Vision Pro

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • Krassy4


    • I N N O V A T I O Nutopian
    • Cuck Glasses 2.0AQUTE
    • So what happened to Google Glass?NBQ00
    • @NBQ00 https://killedbygoog…Krassy
    • GOD, when they were trying to launch Glass I had the DUMBEST argument with my then-gf's brother. Big surprise, he's a big Musk fan, even back then.garbage
    • We're all at vacay on the beach, just chilling. I casually said something like "Glass will never take off. We can't even process all the info our phones..garbage
    • ..throw at us. Plus it's just another way to mine data and sell it."garbage
    • The dude spazzed out so hard on me in such an humiliating way that his gf broke up with him immediately upon getting home.garbage
    • He actually accused me of being "a forerunner of the future of AI racism". It's one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.garbage
    • ^ he sounds like he needs to inhabit the real world once in a while. How many conspiracy YT channels do you reckon he's subbed to?Continuity
    • I imagine none. He's actually a knowledge sponge, but he has no idea to put what he knows into a cohesive and fuckable manner.garbage
    • To paint a hilariously bleak picture: The girl dumped him and he immediately showed up banging on our door, had nowhere to go but his sister's.garbage
    • Most awkward scene ever: This dork crying on my couch while we're finishing "On the Silver Globe". Highly recommended, minus the sobbing couch wiener.garbage
    • That escalated quickly.palimpsest
    • flol @ sobbing couch wienerContinuity
    • lol, it gets even better. He walked in on the interrogation scene where the alien completely breaks his reality.garbage
    • It turned it into a comedy for me.garbage
    • "I am a reflection of what is in you, you are not a reflection of what is in me" is beyond brutal.garbage
    • what was his name hotrods?utopian
    • flolgarbage
    • haha funny story. but i wonder how many people walk around with Meta Rayban Wayfarers...ephix
    • Ha, that's definitely the future of creepness. Meta Raybans, mirrors on the shoes, Upskirt City.garbage

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