Out of context: Reply #61

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  • utopian3

    The top reason that they are selling their cars and switching to a different brand is due to their issues with Tesla co-founder and CEO Elon Musk.

    The disapproval of Elon Musk is the top reason Tesla Model 3 owners are selling their electric vehicles and going for another brand, according to a new survey of 5,000 Model 3 owners.
    Since Musk acquired Twitter, the Tesla CEO has started to voice his political and social views more frequently, as well as share controversial conspiracy theories.

    This has resulted in a wave of people changing their minds about Musk, especially people on the left side of the American political spectrum. Many have suggested this has a negative impact on Tesla, which is intricately linked to Musk.


    • unlike the woke companies, 'Offer me money. Offer me power. I don't care'hotroddy
    • who are the woke companies?pango
    • Any publicly traded company that recognizes the comparative ease of earning social points as opposed to fulfilling tax obligations.hotroddy
    • https://www.yourdict…utopian
    • The Woke Warrior Has Spoken!utopian
    • lol hotroddy, you sound dumb talking about companies fulfilling tax obligations. This is the US we're talking about here. Only shareholders & profits matter.BuddhaHat
    • that's my point nitwit. The cherished sense of woke values you hold close is a façade to companies.hotroddy
    • companies love scoring social points promoting child mutilation, (or whatever the social movement d'jour is) as long as they keep their $$hotroddy
    • that wasn't your point, nice try thoBuddhaHat
    • and if it was, boy howdy did you do a shit job of trying to make it.BuddhaHat
    • knobby. lol You think those companies are genuine about being woke? are you that gullible? you know it's only performance right.pango
    • i'll give you the benefit of doubt that you do know it's performance. does that mean you're mad they're not woke? lolpango
    • Knobby-Wan Kenobi you are braindead incel..."companies love scoring social points promoting child mutilation" - layoff the NewsMax & Fox & Friends!utopian
    • the only mutilation i'm down with is jamming nerds like roddy into rubnbish bins and flinging them off a cliff. twice.face_melter
    • ^ L O L !PhanLo
    • The musket has had billions in subsidies.PhanLo
    • i think we're all arguing the same point, bitches. With the exception of Musk.hotroddy
    • being S Africa and I think he gets it. All this bullshit only makes society worse for everyone. And yes, Phanlo he gets subsidies because he adds valuehotroddy
    • The same way you add value Hotrods.PhanLo
    • spoken by the guy who defaces buildings for a living.hotroddy
    • ya the guy who benefited from apartheid gets it lolpango
    • I add plenty value Hotrods, I have had numerous people say they've seen my paintings and it help them feel more positive about life.PhanLo
    • You add no value here.PhanLo
    • in South Africa who's benefiting now, pango? who's benefiting now, pango? you clearly don't get it.hotroddy
    • Respectfully, if u believe ur paintings hold greater value than enabling the US gov't to send payloads to LEO at 1/10 the cost, I see why you support socialismhotroddy
    • LoL
      As I say man, you offer no value here.
      I suppose Elon gets that rich people socialism you like so much.
      You'll always be a bootlicker
    • The funniest point here is that hotroddy doesn't even understand the difference between a paid muralist and a throwie.garbage
    • Basic knowledge of art should be a bare minimum here. Is there anything you actually do know? lol.garbage
    • Also, I guess I should childsplain: that was a rhetorical question. Nobody cares about your answers.garbage
    • lol of course you can't see beyond today. did his daddy not make money in south africa before the 90s? knobby? who benefited?pango
    • I might not be sucking up to Saudi's and pretending to be a free speech advocate, but I feel if my artwork has helped inspire even 5 people, it's been worth itPhanLo
    • @pango, you can't even see beyond tomorrow. #defundthepolice.hotroddy
    • and there it is lol right on cue when he's got nothing to say.
      #whataboutthemlakes #butvenezuela
    • How many Canadians w/ below-average IQ can't differentiate between a pond and a great lake?hotroddy
    • venezuela any second now. :Dpango
    • how about you need a Venezuelan to school you on the name of your own province.hotroddy
    • imagine all the other stupidities we'd find out about you Pango if we took the time to engage in real conversations instead of sidenoteshotroddy
    • we can't have a proper conversations LOL because every time you run out of things to say you revert back to lake, police, and venezuela! LOL with out fail!!pango
    • it's like talking to someone with dementia!!!pango
    • wait... or is it possible you're not playing dumb but actually having dementia? i would actually feel bad if that's the case.pango
    • are you sure to steer the conversion to back to South Africa? Do you want me to look foolish on that topic as well?hotroddy
    • *do YOU want to look foolish?hotroddy
    • ^ LOL
      you made yourself look plenty foolish already. i'm not sure i can compete
    • think again lake boy.hotroddy
    • defund the police is a good idea, 1/2 mile pond = great lakes, BC's name has no affiliation with Christopher Columbos.hotroddy
    • Let's talk about South Africa. Most corrupt country in the world, highest unemployment and crime rates in the world.hotroddy
    • complete insecurity for boar farmers who have been on that land long before the poor blacks that migrated from central africa.hotroddy
