Logo Similarities/Trademark
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- 3 Responses
- CincodeMayo0
Thanks for the suggestions. Emailing the client now. Couldn't find any similar logos, but the one she chose is made up of a few geometric shapes, so I'm sure something similar may have been done before. A trademark attorney may make sense for her.
Thanks again.
- Hayoth0
Look at competitors in the same industria, trademarkia is a good resource also.
- Gnash2
^ USPTO's online database is the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS). Searches are free, but you'll need to consult the Design Code Search Manual for the codes for any relevant design elements.
Design Code Search Manual
http://tess2.uspto.gov/tmdb/dscm…- the only way you can 'assure' her is to hire a trademark attorney to help you complete the trademark searchGnash
- This sounds really tedious.monospaced
- ^ it is. best to get client to pay for a legal search.Gnash
- all you can really offer is to the "best of your knowledge, the logo doesn't infringe" you don't want any liability hereGnash
- CincodeMayo
I've been working on a logo for a client. All is going well and we're getting close to finalizing the design. But she's been a little neurotic throughout the process, sending back "similar" logos when I send a comp. And by similar, I mean not very much at all (for example, a comp I did using a half circle she said reminded her of the Cubs logo).
Anyway, before she approves the logo she wants me to verify that there aren't any other logos that look like it. Google reverse image search doesn't pull up anything but the logo is pretty simple, made up of a few geometrical shapes.
Do you guys use any methods or have any tips for verifying that there aren't any logos that look like ones you've created from scratch? I've never had this issue before with any other client. Is there a way to reverse image search a trademark library or something?