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Out of context: Reply #92

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  • mg330

    Oh man, this one...

    People on Facebook who are related to each other and post messages to each other on their walls for things that could all be handled via text message, or through a phone call. Or, I don't know, IN A PERSONAL, PHYSICAL CONVERSATION MAYBE???. I fucking hate it so much when people do this.

    Stuff like "why aren't you answering your phone?" or simple personal conversations. That is so self-centered and vapid.

    Or, thanking someone for doing something on their wall. No doubt you thanked them in person for whatever, but you're just posting on there to get attention, and to give them the opportunity to get attention.

    • Yeah, If I call someone and they don't answer, I CALL them to find out why they aint answering. I don't FB it.dopepope
    • ; )dopepope
    • I could fill this thread for pages with interactions like this on FB.mg33
    • It's okay to say NO to facebook.stoplying
    • they dont want to talk in personjon_d

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