    • South africa gives a big fuck you to the 'west' (After the west advocated the end of apartheid) and aligns itself with Russia, China and Iran.hotroddy
    • So Elon musk gets it.hotroddy
    • this is what s africa has become after the end of apartheid. I'm sure you'd fit right in. https://www.youtube.…hotroddy
    • wow you really have memory problem. sure knobby. when you fuck over people they tend to give you a big fuck you. i wonder who's fault is that. nvm you too dumbpango
    • two wrongs don't make a right dipshit.hotroddy
    • particularly when EVERYONE is worse off today. But your wokeness blinds you from reality.hotroddy
    • There's been a significant brain drain in SA and Elon gets it. You should consider visiting. You'd fit right in.hotroddy
    • wokeness? whats woke about that? dont think you know what woke means you dumb fuck lol i think you're just throwing that words around attempt to be cool.pango
    • What's woke about what? South Africa isn't a 'progressive state"? Fuck me, I thought Canada did a better job vetting migrants.hotroddy
    • wait wait wait.... can you tell me the definition of woke?pango
    • why do you need me to define woke? So you can build your counter-argument?hotroddy
    • No, he was just asking a simple question that you can't answer.garbage
    • Cuz I have a feeling your definition of woke is somewhat wishy-washy and can be anything you don't like. Lolpango
    • Garbage, if I answer your next post will be that you didn't read it. Lol. That's your go to idiot move, so why would I reply to you?hotroddy
    • Woke: Addressing historical wrongs that inadvertently end up benefiting only an elite group and leveraging it for their political gainhotroddy
    • BLM movement is a perfect example.hotroddy
    • pango's brilliantly thought-out #Defundthepolice is anotherhotroddy
    • really lol so much to unpack here.
      you dont get to yell 2 wrong dont make it right when you did the first wrong lol.
    • irans anti murican sentiment started when murican overthrew their democratic elected government it's not 2 wrong dont make it right but you reap what you sowpango
    • i dont like it either. but they have their own sovereignty. it's not wrong for them to choose who has not historically fucked them over.pango
    • universe doesn't revolve around you lol. not everything you don't like equals to being wrong lolpango
    • ohhhhh another check marks on my bingo sheet! he's bringing up police and blm now.pango
    • it's like you lack any sense of empathy. like a sociopath.pango
    • I persistently mention it, mistakenly believing that it will leave an imprint in your feeble mind.hotroddy
    • but also bc u can't counter-argue. How can you counterargue confusing a pond for a lake? Or thinking defundthepolice is a good idea?hotroddy
    • I'm reminding you for your own good. Also, the world would be a much better place if the Shah remained in power.hotroddy
    • Iran was wealthy and pro-west. But since the Revolution, hundreds of thousands of highly skilled Iranians have emigrated.hotroddy
    • I advise you not to mention your justification for a theocracy to any Irianian you encounter.hotroddy
    • speaking of 'empathy' sounds like you have zero of it for the thousand of Iranians that were persecuted and killed (for being christian or jewish).hotroddy
    • * not killed but persecuted, losing their businesses and culture forced to leave everything behind.hotroddy
    • I do have sympathy for them but you reap the seeds you sow. 2 wrong dont have it right but person who did the first wrong had no say in what's right lol.pango
    • you're against defund of police because you think people want to abolish the police cuz ya dumb. keep taking tiny piece of info and spin it.pango
    • LOL remember that time i asked you to identify a photo of a lake. and you got it wrong?pango
    • yes that's bring up everything that's unrelated. lol full throttle what about ism!! Pepper is the white devil's tool for oppression. Stay away from that filth!!pango
    • that's talk about your understanding of woke. what is it? do you even know what it is? and you don't like is it because simply it represents the left?pango
    • Rob Schneider overated! he was never that funny to begging with!pango
    • Nice dodge, hotroddy. I actually do read responses to questions that I actually ask. And your answer that woke culture is something to benefit the rich..garbage
    • ..is one of the dumbest things I've ever read. I'm not kidding, I actually think you are three parts insecure, one part learning disability.garbage
    • You don't even have the most basic grasp of the things that drag you to an obscure website where nobody likes you.garbage
    • it doesn't benefit the rich (ie people who produce unlike your sorry ass ) it only benefits the politicians.hotroddy
    • which group doesn't benefit the politicians? tell me? cuz they can benefit from poor, mic class, and rich. which group doesn't politicians benefit from?pango
    • what a childish response. it's clear from your behavior and comments on this forum that seek out approval and popularity from online strangershotroddy
    • approval?!!?!? did you see how much i get shit on for pepper?!?!? lol approval my ass!
      you're not very observant are you?
    • someone even try to ban me for that!pango
    • which group doesn't benefit the politicians? tell me? cuz they can benefit from poor, mid class, and the rich. which group doesn't politicians benefit from?pango
    • those comments weren't meant for you pango.hotroddy
    • someone tried to ban you for what?hotroddy
    • for not using a pepper mill! i don't need approval from these western oppressors!!pango
    • but my question is meant for you tho.pango
    • (I'm dying rn, lol)garbage

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