Key Art & Motion Graphics
Key Art & Motion Graphics
- Started
- Last post
- 5 Responses
- zarkonite0
One hell of a talented shop in Montreal.
- Julesvm0
come up to canada
- love that four in the morning piece!antimotion
- thanksJulesvm
- ya, great stuffGnash
- antimotion0
- Or just contact Scarabin and cat who had it out with spike lee - I dug his stuff, but can't recall user name, sorry!antimotion
- Some self promotion as well if you need style frames or other concept type stuff: lasergunfactory.comantimotion
- Miguex0
take a look at my homies
- Nice stuff, but they might be too far away. Thanks though!CincodeMayo
- Gnash0
paging scarabin