
Out of context: Reply #51

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  • NBQ00-4

    Another low. BLM is supporting terrorists parachuting/ -gliding to kill innocent civilians and those at the music festival that were slaughtered by Hamas paragliders.

    • Only if you don't know the difference between Palestine and Hamas / Terrorists.uan
    • They're not showcasing a person silhouette standing with a Palestinian flag but one that is using a parachute just like the terrorists did.NBQ00
    • relativating hamas terror equals no IQneverscared
    • I agree they are stupid as fuck. The Hamas propaganda clips didn't use the Palestine flag.uan
    • In those video clips of the abducted and murdered ravers, not once did you hear them say “free Palestine” or “glory to Palestine” just allah Akbar over and over_niko
    • Has couldn’t give a fuck about Palestine or Palestinians, they’re a death cult hell bent on Israel’s distraction and getting brownie points from imaginary sky_niko
    • These people are similar to Westerners cheering on Russia as they bomb Ukraine...they are very disconnected from the reality of the situationyuekit
    • where is khurram? i'm actually curious what he would say.pango
    • ^ You can read what he thinks, two days ago in this thread. But it won't surprise you.Longcopylover
    • This has really nothing to do with the actual conflict, it's just a way for you to keep your hate at optimum levels, because hate is addictive.canoe
    • Oh yeah sure. Maybe it's just hard to admit that on our left side there are a lot of idiots too, not just the right wing morons.NBQ00
    • sadly that leaves not a lot of room for the clever ones.uan
    • longcopylover. lol yep. he did not disappoint.pango

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