Canada is Fucked

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • _niko2

    Ontario university athletics are EXTREMELY racist!!!!!!!…

    can you believe that 67% of athletes are white???? will the racism never end?

    I mean, yeah it's true that the province is 71% white…
    so you'd expect a similar number of white students and also white athletes but come on, teams should all be at least 50% black, 30% indigenous, 40% trans and 3% white and of course 0% asians unless they're on the table tennis teams and maybe some south asian cricket players or something but we really need them in engineering and computer sciences.


    more crack journalism by the CBC. Jesus.

    • the joke is that anyone with an ounce of athletic ability in Canada goes to school in the states on athletic scholarships anyway which Canada doesn't do_niko
    • which makes this article even more absurd._niko
    • good thing your ancestors picked their own crops.hotroddy
    • Public parks were racist last month at the cbc. Camping before thatGnash
    • It’s reached the onion level of absurdity. It’s a shame_niko
    • It's totally normal, why people find this surprising?, you want everything like the French football team? this shit is absurd.i_was

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