Portfolio Critique
- Started
- Last post
- 18 Responses
- utopian1
• Home - add an image in the brand box/hero black area
• About Me - add an image in the brand box/hero grey area
• Get rid of the "Search" feature, it's an overkill and is not needed
• Add a photo of "Set" and add his feedback in the Testimonials
• Be sure to include a photo of yourself with a full QBN hipster beard- read better utopian. He asked for portfolio feedback then linked to the portfolio page.monospaced
- mono is getting sore againpinkfloyd
- what a bitchpinkfloyd
- yeah ya moran! lol at your #4 utopian.kona
- haha, not in the slightest, pink, it's just playing around; surprised you didn't pick up on thatmonospaced
- lol @4, I just actually read utopians postpinkfloyd
- pinkfloyd1
The logo doesn't seem to match the web layout.
- Kiko2
I made the changes you pointed out. No Search, smaller thumbnails, rollovers.
I shall slice up the images when all is done, fix copy and add images where appropriate.Plus I added half another case study.
Thank you all again!
- monospaced-3
Your About me page has everything about you except your name. Oops.
- the about me page is WIPKiko
- you askedmonospaced
- read better mono. He asked for portfolio feedback then linked to the portfolio page.kona
- :( I thought the whole site was his portfolio... no need to insult my reading, ALL I was doing was trying to help, and there is no "portfolio" section exactlymonospaced
- mono wtfpinkfloyd
- I guess I provided feedback on the wrong page within the portfolio site? Didn't realize that was off-limits. Derpmonospaced
- take it easy mono, no need to get psychotic againpinkfloyd
- take it easy, i'm just giving you, the shit.kona
- sorry. i've been watching a lot of teen titans go with my sons. i'm starting to talk like, the starfire.kona
- @pinkfloyd, are you picking on me because you're sore about your chin pubes still not filling out after 3 years?monospaced
- lol I can just shave it off. Too bad you'll always have a fat head butterface.pinkfloyd
- Along with a toneless flabby effeminate bodypinkfloyd
- It doesn't get any less sexypinkfloyd
- You've never seen me or my body. LOL.monospaced
- Haha. I might have a slight baby face but my body is not flabby. Where do you even make this shit up from?monospaced
- get a grip. you posted your shit many times here beforepinkfloyd
- #autismpinkfloyd
- did I now?monospaced
- I'm not autistic.monospaced
- #preggospinkfloyd
- but nice attempt at being a cunt and jumping on that tired ass bandwagon of making shit up about memonospaced
- http://38.media.tumb…
are you making friends again mono******** - look a train!monospaced
- Kiko2
Thank you all for some great ( and some creative ) feedback.
- detritus1
Useage of case studies and describing material benefits, etc, is a smart move over simply posting pics and saying limply "I made this". Good show. I need to do this for my work, I think - really spell out the benefits clients have had from doing business with detritus.
I like the logo and feel it works well mixed with the modern clean aesthetic otehrwise.. .although I think the modern clean aesthetic otherwise is a *little* too spartan, a little *too* much like an out of the box boilerplate theme.
I don't hate the mixing of link types in the main menu as Set does, but I do agree with him that it needs to be made clear it's an email link.
- VectorMasked0
Don't think there anything to critique yet to be honest. Couple of things... site took ages to load over here. https://imaketools.wordpress.com…
You really plan on having bis ass images like that? 7MB PNGs? Hope you plan on setting up a bunch of smaller images per project. Needs a little more something. Site is visually pretty plain and not in a good minimalist way. And is there search function necessary? Needs to go imo. Also are all those social media icons important? It's pretty templety.- Yes I shall be breaking up the images into smaller sections.
Only really wanted critique on the portfolio pages as the rest is incomplete.
Thanks!Kiko - if that's the case... I'd have multiple columns for the projects and not one single column. Maybe a lil info over each of the project's images.VectorMasked
- Yes I shall be breaking up the images into smaller sections.
- ********0
Looks nice overall. I'm viewing on quite a wide screen and can't help but think that the case study images should be next to each other (rather than stacked) to use my screen space more efficiently.
- meffid1
Has it changed?
I click an image and it shows me some text.
What am I missing here?
- Fax_Benson0
the client / role / the project info at the start of each project is good but I'd split those over two columns. Info left, details right. At the moment, at desktop size, the line-length is 25+ words.
Tightening up typographic details in general would improve things. Nice stuff otherwise.
- Thank you Fax, Not sure how much customisation I have with a WP site. Ill give it a go!Kiko
- kona0
lovely work. my only suggestion would be to break the image up into a few, rather than one large image as it took a while to load.
the way you're choosing to showcase your work is really nice. scrolling down the shopa work it has such beauty in it's flow.
i guess my only other suggestion would be adding a hover state/rollover to the work. the image of the shoe tells me nothing until i click into the detail page. if you were to bring just this content
"Shopa – Shopping Made Social
For: Shopa Ltd
Role: Creative Director, UX, Product Director"
to your main portfolio page that would help.
- bainbridge0
Two projects? It's hard to find the actual design work on your site.
The opening page looks like you take pictures of women's shoes.
- bainbridge0
Your handdrawn logo looks out of place, but I like it. Do you do more like that? Could make the site more fun.
- bainbridge0
If you didn't take those photos, don't put them first.
- stoplying0
Nice stuff. A little something I noticed..
you capped the "C" in customer on about page. Was that intentional? Maybe to highlight the importance of the customer, but I don't think it needs to be capped.
"from Customer centric design,"
- goldieboy0
The iPhone "screen shots" in shopa look a tad pixelated when viewed on iPad
- Hayoth0
I dont understand the coffee fire pic at all. I also agree with the comments about the shoe. I wasnt expecting mobile design.
A rollover might help.
Images need to be sliced.
Not much else to critique. Does feel templetly wich could be a problem if youre in ui ux design.