
Out of context: Reply #140

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  • neverscared7

    Angry old men set the Middle East ablaze. The young will pay the price

    Old men start wars. Young men and women fight them. It’s a phenomenon that has broadly held true throughout history. Now, once again, in today’s violence-racked Middle East, the aggressive blundering of angry old men rains curses on the young, twisting minds, blighting lives, imperilling futures.

    From Israel, Lebanon and Palestine to Egypt, Syria, Libya and back to Turkey, such men, in thrall to worn-out ideologies and prejudices, hold leadership positions by reason of longevity and guile, not wisdom or sense. They rule by fear and division, abuse the tenets of their faith and poison the minds of children. The young pay the price.

    Take for instance Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’s expensively suited 61-year-old chief. He ordered last weekend’s atrocious onslaught on southern Israel from the security of his Qatar office. Martyrdom, it seems, is not for him – unlike the psychopathically deluded, criminally misled young men he sent to murder, maim, rape and die in the Negev.


    • Exactly. Stochastic Terror. We have a certain fucktard in this country who has been doing this ever since he came down his golden escalator.Ramanisky2
    • Well said and spot on, fucking geezers are ruining the planet._niko
    • We need Term/age limitsYakuZoku
    • we need to stop participating in the game. voting against our interests (which seems like every vote), and paying for it.doesnotexist
    • History repeating. Depressing. Well said.jagara
    • Tweets & Prayersutopian

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