How to deploy a sketchy site?
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- 16 Responses
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There was this pizzeria where the pizza wasn't bad. It was totally legal, money was exchanged along with smiling faces. Except if you had ordered extra extra anchovies for an additional $50, you were promised more than just a pizza.
- err0
- Maaku0
It's an assignment for a class.
- detritus0
Holy World of Pain, Batman.
- I have no useful advice, but were I in your shoes, I'd use the search facility on Hacker News - https://news.ycombin…detritus
- I'm sure you can muster a load of relevant keywords. Peeps over there are much more likely to have experience in this sort of domain.detritus
- But yeah, off-shore it - can you get a foreign friend with a further foreign friend to purchase one for you?detritus
- Would you have to upload via a proxy service too? Also, purchase all your online requirements with bitcoin or something?detritus
- Actually -… might be able to offer some advice? I imagine he's fished around dodgy stuff on occasion... (!)detritus
- chrisRG0
ironically, you better if you seek legal advice.
- sureshot0
" like the dark web"
I dont like the sound of this.
- exador10
"keep in mind with this sort of app"
i guess the main thing would be to not sell or host products or services that are against the law?
-if you yourself are a citizen of some country, regardless of where the site is hosted, you are without a doubt going to attract some attention if you have any dealings at all with narcotics, weaponry, etc etc....keep it clean.
aside from that, you should be fine...
keep it all above board, finances, taxes, blah blah....
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- sted0
The best advice is to keep it clean.
Things made this way can turn ugly very quick no mather what haxors say.
And it doesn't matter what disclaimer you use to look legit.Because of the fake identity used for the cashflow and domain registration, because the non-us soil hosting, and because you have to prepare multiple hosting and backup domains this requires constant attention, and more resources than just simply not allowing people to trade legally questionable goods.
Also it's pretty much impossible nowdays trading this type of products without bitcoin.
- err0
^^^ I actually got that from making my own sketchy website freshmen year in college. THe website was info and material on how to make fake IDs
- sted0
- Maaku0
I definitely need legal advice for this. Guess I'll just do this for the portfolio unless I can afford lawyers and all that later on.
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