Eric Karajulo? maybe Erik?
Eric Karajulo? maybe Erik?
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- timeless
Looking for a designer who was on here a long time ago - looking for a link to his work / blog and can't remember his name. Well I can kinda remember his name, just not how to spell it - I tried all kinds of variations in google and on QBN's filter to no avail.
Eric Karajulo? Erick? Erik? Karajuolo? Karjulo?
I'd appreciate any help - driving me crazy.
Commence the I'm getting old jokes.
- monoboy4
Erik Karjaluoto. Wrote a book call the design method a few years back. Mostly common sense but worth a read.
- Fax_Benson0
I think he used to post extracts from his blog, which may have become the book, here for a while.
- timeless1
thx peeps