
Out of context: Reply #52

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  • nb1

    Re: electricity usage.

    Think about what the electricity that Wall Street uses. Every stock exchange and trader.

    Think about every office.

    In Manhattan, nearly every office building is lit up all night. Because people are working? No.

    I asked my company if we can shut ours off at night. Answer: "NO. The security cameras don't work if the lights are off." So my floor got broken into once in like ten years. A few laptops gone. All locked, all trackable. We absolutely spent more money on the security cameras, the monitoring system and keeping the lights on 24 hours a day than we lost on those macbooks or the productivity while the staff got set up on their new machines.

    Meanwhile we never caught the people. "So uh, the security cameras are useless, can the last person leave just shut off the lights?" "No, the security cameras don't work if the lights are off."

    Multiply by a few million office floors all across the globe.

    • the electricity is 10x cheaper to run than the cost of those laptops.Hayoth
    • No it isn't. Those laptops aren't brand new, they've been used in work and depreciated.nb
    • Electricity in Manhattan estimated around $3/sq foot. 10000 sqft office. 10 years of nightly usage. Do the math.nb

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