Europe is Fucked

Out of context: Reply #32

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  • crazyprick-7

    Fucking French monkeys.

    • invade and pillage their habitats, suck their treasures, discriminate against them, and isolate them, and then complain about the outcome. "sad trombone"Beeswax
    • ^ Who'd have thought, eh?Continuity
    • Video games are very popular among immigrants…
    • Cry more, loserscrazyprick
    • using the word 'habitat' is an interesting choicehotroddy
    • just liberal excuses that serve to perpetuate the behavior. the Japanese and European powers raped the india + far east. somehow they manage to behave civilhotroddy
    • There's not a big Indian diaspora in a particular country as I know. But also Budhism/Hinduism karma belief is more pacifist compared to monotheistic ones.Beeswax
    • Well taking it back. UK is similar to France in terms of Indian population. But France and UK have different stance with immigrant integration + law enforcementBeeswax
    • Not sure about Europe but Indians assimilate pretty well in North America. Smart, productive, and more importantly don't fall into victimization culture.hotroddy
    • There is no such thing as 'treasures'. Only raw materials. It is only human ingenuity that takes converts raw materials into 'treasure'.hotroddy
    • https://www.thelocal…shapesalad

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