making beats

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  • mantrakid0

    yo albums, ive got one - its pretty decent - there's enough variety with the effects to make it worth it, but im talkin cuz i picked mine up for $80 from an offload sale at a music store. I wouldnt have paid more than $150 for it... the effects are generally quite similar, there's a group of various delays, distortions, flanges, filters.. i quite like the simple 'noise' synths controllable via the xy.

    The XY is really quite responsive and tactile - you can feel these little bumps under the surface that kinda telling you where you 'are' but its pretty organic IE dont expect to move your finger away and back to the same spot, it will likely always be a little off.

    battery operated, headphone jack, BPM works nice, i would recommend it to be honest, simply for the fact that the fuckin thing fits in my pocket, so I can basically *always* have it with me when i rock a set, regardless of whether or not its called for, i know it's there.

    mantrakid thumbs up.

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