
Out of context: Reply #106

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    NBQ00, I'm going to go on the assumption that you're not — on top of everything else that's fucking wrong with you — functionally illiterate.

    So, I'm going to make this eeasy for you, and invite you to read — and actually understand — this editorial:


    In fact, I'm going to make it even more extra-easy for you, you binary-brained window licker. Here's the key quote from said editorial:

    'You can condemn Hamas and name its actions as evil, even as you support the Palestinians in their quest for a life free of occupation and oppression.'

    Read it, digest it, and fuck off.

    • But you never really condemned Hamas or the actions from last weekend. There was no outrage. Only when Israel does bad things you post.NBQ00
    • I can't even. Get it through your thick fucking skull, you breathtaking imbecile:Continuity
    • Occupying Palestine and oppressing Palestinians for its entire illegitimate 75 year history.

      My god. I've never seen someone so stupid as you.
    • Very one sided you are. No outrage about what Hamas did over the last weekend. Not a single condemnation from you.NBQ00
    • You can't have 1 second of sorrow for innocent people that died but immediately talk about occupation and WhataboutismsNBQ00
    • Wait so you’re just assuming because he didn’t meet YOUR personal requirements for an appropriate response that he’s not sympathetic? Grow up.monospaced
    • ^Continuity
    • I was just asking how come he has not said a single bad word about Hamas in the past days but so nuch bad things about IsraelNBQ00
    • How come you haven't said a single bad thing about Israel in the last 75 years?palimpsest
    • Oh I have and I think the Gaza situation is bad. But are we allowed to criticize Muslims and Hamas too? They have rejected a two state solution twice.NBQ00
    • And I haven't seen a lot of outrage here for what happened over the weekend. Immediately it's all Israel's fault and WhataboutismsNBQ00
    • The subtext, here, pali — and it's so very thinly veiled — is that NBQ00 doesn't believe that land belonged to the Palestinians before being dispossessed of itContinuity
    • ... in 1948, and believes that the rightful owners of that land should be grateful for the scraps that are the supposed two-state solution offered by ...Continuity
    • ... the colonisers.Continuity
    • I was about to ask if his problem is that not everybody believes Israel had no responsibility in what happened over the weekend.palimpsest
    • Simple, really. On top of everything else, he's an anti-Muslim, anti-Palestinian Zionist.Continuity
    • They do have nice cars so what really is the problem here, right?palimpsest
    • "You have rejected a 2 state solution" is a bulletproof argument.palimpsest
    • Oh, totally. Absolutely bulletproof.Continuity
    • Baldie, if you call me a Zionist then I'm gonna call you an anti-semite/ Jew hater and lover of Hamas who marry underage girls and hate all our liberal valuesNBQ00
    • Oh. Please don't. Anything but that. Mercy. Please.

      Fucking cretin.
    • Just admit it, baldie. I mean you do have a skin-head.NBQ00
    • He's so stupid he thinks baldie is an insult.palimpsest
    • I'm not trying to insult him. I want us to get along. But he only has love for Hamas.NBQ00
    • Cut the bullshit.
      Put out or get out.
    • I don’t think he has ANY love for Hamas and the fact you can’t comprehend this is super weird.monospaced
    • He either understands that or doesn't, in either case he's an asshole.palimpsest
    • I'm not the one who constantly insults you guys. It's you who is throwing hate in my direction. Just like HamasNBQ00
    • Well, anyone who equates baldness with being a skinhead, and actually uses that as an insult, is a special kind of stupid cunt that’s for sure.monospaced
    • Just like Hamas? Go fuck your self. You clearly aren’t thinking straight anymoremonospaced
    • Well, Hamas is full of hate, no? And some guys here are hating pretty bad.NBQ00
    • This will be my last comment.
      You got mono and me to agree on something.
    • Pali, you have bigger issues in your life than me. Your face for example.NBQ00
    • "Your face for example." And here we go. Devoid of anything useful to say, he's decided to plumb those depths.Continuity
    • And, actually, I'm more than just a little bit amused to see you haven't denied being anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian. The only logical conclusion hereContinuity
    • ... is that the real reason you're all bent out of shape over Hamas, isn't because Hamas. It's not because of some higher moral objection.Continuity
    • It's simply good old-fashioned bigotry and racism.

      There you have it, folks.
    • No bigotry or racism. But as a liberal/ leftie I don't need to be that cunt who cheers on terrorists and hates on Jews immediately after Hamas did that stuffNBQ00
    • But I will always defend western values and not act like some idiot SJW that hates the west while defending Islamists and such who live in Europe but hate usNBQ00
    • Uh-huh. Keep flapping that mouth of yours. You're only digging your Hole of Stupid deeper.Continuity
    • How about you facing the truth. Those Islamists in Berlin who cheer on Hamas don't like you, baldie.NBQ00
    • They love living in the EU for welfare thoughNBQ00
    • flol he's bringing out all the hits today, folks!Continuity
    • "bad players on both sides" is a trump quote. do you also blame jews for the holocaust? both sides?doesnotexist

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