Adobe Illustrator Question
Adobe Illustrator Question
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- 4 Responses
- Nairn0
huh, 20+ years using illy and ~13 years using Illy with a specific multi-daily use of outline mode, and I had no idea you could do that with just one layer.
ho hum.
- I can't quite see why i'd particularly need that, but that's not the point.Nairn
- I find it hand for repositioning shapes over existing or edited shapes, it's good for fonts and type.PhanLo
- And good for tracing sometimes.CyBrainX
- ^Yep defo good for the tracing too. :-)PhanLo
- Ctrl+Y (PC) for flipping between outline and preview modes is one of my most-used shortcuts - so important in what I do , outputting to a laserNairn
- zarkonite0
Cmd = Ctrl in windows world.…
There's something else at work here because by default they are the same shortcuts.
- Well, Damn, I just tried it again and it works. I have no clue what I did differently last time.CyBrainX
- PhanLo0
Double click or right click on the layer and a little box should pop up, the one where you can usually rename the layer or dim images to 50%, etc.
Click the preview square to turn it off and it'll be outlined.
Bit of a lengthy process compared to the command clicking on the eye. See if that works. :-)