Nuclear holocaust
Nuclear holocaust
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- 6 Responses
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You are way, way, way too the-sky-is-falling intense.
I bet you and Bennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn would get on like a house on fire.
- I don't know, there are way too many fucking idiots in the world in positions of power, it might be only a matter of time :(_niko
- "For too long, we've lived one grave act away from destruction without demanding any action from our leaders." That's the problem, today's leaders are the most_niko
- unequipped people to lead._niko
- Unless we figure out how to put the power and the decisions back into the hands of the people and for the benefit of all, then politicians and leaders will cont_niko
- continue to manipulate systems to serve their own egos and personal agendas, just enriching themselves at the expense of the many._niko
- but to your original point, yeas we do have. a few chicken littles in here :)_niko
- For some time now, it seems like politicians have lost their fear of the subject... I don't know if it's ignorance or something else...OBBTKN
- its the most normal term .. to discuss the subject https://en.wikipedia…neverscared
- what else should u call it.. nuclear armageddon ? nuclear apocalypse ? dont be so touchy touchy upstet when it comes to dark human nature possibilites..neverscared
- china is amping up its nukes till 2030... so go figure the possibilites of it happening... its not going down i guess...neverscared
- god only knows... or not..dancing shiva probably knows best..neverscared
- the metric https://thebulletin.…neverscared
- 90 seconds.... not exaclty too far away comparing to history ... quite the inversion..neverscared
- nb6
This seems good I’ll click on this
- ideaist0
Someone posted this last week; pretty wild IMO: