THE MET logo
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- 17 Responses
- bklyndroobeki0
The "ME" (ligature) connector is weak IMO.
Thoughts?- i dunno. looks like it would hold up in a strong wind.Gnash
- In a wind tunnel? totally!bklyndroobeki
- Continuity1
Urgh. Not a fan. Not just because of the glued-together tracking, but that up-turned serif on the E really, really gets on my tits.
- bklyndroobeki0
Looks like a movie poster title for
- section_0140
- fadein11-1
this is old news by the way.
- ********0
It's like what you did when you were just working out photoshop. Oh look let's connect the letters up and see how it looks.
- Ianbolton0
Let's see it's application, but I don't see the link between the M stamp and this bodged up type. They just don't work together.
- spl33nidoru0
Wasn't in love at first but I saw the new buttons and they do look nice, so do the new site and app.
The previous logo was very wtf itself, and 40 years from now we'll be sad to see this new one go!
- maquito0
Ligatures are a tricky subject. My Typography students always come with fabulous ideas, like blending different Serif Letters together and creating any kind of Monogram looking logos.
I always encourage them to work with the white space instead of with the letter itself. That way, one realises the atrocious shapes of that counters rather than the actual shape of the resulting ligature.
Other thing that is good to keep in mind: If you can't draw it with a calligraphic pen, it's very likely a bad a idea.
- maquito3
- Those U- ligs are awful.i_monk
- Really? why? They look fine to memaquito
- Kinda... those U ligs don't flow very well imo, but the guys at Emigre are the experts.VectorMasked
- the lowercase "sp" and "st" ligs have always kicked ass.VectorMasked
- Whoa. Never seen O and U used like that.pango
- bainbridge0
Hate the spacing between the words. Why?
- dbloc1
I like it. It has character.
- doesnotexist-1
- utopian1
I am conflicted...part of me hates it and part of me likes it.
- detritus0
I dig it.
If I'd thought about this more, I could've made some archaeology-related joke, but I didn't.
- boobs-1
Fucking horrible. They went for something gimmicky, when they're supposed to be a reputable institution. Almost as bad as the Big Ten logo.
- the Big Ten is a reputable institution?monospaced
- Well, they have the money for a better logo. So they're reputable in that regard.boobs
- yeah, so does Trumpmonospaced