shit about that.yuekit
    • BTW didn't you say at one point you thought Biden stole the election from Trump? It's not my fault you believe in a bunch of made up stories.yuekit

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