SEO Q&A 2025

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  • 3 Responses
  • cherub

    I accidentally learned real SEO in 2024 while doing stoopid youtube SEO. My loss is your gain, QBN.

    Consider this like a job interview. I'm interviewing for the job... Hire me QBN!

    (Ask me your SEO questions, I'll try to give a decent answer.)

    In the meantime, I have a question for all the developers. How do you 'map out' a website in your mind when you first start to think about how you will link it (internally) and where you will put everything? In other words, take a look at the video below...

    For the website I'm building now, it helped me alot to make the URL structure first, then it gave me ideas on how I would create the menus and links.

    How do you do it?

  • Salarrue0

    How important is

  • cherub0

    Short answer: I don't know, I've never seen it before.

    Long answer: If I had to guess, I'd say this looks amazing IF developers, and more imporantly people, start using and implementing it. The job of search engines is to classify, organize, and present data and things to the viewer so their search intent is satisfied. Things like that organize everything better would probably help both the search engines and the viewer.

    Trooperbill hasn't really been around much but he may chime in to give a more complete answer.

  • utopian0

    Does SEO actually work? Or is just a money grab and shell game promoted and sold by Google?

    • It works but there are no controls on the industry and because google's algorithm is secret, there is LOTS of smoke and mirrors, and secrecy on both sides.cherub
    • The lack of controls means you don't need a license to be an SEO pro, bcuz how can that be when google wont admit we can influence their algorithm?cherub
    • So what you end up with is, an industry where you have to do a fair bit of 'educating' the client.cherub
    • To make all these problems worse, google changes their algorithm just enough to keep everyone guessing (and to keep the scammers at bay)cherub
    • years ago I made a blog and I kid you not, having my keyword in the URL (mostly by accident) BY ITSELF got me on the 1st page of results for a certain search.cherub
    • back in my seo days client asked why a certain topic wasnt showing results, I did some magic, submitted via webmaster tools then they had a top result in 30 minYakuZoku
    • so it used to work 100% not sure these days thoughYakuZoku
    • I did ZERO seo besides that, and it was enough. These days, scammers have ruined all the "easy" SEO tricks.cherub
    • It's harder now, but by no means is SEO not useful, it's more important now than ever. I read that the 1st result gets like 30% of clicks... If u can convertcherub
    • off that, that's money in the bank.cherub