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Out of context: Reply #94

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  • mg330

    Another one:

    Nosy people who, without fail, insert themselves into other conversations that don't involve them. The coworker that sits next to me does this all the time. I could be talking about a tech issue with an architect, and she will spring up if she hears the client name mentioned and it's a client she maybe barely worked with.

    Or, maybe I'm having a conversation with a male coworker about clothes or shoes or something. She'll spring right up and join in and totally take over the conversation. You could be talking about the iPhone, and she doesn't even have one and never has, but she'll join in with some factoid she read on a blog.

    She finds a way into any conversation possibly and takes over, but...

    when it doesn't interest her, she gets all huffy and makes a big production out of how much she needs to concentrate on something, or puts her headphones on and makes sure you can tell she shouldn't be bothered. This happens all the time because a friend works across my cubicle wall diagonally, and next to her, so we're always interrupting her or something.

    • You and your friend should "take this offline"meffid
    • Everyone, in every office situation, gets on everyone else's nerves. Fact of life.boobs

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