
Out of context: Reply #104

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  • autoflavour1

    fuck, Doge is going stupid at the moment.
    kicking myself, I had like $500 worth in feb and sold it..
    just read $1000 worth in January would be yesterday worth 100k..
    and its literally doubled in the past 24hours..


    • I had a million doge or something years ago but lost it all in cryptsy scam exchange :/inteliboy
    • Jeez almost 0.70 nowNBQ00
    • Inteli, how much would it be worth today?NBQ00
    • sold at .48 because i was sick looking at it. only turned 100 quid in to 500, i'm willing to say good doggo and just leave it there :Dkingsteven
    • Scam exchange!?!?monospaced
    • Someone took your investment worth $100K and you’re like, whatever, I lost it in a scam. Maybe next time? Call the fucking authorities. That’s theft.monospaced
    • Oh wait. Right. The authorities don’t give a shit about Monopoly money. That’s right. Lol. I’ll stick to real money and investing.monospaced
    • Mono a few years back it was common that some exchanges got hacked or went belly up. And because it‘s mostly unregulated authorities can‘t do shit.NBQ00
    • Look at Mt. Gox. Even when authorities stepped in nothing could be done as they couldn‘t figure out where all the coins went.NBQ00
    • Yeah, I'm referring to that. I'm being sarcastic, because I think it's hilarious and pathetic that crypto is so vulnerable, and nobody gives afmonospaced
    • This could NEVER happen with real money and real investments on real exchanges. If anything did happen, it would be fixed immediately.monospaced
    • So, if anyone is careless enough to trade on a shady exchange, they 100% deserve if their "investments" are stolen and not reimbursed.monospaced
    • Yes mono but, on the other hand, we're all filthy lambo rich from this cryptonb
    • Yes. If anyone has the sense to actually fucking sell it. Jesus.monospaced
    • mono, it was $100 or so worth. why are you yelling at me?inteliboy

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