Fuji 35mm f/2 or f/1.4?
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- CincodeMayo
Anyone have either of these lenses? In the market. f/2 is $200 less. Is the 1.4 worth the extra cash?
- imbecile2
maximum aperture
always worth the extra $$
- CincodeMayo0
Researching...turns out the f/2 is faster, quieter, smaller and weather resistant. The difference is one stop. Gonna have to research a bit more, but max aperture definitely is a good thing.
- then it depends of your expected use, if you don't plan on using that shallow depth of field, the 2.0 is sufficient... until you want a shallower DOFimbecile
- mugwart0
Not sure your budget but have you checked out the Carl Ziess series?
If your like me you have and then cried!- Yup! I shed a tear. The 1.4 would be pushing my budget for sure. Leaning towards the 2.CincodeMayo
- if work pushing I would get the 1.4 and you'd never regret it.
if you can save I'd wait for the zeiss. That said I'm still waiting ;-)mugwart
- ok_not_ok0
Check this out!
- Been reading a lot of articles like that. The f/2 seems almost as good, slightly better in some respects.CincodeMayo
- face_melter0
I have the newer f/2 and think it is a great piece of kit - the guy in the link above doesn't lie about the speed - it is blazing fast, bright and sharp. Of course, you may miss the extra stop but I honestly don't think there is a huge difference.
- sublocked3
Always get the 1.4
- formed3
1.4, no question, MASSIVE difference
Personally, that's the only reason I love primes - super fast. I wouldn't bother if it were so similar to a zoom.
- CincodeMayo0
The 1.4 does seem great, but the 2 seems almost as good from what I've been reading. I won't be using this a whole lot so that one might work the best for me. But the 1.4 is tempting...
- Just go for the 1.4 and get done with it. That extra stop helps a lot shooting indoors sans flash.ok_not_ok
- almost as good...but no 1.4! The ENTIRE purpose is 1.4! Low light, bokeh, etc., etc. 2 doesn't have any of thatformed
- If you're not going to use it much, there's no need to spunk an extra 200 (or whatever) on the 1.4.face_melter
- jaylarson3
tough decision. i'd say go for the 1.4 too. i have two, a 50 and an 85. worth every penny.
- inteliboy0
anyone got or used the 23mm 1.4? I really want it... but it seems too huge... and word is a smaller f2 version is coming soon...
- I have it. Its a great lens. I don't think its big... but from what i recall we see the XT1 a little different. I'm ok with a little extra size because...sofakingback
- you're not gonna make the XT1 a compact set up. If you want the 23mm, then buy the 100XT, its a more compact setup.sofakingback
- Also, I kinda feel like I shoulda got the 35mm instead (same size btw)sofakingback
- You might be interested in the pancake 27mm. build quality sucks but its a good lens and super compact.sofakingback
- P.S. Theres a chance I'm confusing you with another member.sofakingback
- sweet. will try to see if there are any in store and give it a try. ps- got the X-Pro 2. It's amazing.inteliboy
- yeaaaaaaa buddy. that thing looks amazing.sofakingback
- nb-1
$200 isn't much considering the lens will last you a long time, and you can always sell it.
f2 is likely equally sharp on both lenses, whereas the 1.4 will get a little softer below f2. It really depends if you value low-noise and shallow depth of field over technical sharpness. I suppose you should. Technical sharpness is less important than a "good" image.
Personally, I love shooting my 35mm between f2 & f4 for portraits, but I'm using mine on a "full frame" sensor, so it's all a little different. One might argue that 35mm f1.4 on a Fuji is a sweet spot for depth of field. It's all preference.
I think it's interesting how infatuated everyone is with super shallow depth of field. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that you can only get that look with certain (more expensive) lenses, so it's a little more exclusive. And, it's easier to introduce a sense of depth to your images, (i.e. with f1.4 you don't need to be as good with your framing to produce depth).
Anyway, in my opinion, having everything in focus looks fantastic.
- sofakingback1
I own a fuji. don't own the 35mm, I have the 24mm. But I hear the 35mm 1.4 is one of if not the best lens they make for the X line.
I say get that for sure.
- cruddlebub0
i have the sigma 35mm and 50mm f1.4 art lenses. Sharp, fast, incredible even at f1.4. go have a look.
- They fit on your Fuji?nb
- sorry, no they are on my canon.. i'm not sure they do them for fuji.cruddlebub
- desmo1
Get the 1.4. Yes, its worth the cash.
- capn_ron0
14, don't even question it. you will pat yourself on the back later when you get the shots.