Jokes in poor taste...

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • mg330

    (Requires knowledge of "labiectomy" - when a woman has surgery to her labia for cosmetic purposes.)

    A woman goes to her doctor and says "I really want to have my labia size reduced, they're just too big and I think men are grossed out by it. I'm sick of being single and need it to look a little more normal. But I need this to stay confidential! No one can know I had this surgery."

    Doctor says "Sure, everything confidential here, it's just between you and I."

    The woman goes to the hospital for her surgery, and afterwards wakes up in the recovery room to see three vases of flowers on the table next to her bed. She freaks out, wondering how anyone knew about this if it was so confidential.

    The doctor walks in and she is livid. She immediatly yells "What's with these flowers? I thought this was just between you and I!"

    The doctor says, "Now, now, I can explain. The first bouquet of flowers is from me, I do this for all my patients."

    "And the second vase?!" she says?

    "That's from the hospital, they do this for everyone in recovery. They have no idea what you're here for, it's no problem."

    "Well than what about the third one!" she screams.

    The doctor hesitates, then says "Oh. Thoser are from a boy in the burn unit. He loves his new ears."

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